This game was amazing, a great follow up to one of my favourite games. The swinging was once again fantastic and despire the game being a lot shorter it still delivered a great story. Can't wait for more!

This addition to The Last of Us' story was really good and emotional for Ellie. It has a nice bridge in the main story and a great backstory to Ellie before she met Joel. I did this in one sitting and thought it was a great DLC.

Damn, this game was great. I loved playing about an hour before I went to sleep, the narrative was amazing and seeing the relationship between Joel and Ellie was like something I've never experienced in a video game. This game was visually and narratively beautiful and despite hearing the negative opinions on part 2 I am still very excited to get round to it!

I thought the story of this game was great and exploring Arkham City as Batman was loads of fun, I'd say I enjoyed it just the same as Arkham Asylum (both great games), but I'd find it hard to say which I preferred. Sadly I had the story spoilt for me, but it didn't make it any less fun. The combat was great, it again took a few tries to learn but once I started getting combos and high streaks it felt very cool. However, I found myself getting lost a few times especially on any interior sections, some puzzles were a pain in the ass as well and I had to look up the solutions, another pain in the ass is controlling the remote controlled batarang, but that didn't come up that often.

Recently I have found myself very interested in Norse Mythology, so this game was perfect for me. This was the first God of War game I have played and I had so much fun, the story was told amazingly with Kratos and Atreus having on screen presence at all times. The combat was awesome and I felt like a badass a lot of the time! The game was also visually breathtaking. I really highly recommend!

This game is fantastic..
The combat took me a while to get the hang of, but after I did it felt so natural! I found it hard playing with the joycons so had to get a pro controller but found that was a great purchase and helped my enjoyment of the game loads. Every character is so charming and every location or town was so vibrant, I loved finding the new stables and just talking to the people around them. My favourite city in the game was probably Goron City because I think the design is just awesome. The ambient music is beautiful, but the music to key scenes and battles is so god damn amazing man, the guardian battle theme sends panic through me when I heard it walking through Hyrule. I am not even close to finishing everything this behemoth of a game has to offer, after months and months I've only just defeated Calamity Ganon and actually rescued Zelda, as I'd get distracted just exploring the incredible, vast world of Hyrule. I massively recommend to anyone with a switch that's yet to play and honestly, I'd say it warrants the purchase of a Switch, as the console is great anyway :)

This game was great. It was my entry point into the series and I found it to be such a fun experience and I will definitely be picking up the Nathan Drake Collection on my PS4 soon! The story is so exciting and I think it moved at a perfect pace, I completed the story in about 5 days and was hooked and waiting to play more whenever I could. The action was so exciting and the difficulty (I played just regular) was fun. I also played with the photo mode a lot more in this game than I have with others, as the game was just beautiful. Overall I'd recommend very highly!

bruh this game is just pure wholesomeness

This was one of the most fun games I have played in ages. I absolutely loved exploring the Mojave Wasteland and interacting with all the characters and creatures. The game has the right level of difficulty to stay fun, yet also keep me on my feet! I really liked building my character, Murray, up and creating a strong melee focused dude. Also Boone and Rex were absolute badasses, they are so cool.

This game is so weird, but I had a lot of fun managing my island and seeing all the characters. I used a lot of community created miis to get endless possibilities, I had Mario marry a shark lady.. The music is also great and catchy, my main complaint however is that the game can get pretty repetitive easily.

I loved this game, swinging through New York was great fun and the story was awesome. I 100% the main game and the first 2 DLC's but on the third one I finished the story but felt ready to move on so didn't complete everything in that one. Collecting the suits was great fun! I bought my PS4 for this game, so personally I would say it was very worth it :)

This game did not engage me at all, I found Aloy really annoying honestly. I wanted to enjoy the story and seeing it unfold was interesting, but getting between main missions felt like a drag. The side missions were boring and generic, all the characters felt so 2D and unoriginal. I wanted to like the game so much after hearing praise but I'm not sure, maybe it just wasn't for me. The combat was at times pretty fun, but many times did I just run past the enemies in order to progress the story as the fights started to uninterest me. I would like to praise the incredible design of the world and the enemies though, that was very good.

Really fun, introduced me to a lot of Marvel characters and helped get me back into Lego Games

So much fun, I played when I was younger and had so much nostalgia and the game held up great when I replayed in Super Mario 3D Allstars