30 reviews liked by willpope

I only played this game because of my ex, and even then it was a miserable experience. Then she cheated on me on Valentine's day, of all days. Because of her, I unnecessarily wasted part of my life on this shithole of a game.

Fuck you Evelyn, and fuck you League of Legends.

ppl shouldn't be allowed to use voice chat in video games unless they pass a nice test where you have to be nice online

MGS3 is one of the most gripping and fascinating game narratives ever and also has a guy made out of bees

Only Kojima can get away with a scene of a man groping another's balls in order to determine their identity

this game does many things, and it does them all perfectly, but one thing it isnt is a liar. that man, for all intents and purposes, definitely ate some snakes.

this game is good but also the dude who made it killed shinzo abe and i just can't support that kind of Behavior.

fantastic combat with weirdly boring side content

projared gave it a 4 out of 10 but he cheated on his wife