uma merda, só crackudo curte.

the worst port i know, performance issues (on a NEWER console), no quality-of-life improvements, this is basically the ps2 version with trophies, emulate this game for a better experience

the best hack n' slash franchise i've played.

i can't explain in words how i find this game to be overrated.

underrated game, if you ignore the bullshit cartoons

(para os BRHUEHUEHUEHE, eu gostei das piadinhas de sapo não lava o pé e sapo na lagoa.)

I would really give it five stars if it wasn't for the BS mary jane and miles missions

waaaaay better than the first one

A tech demo so great it actually has a boss fight and a platinum trophy

Gears of War, but written by Francis Ford Coppola

Best modern 2D platformer i've ever played.

I've finished "The Last Of Us" on PC, smoothless and fine, this one glitched a lot, had poor performance and was painful overall, coming from the company that develops windows, i love the franchise, i would just drop it if i didn't, i would really recommend a console for this one, not worth it on PC.