might have problems that later games in the series don't but the soundtrack rips so hard that i don't really care at all

the cutscenes make me think of Advent Children for some reason. I couldnt beat the second level

probably the worst game i ever played in my life

whyd they never bring back the kamen rider skeleton dude?

Playing this with a friend is probably the coolest you will ever feel in your entire life

Used to play this off a USB on the school computers during IT class so I thought I'd give it another go and see if I enjoyed it as much as I remember.

It's fairly derivative of its obvious inspirations, but it executes what it intends to pretty well and doesn't last long enough for its unoriginality to really wear on you. I can't imagine myself ever going back for 100% again though even though it would only take me like another hour or two

I was about to go postal playing this game before I read online to unequip the Black Belt's weapon and use the Giant's Gloves.

It's fun and doesn't overstay its welcome but I ended up using a map online for the final dungeon because I didn't have it in me anymore

feels weird only just beating all the original Doom II levels now, but honestly out of all the official episode releases for both the first and second game, this comes out as one of the weaker experiences.

It still added the extra weapon and monsters that turned the gameplay loop into an arguably perfect experience, and they only took like two years to make it, so it's hard to really complain. I just wish they didn't dump like all of the city levels on Sandy Petersen because they are nottttttttt fun

I know everyone is really happy with the mouse controls but I wish everything had a hotkey and I wish some hotkeys werent so separated from eachother. I'm giving myself RSI trying to do some of this shit

Take the gameplay of Nocturne, the atmosphere of the first two games, the writing of Devil Summoner, and streamline the alignment system on top of all that and you end up with this, a pretty good game which struggles to stand out on its own within the series.

fun game but also the worst out of the three good Build games. Also this port is ass use Raze instead.

More games should let you use nuclear weapons

go into it expecting dark souls, you'll be disappointed. it doesnt have alot of things that make that series great.
go into it on its own merits, and you'll experience some of the tightest and most gratifying swordfighting gameplay ever made.

don't let the activision tutorials scare you off, they go away pretty quickly.

once you've played 3 missions you've played everything the game has to offer.