Game is about 20hrs too long, I enjoyed the first half of the story however it could have ended much sooner. The gameplay loop isn't good enough to be a 50hr game, however fine for about 20-30hrs.

I actually didn't find the main character that bad, some of the missions had pacing issues though considering it's meant to be somewhat of an action game.


Very divisive game. I enjoyed the art style and environments enough to make up for the other short comings. Felt one chapter too short.

Not quite as good as Episode 1 Racer however still very entertaining.

It's a great game however this remaster should have been much better, only 30 fps on PS4 Pro for a game that originally came out in 2009.

I laughed more at this game then I have for a while. Basic but entertaining, you can tell the devs put a lot of heart into it.

The good:
I enjoyed a few of the companions (not all) and the writing at some points was legitimately funny. Also uses skill based dialogue options a lot which makes the choices you make levelling up feel like they matter.

The mid:
Some planets are pretty well sized, others feel very small.

The bad:
Game feels a tad short. Load times on PS4 are not great and visuals are not the best.

Overall it was nice returning to an Obsidian RPG however it would have been interesting to see the difference an AAA budget would have made.

Battle for Bikini Bottom was better however this scratched the platforming itch for me.

Game isn't bad however the decision to cut the frame rate to 30fps (and below) was a bad one.

Great concept that will hopefully be refined in a sequel.

A solid game that has length issues.

Excellent game, hopefully they make more with Rivet as well.

I enjoyed this remake, RE2 was better however the high production value is still there. Having never played the original I can't comment on the cut content, but definitely felt a little too short.

Includes stuff from other Disney properties yet to be explored in game form.
Map is quite fun to explore.
Most levels are pretty fun.

Doesn't really expand on the Lego formula however that isn't necessarily a bad thing.

On the shorter side for a Lego game however if you get it cheap then not a huge deal.

An enjoyable Disney Lego experience which seems to be one of the only proper old school Disney Lego games that will actually get made.

Had a great time with this, I was lucky not to experience many bugs. Really hope they can refine the formula through some DLC or an eventual sequel. Story held up pretty well except for the ending.

Probably the best of all the RPG AC trilogy.