
Games about interacting with simulated digital user interfaces.


2 years ago

Is that how it's called? Damn, I loved Hypnospace, I was thinking on doing a video on it, I love this list!

2 years ago

While clearly not a whole game, that one part in the beginning of ffviii where you can access the school network and read forums and posts of students back and forthing each other between school and club announcements is huge hypnospace energy
always like to plug that Eye of Ra is a neat one of these that people who are into this style should check out

2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago

eXperience 112 is an interesting lesser-known one of these. You're at a security terminal and guide someone else thru a facility by looking through the security cameras but each camera opens as a separate window that you have to move around and resize if you want more than one open at a time. And you're logging into other people's computers and searching documents to solve puzzles. Anyway, this is a cool list, I think I'll check out some of the ones here I haven't heard of before!

2 years ago

Adding these!

2 years ago

Do Not Feed the Monkeys

1 year ago


also Opera Omnia (the increpare game), maybe??

1 year ago

also Rara Racer

1 year ago

It will never be finished, but Frog Days served as the primary inspiration for Hypnospace to the point of its fictional FlamingOS being referred to as the progenitor of Sleepnet https://forums.tigsource.com/index.php?topic=49317.0

1 year ago

That one Japan only Digimon game on the Saturn. Also why I still haven’t played it yet there’s Dum-Dum.

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