did not read a single line of dialogue

"bro you better not be tweaking when i get home"

me at home: tank controls bumping into walls trying to get behind a skeleton

is there truly anything funnier than ramming a car into a wall really fast on purpose

i dont believe yoko taro has read pascal actually

see its genius because it traps you in a hoel so you learn about the waljump on your owns...i could design a video game

closed my eyes when the weird stuff with little girls started happening

and the bird is IN the backpack? no way...how do they come up with some of this stuff

i think its only possible to like this game if you played it when you were like 8 years old

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ive never beat yukari

best combat RGG studio has ever put out and it's not even remotely close. would be 5 stars if its story wasn't kind of stupid

why does a japanese man specifically have the power to predict what the american social climate will look like within the next 5 years?

you know what the fuck it is