I am a pretty big adventure time fan and for the first 2 investigations I was finding this game pretty fun, but towards the end I was getting pretty bored but just finished it for the sake of it. I thought the combat sucked and I understand it isn't a combat focused game, but it felt pointless and I literally did some of it with my eyes closed just to see if I could. The world of Ooo is always cool and being able to explore iconic locations like the treehouse and the candy kingdom was fun for a bit. The voice acting was good as expected with all the original cast returning.

This addition to The Last of Us' story was really good and emotional for Ellie. It has a nice bridge in the main story and a great backstory to Ellie before she met Joel. I did this in one sitting and thought it was a great DLC.

This game did not engage me at all, I found Aloy really annoying honestly. I wanted to enjoy the story and seeing it unfold was interesting, but getting between main missions felt like a drag. The side missions were boring and generic, all the characters felt so 2D and unoriginal. I wanted to like the game so much after hearing praise but I'm not sure, maybe it just wasn't for me. The combat was at times pretty fun, but many times did I just run past the enemies in order to progress the story as the fights started to uninterest me. I would like to praise the incredible design of the world and the enemies though, that was very good.

I finished this game in one sitting as I had heard it was pretty short, and for the time it took me to finish, I had quite a bit of fun. Deadpool was funny and the fourth wall breaks were well written, the jokes nearly all landed and the quips were cool. I found the combat was pretty easy to get the grip of, but if the game was much longer I could imagine getting bored of it, as it was beginning to feel slightly repetitive towards the end. I don't think it's worth the £40 it's still going for on Amazon but I found a copy for £20 and think that is a reasonable price. If you get a chance to play and are a fan of the character I'd recommend.

This game was amazing, a great follow up to one of my favourite games. The swinging was once again fantastic and despire the game being a lot shorter it still delivered a great story. Can't wait for more!

Damn, this game was great. I loved playing about an hour before I went to sleep, the narrative was amazing and seeing the relationship between Joel and Ellie was like something I've never experienced in a video game. This game was visually and narratively beautiful and despite hearing the negative opinions on part 2 I am still very excited to get round to it!

This game was such an experience. From the pretty incredible visuals and the really engaging story, to the small interactions the brothers can have with the people they meet along the way! I enjoyed my whole time playing this and wish there was more. I was constantly hooked to see where this narrative would take me next and there was moments of absolute shock throughout! Highly recommend :)

As a DLC to 3D world this was so cool, and understandably short. The open world was really well designed and I can't wait for the day we get a whole Mario game like this with a fun set of interconnected levels. The designs were really cool, especially for Bowser!!!!!

This game is revolutionary and still pretty fun, although without the suspend menu on the Nintendo Switch I would not have been able to complete as this game is kinda tough.. especially the HAMMER BROS!!!!!! The level design is really good, however I do not like the bowser stages on world 4 and 7 as they are maze like and pretty annoying.

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Firstly, I thought this game was amazing. The story was shocking and truly nobody felt safe, especially after the death of Joel right at the start! A character who seemed cool like Jesse or Yara could die so suddenly with no time to mourn and deaths like that are crazy! The game also did a great job at making the villain human, which is something a lot of stories struggle with. Abby’s parts of the game were in my opinion very good. I initially preferred playing as Ellie, but damn did stuff pick up with Abbie after the Aquarium although the section was long it was great, being way above the city was scary yet incredible and everything on the island towards the end was crazy! The relationships with the new characters was great as well, a few moments felt pretty weird like when Dinah and Ellie smoked a J and threw practically the whole thing away…. but damn I loved this game!

This game is so weird, but I had a lot of fun managing my island and seeing all the characters. I used a lot of community created miis to get endless possibilities, I had Mario marry a shark lady.. The music is also great and catchy, my main complaint however is that the game can get pretty repetitive easily.

I loved this game, swinging through New York was great fun and the story was awesome. I 100% the main game and the first 2 DLC's but on the third one I finished the story but felt ready to move on so didn't complete everything in that one. Collecting the suits was great fun! I bought my PS4 for this game, so personally I would say it was very worth it :)

Recently I have found myself very interested in Norse Mythology, so this game was perfect for me. This was the first God of War game I have played and I had so much fun, the story was told amazingly with Kratos and Atreus having on screen presence at all times. The combat was awesome and I felt like a badass a lot of the time! The game was also visually breathtaking. I really highly recommend!

I thought the story of this game was great and exploring Arkham City as Batman was loads of fun, I'd say I enjoyed it just the same as Arkham Asylum (both great games), but I'd find it hard to say which I preferred. Sadly I had the story spoilt for me, but it didn't make it any less fun. The combat was great, it again took a few tries to learn but once I started getting combos and high streaks it felt very cool. However, I found myself getting lost a few times especially on any interior sections, some puzzles were a pain in the ass as well and I had to look up the solutions, another pain in the ass is controlling the remote controlled batarang, but that didn't come up that often.

for £0.89 I wasn't expecting a masterpiece, but this game was fun for a quick game inbetween lessons in college. Will most likely get the sequel :)