The music that plays on title screen and during missions is so good and nostalgic. Some fun challenges and playing as ninja is awesome, the variety ones too are pretty neat. I’d recommend VR Missions to anyone who likes Metal Gear Solid to give this a shot.

Even with the long load times and mixed graphical capability, I still clocked so many hours completing the events and challenges; and for the most part enjoyed GT5. The inclusion of the Top Gear Test Track was really cool. Everything else is about what you would expect from a GT game. Golding the RB challenges might be one of my best feats in gaming.

Uniquely perfect aesthetic and vibe that makes this GTA one of my favourites. Music was amazing, VAs, and the radio stations too. The golf mission is hilarious and overall gameplay was improved on from 3, much less frustrating. The fact that you can’t swim still can be a pain, and shooting mechanics are difficult to get used to.

Deadlocked is fun to play cooperatively, mostly shooting down waves of enemies with pretty cool mod-customizable weapons or vehicular combat challenges with alright boss fights sprinkled in. As a single player experience, I prefer the previous 3 games as the second half it starts feeling repetitive. The story is quite straightforward with some enjoyable anti-consumerism satire thrown in, the best parts including Dallas and Juanita‘s commentary, some of which is hilarious.

Gran Turismo 7 is not only a racing game but also a virtual museum of automotive history. The details and information included is extensive, and exponentially increased my interest in race knowledge, tuning and strategy. A game that keeps getting better over time with free updates and quality of life upgrades. Pretty much everything is impressive graphically, each car is full of detail.

Racing feels the best yet out of GT. The haptic feedback feels amazing when accelerating/ braking. Unfortunately work still needs to be done on the World Circuit races as each race you have to carve your way up the pack against subpar AI. Progression through menu books is alright but I wish there was more depth to it, and more challenge. I hope this changes with the new AI PD has been testing. Missions, license and circuit experience is all excellent, however I wish for circuit experience to have more details on each sector.

Sport mode is something else that keeps getting better over time. The time trails are nice inclusion and the races are mostly alright. The championships are fun to participate in. Penalty system is not perfect but continues to slowly improve from my experience. Upon release I would give this a 4 star but has since got much better. Not a perfect game but one I keep going back to.

I have become Elden Lord and it felt great

The original Ratchet & Clank I prefer any day over this 2016 remake. The story, characters and writing is so null of any personality, its inoffensive nature is very dull to the point where it’s actually annoying to watch. The gameplay and graphics are the only reason why this is worth playing and why I finished it. The soundtrack is also a let down, punchy sampled beats replaced by strings which just doesn’t fit the original game’s vibe for me.

Creative ideas do appear in Silent Hill Homecoming, but most of them are poorly executed that really leaves this game unremarkable. The boss fights and the bosses themselves are interesting and creepy, but the combat and everything in between is quite terrible. Over the years I do remember the doll boss Scarlet being quite eerie, and probably is my favourite part of the game. Even Akira Yamaoka on soundtrack can’t save this game.

Gran Turismo 6 definitely feels like the odd one out in the series. The main progress structure is very different with its star based system that I didn’t really care for, licenses and missions being thrown together with the usual races and championships. The addition of night racing was nice, and also the tribute to Senna was awesome. Content and graphics are good for the most part, however the main hub menu I found lacking and boring. The cars do sound noticeably bad too. Overall, probably my least favourite GT game.

Brilliant game, one of my favourites for many years. The art, music, levels and challenge are perfect. Quick save is an amazing feature that helps with the trial and error involved, making harder levels much less frustrating. The second disc is where difficulty picks up and levels become tighter, and more exhilarating. With all the praise I give it, I’m not sure if this game aged the best for newcomers to Oddworld.

This review contains spoilers

wonderful re-creation of the first segments of the classic original. A magnifying glass focuses on the characters and events that happen in Midgar, nicely detailed and added upon. Jumping to the end bits, very excited to see what changes happen with the destruction the pre-determined fate ‘whispers’ can now take the story through the next part. Story delivery slightly impacted by a corny script at times. Graphics are top notch.

Chapters 1, 7, 9, 16- are standouts, side quests slow down pace a little too much at times if pursuing optional content. The drum section goes too long. The tempo change in chapter 9 when things become less serious feels great and is fun.

OST sounds amazing, familiar themes revamped epically. Standouts are Bombing Mission, Shinra’s Theme, The Airbuster, Hiphop Chocobo, Main Theme,.. the list could go on forever.

A solid follow-up to one of the best action games ever. Nero’s introduction to the series is very bold and I dig it, great to play as and contrasts Dante’s play style perfectly. The story is alright too but it does have some less enjoyable moments. S-Ranking missions is absolute hell since you need to destroy breakables for orbs, and is probably the worst thing going for DMC4 for me.

Bloody Palace is chill and my go to when I play this now. Combat feels great and is much more complex than in DMC1-3, the ability to switch style with Dante makes your combo possibilities seem endless. Soundtrack is good but I prefer the previous games more. Crazy to think DMC4 is 15 years old now.

Truly one of the most unique video game experiences I’ve had growing up, and still is when I play it today. I think overall I prefer the sequel Abe’s Exoddus, as pacing is better and for the most part wonderfully improved on. Abe’s Oddysee is definitely more difficult at the beginning, especially if you include the secret areas. The backgrounds add a lot to the atmosphere, all so detailed and captivating, even unsettling. Definitely recommend both games.

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Devil May Cry still remains to be one of my favourite action games. Nothing else played like it at the time, and it was so stylish in every regard. The gothic atmosphere of Mallet Island is still my favourite in the series. The soundtrack is fire, and Dante’s guns sound heavy. I used to repeatedly switch between weapons to see that awesome animation in the menu. The shadows remains to be one of my most thrilling enemies to fight. I frequently go back to play and cherish this one.