I mean it's alright. Trial of the sword is crazy hard.

Really loved it as a kid

Just a really, really fun game. Got it as sort of a palate cleanser and it was truly an great experience.

An amazing game all around, with a varied set of minigames that explain effectively how to play the game.

Fall guys is incredibly frustrating in that it was a great game, and all they had to do was keep riding the hype train and releasing a new minigame every couple of weeks. It's really that simple and they screwed it up...

Super fun game with friends and family.

Genuine insane fun, one of my favorite cast of characters, mysteries, etc. Recommend everyone to play this game, as someone who doesn't enjoy visual novels. This is a masterpiece.

Genuine insane fun, one of my favorite cast of characters, mysteries, etc. Recommend everyone to play this game, as someone who doesn't enjoy visual novels. This is a masterpiece.

An incredibly unique game, one that I don't think we'll see anything like again.

Near masterpiece level in my book. Almost beat it a couple of times, still just trying to get past that boss... Still amazing game with a very active modding scene. For the price it's at, it's an absolute steal as well.

Crazy fun game, tutorial is terrible at explaining things though.

Great game, incredibly fun with friends. However, I feel like once you've beat nightmare on this game there's not much to come back for. I only play pretty much when a new update comes out.

Feels like a game that's difficult only to be difficult, gameplay isn't really satisfying either. Enjoyed Nioh 2 a lot more than this.

Looks like a great game but I couldn't get into it really.