the challenge and the push this game gives you makes 20 min runs turn into 1.5 hours runs. Its v good

i havent finished it yet but i love how its not a normal experience you get all the time. just the journey in everything.

cant bring my self to finish it, love this franchise

as buggy and as different it may be from its predecessor and its sequel it still has a good world to explore and very cool set piece, mainly really cool hallways

water scary and 0 direction (i guess thats the point)

shot a muffalo and its entire pack killed my entire colony

coop rouge like in the same vein as hades. Its neat!

prolly the best deck roguelite out there. easy to understand is important here too


not really into the gothic vibe its going for but it do do it right

one piece dynasty warriors game whats not good about it

idle bullet hell that runs at most 30 min. one or two runs a day is enough for me

coop goes like this. Purposely kill all your friends. Realize game is hard and start being for serious just to accidently kill your friends even more.