This game is nuts dawg.. loved it when it came out but wasn't as fun when I went back recently. Probably twice as entertaining though,

This game does exactly what it sets out to do, and does it perfectly. Really good, atmospheric game that squeezes enough depth to keep you engaged for a quick run before bed.

Playing with OpenMW and only a couple mods (draw distance, lighting, minor stuff..), and aside from the combat it holds up really well. The dialogue system is extremely cool, and it's a shame every RPG needs voice acting now because I feel like the way Morrowind handles it is so much deeper and intuitive.

Really loved this game despite it being the brainchild of an arguable cornball of a guy. Fun stealth/action gameplay with tagging at the center of it all. Extremely cool guests, voicecast, and music as well.

Not everything has aged gracefully, but I think something like this is a prime example of weird games from the past that I think are prime targets for spiritual successors.

(Note: if you want to play current year, go emulation - the PC port is ass)

If you don't like this game then that is a taste issue.

The modern rogue-lite with the mythically perfect difficulty curb. Also good game for fans of being silly.

You actually have a katana in the game despite the name.

went from "how cool could it be" to "damn I might write some stuff" real fast

Best character select theme in any game by far, tbh.

Might have been 4 stars, but the game includes Hibiki who is so cool that it bumps it for me. Play if you want a fun-but-hard 2d fighter with great atmosphere.

One of the other reviews points out the gameplay loop is repetitive, but I kinda fuck with that. The combat system is pretty deep for what it is (or at least gives you enough tools to kind of shop it around and find some cool fresh ways to take out loads of whoever the hell you are fighting).

Also props for being a weird mishmash of genres that just kind of feels natural and modern to play despite the weird mishmashy-ness of it.

because of this we now have genshin impact