Mining rock and drinking beer, this game pretty much sums up my life as a sub-6-foot male.

Game just is not good. If you really want to dance as persona characters I recommend Persona 4 Dancing, as it has a lot more content than this sorry excuse.

Persona 3 is a pretty good game. Honestly I'd rate it 5 stars if it weren't for that fact that Tartarus is a slog to get through and the inability to control your party members actions makes some battles more tedious than they need to be, especially considering the AI isn't the best. Some other nitpicks I have with the game is a lack of social links for male party members, though they do each have their own character arcs as a part of the story, it would've been nice to be able to have some one-on-one bro time with them. My 2nd nitpick which also happens to involve social links is the inability to have a platonic friendship with female characters, every social link with a female character ends in a romantic relationship (bar some exemptions) and since you'll probably want to max out all the social links you need to cheat on multiple girls which just makes me feel bad. Luckily if you play your cards right the girls should be all none the wiser.

Overall as of right now FES is probably the definitive way to experience the game as the upcoming remake does not include the epilogue story 'The Answer', which I don't mind but there are some who do.

Persona 4 is probably my favorite in the series. Though the gameplay isn't as good as 5, I find the story and characters to be more enjoyable.

I did not enjoy Strikers. Story was ok at best, though I did enjoy the slice of life moments the game had to offer. Not really a fan of the gameplay. If I was a fan of Musou games I probably would have enjoyed it more, but I haven't really played any and Strikers may just be a bad representative of the genre so I'll just leave it at that.

Overall, if you've just beaten Persona 5/Royal and you crave more Phantom Thieves, this will scratch that itch, but over than that it doesn't do much.

This is the definitive way to experience Persona 5. Royal fixes pretty much every problem I have with the first game. Very solid game, highly recommend to fans of JRPG's and anime, and if you want to experience a monster catcher that isn't pokemon, P5R is a decent choice (though I would recommend the SMT series).

Solid game, though there's no reason to play it over Royal, as Royal fixes pretty much all issues the original has.

Game usually goes for dirt cheap when It's on sale. Buy it, get some friends and play. If you don't have any friends, play it by yourself, both ways are enjoyable. But seriously, consider making some friends.

Game is highly repayable with different classes to try out along with various difficulties to challenge your gaming skills. And if that's not enough there's also mods, the calamity mod alone adds another few hundred hours on top of the base game and that's only ONE mod. There's ALOT more.

Get Terraria. NOW

Technically I didn't beat the game because while I did reach the final mission I never finished it due to me being lazy, however I feel I experienced enough of the game to mark it as complete, and if you disagree consider that fact that I know where you live.

Now I played Cyberpunk on release on the PS4 slim, so probably one of the worst ways to experience it. However due to some quirks of fate I never ran into any problems. No bugs, no performance issues nothing, though the game did look pretty ugly but I'm not picky when it comes to graphics.

To be honest, I had a good time with the game, story was interesting, characters were enjoyable, and walking around Night City was a somewhat pleasant experience. The gameplay wasn't really anything memorable, standard first person shooter gameplay with some rpg mechanics thrown in like stats and skills. That being said I know that the recent 2.0 update expanded upon the skill tree, but I have yet to play it in 2.0. In fact 2.0 probably fixed most of my problems with the game so if I ever get around to replaying it I'll probably change my score.

Overall game is pretty solid, though I won't deny that It was a mess at launch though I never experienced much of said mess. And now that 2.0 is out there's really no reason for me to not recommend it.

as much as i'd like to give the game 5 stars, I really don't think I can, mainly due to the fact that a large chunk of the game is missing due to internal affairs. the 2nd part of the game is filled with repeats of old missions with new story missions sprinkled in, and while these new missions are good, having to trudge through old missions to experience them is quite dull. overall though, like most games in the series the story is exceptional and fills the blank gaps in the series' lore. the gameplay is some of the best in the series, and might i say best in the stealth genre. having multiple ways to tackle an objective does lend the game some good replay value (though i did just say i disliked replaying missions). overall i really do like this game, and really do wish it was able to be fully realized. i highly recommend watching the cut mission after beating the game as it helps to tie some loose ends in the games story.

game is pretty much a tech demo for phantom pain but the game is still highly enjoyable. sets the scene well for phantom pain, leaving you wanting to know what happens next. has pretty decent replay value with different challenges and whatnot.

Snake Eater is probably my favorite entry in the series, the story is amazing and feels reminiscent of a spy movie, which is what I think Kojima was going for. I feel this game is where they really nailed down the gameplay as it plays like a dream. Game has many memorable moments as well as characters.

lol hehe, they say memes in the game. but seriously, overall an amazing game, I can't think of a single part of the game that I dread playing during replays. much the first game it has an amazing story that is once again still somewhat relevant in the current year.

There are many parts of the game where you can feel it's age, but overall I feel it's a very solid game and a good entry point for newcomers to the series. The story is very well written and is still relevant in current time, characters are also very memorable.