93 Reviews liked by xenorbits

the sages keep it from being 5 stars

God of Snore Ragnarock Me to Sleep

Sonic Frontiers is better

so much nostalgia for this one i love it so much



minus points for the time the ai said fuck you and proceeded to get me to 27 cards at one point.

Camilla did not carry this game

Fire emblem engage has the most unfortunate release I've seen. After being delayed for 2 years and constantly being compare to three houses this game already had a really bad start. Instead of focusing on a wider narrative and more developed character, it tackles the main gameplay in a phenomenal way.

The combat might be the same og fe gameplay but with the additions of rings and the break system really helps itself stand out among the rest. Maddening was an amazing experience instead of being bombarded with constant reinforcements or enemies with inflated stats, the enemies were difficult to deal with but not impossible to beat. Bosses having extra lives is a great change which I hope they can keep in later games, felt more challenging than just ending turn in front of them.

While I am a monastery hater I don't really think the somniel fixed the problems it had. It was like instead of taking 30 minutes in the monestary now its 25 minutes in the somniel. Of course its all optional but I tried to optimize as much as I could in both games but the monestary was taking more time seeing what the characters would say in vs optimizing gameplay in the somniel. Pick your poison I guess. They really got it right with My Castle.

Story was decent at best it has a couple good moments towards the end but really just the power of friendship and everyone loves the protag. Supports were fine some stand out like ivy and panette and some less like celine talking about tea for the millionth time.

I really wish this game wasn't compared to three houses so much they both handle different fe aspects differently. Personally I prefer gameplay over story so I am bit bias but this game is really fun and I enjoyed my time playing it. In the end there's only one game that has goldmary so engage >>>>>>>>> three houses

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(didn't play the first one)
There's allot I love about this game but gets brought down with some personal things I didn't enjoy.
For starters the ost and characters are amazing. I love the build up for rindos character on week 2, he was always indecisive and never spoke up about anything, we would see the main party communicate with each other and he would be on his phone or just thinking to himself. It all culminates at the end of the week when the man rindo looked up to was actually a fraud and never meant anything he said. Or fret not taking anything seriously in fear he would go through the emotions of losing someone again. All the stuff he would say to kanon meant nothing since he never said what he truly felt. Nagi didn't have an arc for herself but since she was so good at reading people she would always be there to support the group when they were feeling down. Ost of the year they went hard with it.
Now for the things I didn't enjoy as much was the combat. From the beginning i never really vibe with it, it really felt like i was mashing most of the times. I was told that as you kept getting party members the combat gets better (which I do agree with) but i feel like it was already a bit to late. You get neku on either day 3 or 4 (cant remember) on the last week. More characters means more chances of building up groove which was the most fun part of the gameplay for me. More pin options is always nice but I never branched out to different pins since I never needed to (on hard). Another big one was definitely Kubo. He felt like he was there just to be a twist villain. What makes it worse is that everyone forgets about him so what's even the point of him being a villain. There's smaller stuff I dislike which are not being able to fast travel and the side quests system. The food system is a really cool idea but having to walk back and forth instead of fast traveling to the shop was pretty bad. I know each spot is locked for story reasons but maybe make it if you visited the place once a day you can fast travel to it which would reset each day. Having to redo a day to if you missed a quest is pretty bad especially without an option to skip the dialogue. Lets say you say fuck it and miss a quest the amount of other quest you lock yourself out of is insane. I reset a day in fear that would happen and no skip feature made it a worse experience. Resolving the first game plot in this one was not the best idea at least for me. I get that the early fans wanted a resolution after the cliffhanger ending but I just don't have any inclination to play the first one now. I know the reunion and other non neo characters interactions are small in time but I just didn't care.
Overall I really did enjoy this games characters and story. i think my experience would have been a bit better if i played the first one but oh well. I do feel bad for ranking it lowish but the things I didn't like really stayed through most of the game. It gets me sad that this game underperformed because I would love to see more from the angels and what Minamimoto is cooking. Anyways Shibuya Survivor clears

The Libra and Sagittarius are souvenirs given to Olimar by his two children and are considered mandatory ship parts, yet they seem to be nothing more than two identical jewels on the sides of his ship. By not collecting these parts, you could essentially create a playthrough where Olimar's failure to leave the planet would not be from a lack of a functioning ship, but instead from not being able to live with leaving behind the gifts his children gave him. There's a lot I could say about this game, but this is the thought that sticks out to me the most.

Breath of the Wild was already 5/5 stars for me and this sequel managed to improve upon everything.

Increased enemy variety? Check

More rewarding exploration? Check.

Better side quests? Check.

Better dungeons? Check.

The ability to build death machines that put the fear of god into your enemies? Ok wasn't asking for that but its here and most welcome.

Never have I played something that made me go "Holy shit that works?!" so much. Truly magical experience.

Sage with the "Let's Go Dad" shirt is the hardest image in the sonic the hedgehog franchise.

Storycels be seething over gameplaychads

The fact that Marth says “You are the Fire Emblem” and then Alear Fire Emblem’d all over the Fell Dragon is an actual thing that occurs gives me a huge love/hate relationship in this game.