Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Vol 1 version played on Nintendo Switch

Raiden, switch to nano-communication, it'll help save our animation budget

It's just so good, the gameplay is such a massive step up from MGS1 that if I hadn't played Snake Eater first it would've blown my mind. Everything feels so refined and well made. The story is also just so so cool, so many questions running around your mind that get their answers later, so much dramatic irony and hanging threads and an incredibly unique ending. I absolutely loved the two act structure that follows on so well from the first game and also sets this up as something derivative yet new. No real quarrels with the gameplay either, the boss fights are all fun, there's no overly tedious sections or stretched out parts. Just fire after fire after fire.


Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Vol 1 version played on Nintendo Switch

If someone repeated everything I said in a questioning manner as much as Snake I'd probably punch them in the liver

Having played Snake Eater first I was expecting a miserable experience with Metal Gear Solid but was pleasantly proven wrong. Although rough around the edges and with gameplay not as refined and diverse as later entries, Solid does a tremendous job with its limited hardware capabilities at producing a thoroughly enjoyable game with a gripping coherent story and fun creative gameplay. Some parts are a little hit or miss, with some clever meta-level ideas that are cool but don't translate well to newer releases and systems, but go to show just how unique and creative Hideo Kojima is and has always been. The combat is made enjoyable through excellent aim assist and pairs very well with a simple yet surprisingly strong stealth system. Certain things seem rather unknowable and I admittedly had to look it up but this isn't enough of an issue considering the answers can be found within the games codec system itself with a little prodding and remembering.

Overall this game greatly surprised me and is on-par with its later entries despite being understandably outshined by them in most departments.


Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Vol 1 version played on Nintendo Switch

What a thrill

Excellent game, gripping concept with fun unique gameplay and stellar music and environments. Much like Resident Evil 4 it holds a charming sense of extremeness crossed with stupidity that makes it enjoyable in its own unique way. There are elements to be refined however in the remake such as certain voice acting. Also perhaps the sexuality can be turned down just a tiny bit.

Points deducted for some crappy late game bosses and for EVA's dogshit driving. But the good boss fights are exceptionally fun and unique. Also the controls can at times be frustrating and confusing, but with some getting used to are perfectly manageable thanks to some great aim assist.


P.S This is a dogshit port. Genuinely how does an upscaled PS2 game struggle to hit 30fps on hardware from 2015, let alone a system released in 2017

P.P.S Why does the final boss force you into the classic camera, I was using the 3rd person camera the whole game and it was completely jarring being made to switch.

(Metroid Prime Trilogy version played)


2nd best in the trilogy, overall a more linear yet still open ended experience that doesn't make as many stupid mistakes as Echoes and does a better job with the ones it still insists of containing.

The controls are understandably divisive yet still razor sharp and pleasant to use in my opinion. The use of motion for certain out-of-combat actions is interesting and not overdone however the grapple lasso does feel a bit overused both during and not during combat. Some powerups were cool but overall didn't feel organic and more forced in for the need of a lock at a certain point which's key you don't get until later.

Corruption contains a far more cinematic and involved plot than Echoes and even more so Prime, in an engaging and well-built world, that helps frame the gameplay in an interesting way. This does, however, detract from the games sense of isolation and exploration, a key component in the atmosphere of Metroid Prime. Also taking away from this isolation is a fairly demanding hint system that, whilst implemented much more organically than the first 2 games, doesn't let you figure stuff out for yourself very often.

Whilst this game is excellent and enjoy it does unsurprisingly feel a little like Metroid Prime for the 3rd time. Hopefully 4 finds some way to keep things fresher

At the end of the game you are greeted by an annoying sight of another fetch quest that bodes poorly at first but implemented much differently, I completed it and achieved an important item without even realizing it was a path of progression later on, in addition to the fact that you only need 5 out of 9 EASILY findable keys, this fetch quest comes across much more fluidly than Prime or Echoes.

Side note: The load times in this game were awful, way worse than 1 and 2, some doors took about 10 seconds to open after being shot, very annoying


Metroid Dread is an excellent adventure in a timeless formula amazingly refined to remove the annoying moments and provide a well-paced journey with addictive combat and movement against superb bosses and enemies.

The main gripe I hold is with the story which, while tricky to implement well in such a game, feels poorly distributed by being at the start and end with one stop in the middle for a lore dump. In addition to this whilst the main bosses are all excellent and well designed, the game holds a tendency to repeat certain mini-bosses which comes across as stupid.

Also whilst not bad by any means, the soundtrack doesn't stand out very much and is fairly weak in comparison to the high standard of music throughout the Metroid Franchise

Regardless of these forgivable hiccups and some other minor issues, the game is still phenomenal and easily a top switch game. 9/10

Metroid Prime Trilogy version played

A good sequel that solves some of the problems of the original but also makes some big ones of its own. A similar experience with higher highs and lower lows. The hint system can be a little aggressive which is a shame because this game is better than Metroid Prime at being back-tracky and confusing, with the exception of one random ass power up.

The setting and story are far more interesting and involved than the first games and the enemy design is just as good, except for some incredibly annoying enemies that phase out of existence and are a pain in the ass to kill. Also a lot bosses are just irritating and not fun.

The wii control scheme is still excellent however swapping beams is slow and tedious and gets annoying very fast. This wasn't a problem in MP1 because there wasnt such a frequent demand to swap

This game is still great much like its predecessor and I can't wait to finish the trilogy with Corruption.


Metroid Prime Trilogy version played

A worthy holder of the title of 'greatest game of all time'

pretty good, somehwat interesting story with some v good characters and a so-so ending(s). Gameplay is super enjoyable and freeing. It's no surprise this is the GTA people have been playing for 10 years

This game is beyond incredible, the combat, story, characters, level design, graphics, enemies, the soundtrack, sound design and the world are all a 10/10 knockout and create a beautiful game that is nothing but beautiful and almost flawless

play the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ game boy

doom eternal is a step up from doom 2016 in every way. The art style, graphics, display level design, pacing, story are all very well built and the combat is a phenomenal system that make an experience that is nothing but fun and engaging
dlc is more of the same and a satisfying conclusion to the story

An absolute masterpiece of a game, after 110 hours I've hit the credits and can say the game had my attention all the way. The greatest open world game since Breath of the Wild and perhaps even better. 10/10 game, FromSoftware will struggle to figure out where to go from here.

This game has perhaps the best story ever told in the medium. The gameplay isn't perfect, I'm not the first person to say that and I won't be the last but the STORY is absolutely phenomenal, a beautiful and heart wrenching ballad about love, greed and redemption.

A must play.

also the soundtrack OOOOO its good

pretty fun game, never gonna be game of the century but its quite enjoyable