10 Reviews liked by wholelottarem

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Silent Hill 3 is another deep and personal masterpiece from Team Silent. Silent Hill 3 unlike Silent Hill 2 is a direct continuation of the events in Silent Hill 1 having you play as Harry’s daughter, Heather Mason. Silent Hill 3 does exactly what Silent Hill 2 does and it uses its horror to tell a deeply personal story but this time Silent Hill 3 uses its horror to write a very personal story about womanhood. The main character, Heather Mason. is a young teenage girl who goes through many hardships throughout the game and with classic Silent Hill fashion many of these hardships are very realistic and personal with lots of themes of forced pregnancy and many other feminine horrors that many women will face in there lifetime, with heather going through many realistic horrors and not just your basic spooky monsters, but that’s enough about the plot and story of the game it’s time i get into my experience with the game. My experience with Silent Hill 3 was an amazing ride start from finish. Silent Hill 3 being younger than the other Silent Hill games i’ve played gives it the advantages of technological advancement and this game was the one i had the best time playing, while Silent Hill 3 still has that very spacious and clunky tank controls i find that the gameplay ran much more smoother in combat and navigation than the other 2 and i actually wanted to fight enemies instead of running straight past them like in the other 2 installments. Team Silent are masters when it comes to there atmospheres and Silent Hill 3 was no exception, it continues with the same sinister and creepy atmosphere that was in the first game compared to the lonely and depressing atmosphere that was in the second game and giving that Silent Hill 3 is a direct sequel to Silent Hill 1 it ties it in very well. Overall my experience with Silent Hill 3 was perfect and i can say clearly that it has been the best one so far with a much more deep and personal story from Silent Hill 2 and a much more sinister and spooky atmosphere, it takes the best of both worlds and combines it into quite literally the best horror game oat.


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Silent Hill 2 was an amazing game for its time that very much holds up well today. This game goes over many touchy subjects that most video games ain’t the time were afraid of touching but Silent Hill 2 was a major push in the right direction. Silent Hill 2 uses the psychological horror genre to the maximum with its usage of monsters to convey emotions and trauma it really does make the player feel some type of way especially after the scene where it is revealed that james killed his wife, it’s such a jaw dropping and heart wrenching moment that will bound to evoke emotion out of anyone. To wrap things up Sh2 is a must play for almost anyone who is comfortable with what this game goes over.

I would rather plunge my balls coated in barbecue sauce in a pit of angry rabids pitbulls than learn that this thing existed for more than 15 seconds

I believe it's harder for me to review something in which I enjoy than things in which I have obvious and major critiques upon, which is why this game and specifically how to formulate my raw emotions towards it into a review has been all I am able to think about since finishing.
I hope this review will do it a shred of justice.

In the easiest and shortest way to define it, it is 'art', not in the sense of "yes this is a piece of art" but simply that it is art in and of itself, wholly and fully it is an artistic masterpiece.

Coming from Metal Gear Solid 1 in which I didn't have the best experience with I honestly wasn't expecting too much to begin with, another action espionage game by Kojima with an ending that tries to make up for the rest of the games short comings. However, what I was given instead turned out to be not only one of the most consistently fun games ever (utilizing its map design and gameplay mechanics better than its predecessor) with one of my favorite characters I've seen in anything ever made, but then when that final stretch did hit it did not stop getting better and better, with the final hour-ish of the game being beyond perfection. I beat this game in basically one day (about midnight the 16th to 1AM the 18th), I couldn't stop playing it whenever I had the chance, the chokehold it had upon me was immense.

The bosses are not anything crazy or standout but they're unique and play heavily important roles into the narrative that drive you to remember them more, which I believe to be better than just having scattered bosses that are more fun to play against but not important towards the games lore or narrative; None of the bosses left me underwhelmed or dreaded playing against.

The level design in which I've heard many complaints about was actually super cool, even in the times in which I'd have to wrap around multiple sections to get to where I had to go it never felt boring in the slightest, and this feeling of appreciation towards the level design was only amplified a significant amount the more I spent with it realizing its connections towards Shadow Moses and what it really is. I really appreciate level design that plays the heavy tie into the story and narrative of the world as well as the characters themselves more than simply 'cool looking areas', which isn't to say that Big Shell and the scenery within this game is not beautiful either, the cutscenes do so much justice towards the feel of this facility but simply looking around is amazing, the E.E guiding mission on the bridges specifically was so beautiful seeing the sun off in the distance.

Alongside being the absolute masterclass that it is in itself, it also has made my thoughts upon Metal Gear Solid 1 so much better too, with context to MGS2 I can't help but to think more positively of its predecessor and how they connect and make each other better; Changing my previous 2.5 star review of MGS1 to a more deserving 3.5 stars.

I wish not to spoil the magic of the final stretch, but it is without a doubt one of/if not the best conclusion to anything I've seen before, In this day and age, especially in recent times with the rise of Artificial Intelligence and the susceptibility towards it, I believe this game and its commentary to be more important than ever before.

There is so much more to this game, whether major events or minute details that play into its importance, that all I can truly say is to play it yourself if you haven't.



It saddens me that the content upon which this playable trailer would follow before will not come to fruition as this is one of the rare instances, in my albeit small repertoire of experiences with them, of horror and its core elements being executed in a way that truly deserves a title of 'psychological horror'.

Before Your Eyes, a game by GoodbyeWorld Games in early 2021, is an absolutely brilliant game portraying the human condition as a microcosm within your webcam. Utilizing the mechanic of your own self blinking the game mechanics are fairly simple, just don't blink, or do, you'll need to progress someday. For only being around 2 hours in length this game manages to pull you in and truly care about the small cast of characters surrounding our main character named Benjamin. Although this is a 'choose your own adventure' type game there are some choices that just make sense to do over others, at least for me it was obvious sometimes in which way you were being swayed to decide, this however does not ruin the game or dampen the experience in the slightest, in fact going back and choosing some of those other choices may be an interesting experience... however, the replayability of this game is one I would not personally recommend, it is one in which I believe that going in to achievement hunt or even finishing and then going back strictly for achievements, not saying not to replay ever since you should someday when you want to reexperience the game itself instead of just collecting online tokens, definitely seem like it could dampen an experience and make you percieve at as strictly 'gotta blink to get here' instead of following its narrative and getting that attatchment, my beliefs on achievements within this game even stretch to thinking that although achievements are kinda cool, I would say this game could even be better off without that incentive or 'need to get this/that'.

Overall this was an absolutely fantastic experience and one that I wish I'd gotten around to sooner

I haven't really written reviews for games before so hope this is alright.

I think most of the stuff that could be said has alr been said so idk if I should actually go into detail but I try to shortly summarize my issues with this game and why I won’t finish dis joint:

- your average generic triple A title which doesn’t make a great use of gaming as a medium
- can’t relate to the hatred and desire for revenge felt by Ellie and I simply disagree with the statement (correct me if I’m wrong but that’s how I understood that after 1/4 through the story) that it’s a human instinct to feel the way Ellie does
- got kinda tired of the dialogues because I simply couldn’t bring myself to REALLY care bout the characters and story
- also the level design/gameplay kinda repetitive and boring asl ngl

And that’s mostly bout it like atleast these are the major issues I had with dis game and tbh I didn’t feel bothered by the sexual stuff going on I saw one or two people complaining bout that but I didn’t hate it neither was I a fan of it but it was there and it didn’t really make the game worse for me but maybe that sexual content got stronger through the story so maybe if I kept playing the game I also would have grown annoyed of it