this one is tricky. full of half baked ideas and it really pisses me off how a lot of thigns in this game are handled. everyone and their dog has talked abt the bugs before. i think the region is the ugliest we have ever seen in a mainline game, i hate how the cities feel so unbelievably out of place. but also idk i had a lot of fun playing it. i love the mons, and i love the paradox mons [in violet idont really gaf about the scarlet ones #RIP]...... the story was okay but def not my favorite... Ummm hassel is literally beautiful

i have a soft spot in my heart for pokemon games but the writing in this dlc [the fact that it is paid dlc in the first place] is just ughhh. the idea here is very fun but good grief the way everything is handled is so unbelievably frustrating. ogerpon is unbelievably cute tho.

much like the base game i have notttt seen all there is to see in this mod BUT ive played it well enough to the point where i can say it is very, very good. the new characters are fun, the areas are cutes, its just funnnn.

loved this game. the characters are super fun to me, the music is STELLAR, the visuals are drop dead gorjussss..... my biggest complaint comes with the writing, particularly in the wild east. i was a bit confused and i felt that there should have been a bit more emphasis on some aspects of starlo's personality. stuff like that. other than that tho good freaking job to the bros who worked on this. chefs kiss

i remember loving this game when it first came out, but on replay it didnt hit as hard as it did... not that its bad, necessarily. i do love the effort that went into this game, it just didnt charm me as much this time around.

do i really enjoy it? yes. playing with my pals has been some of the most fun ive had in gaming history. is this game amazing? ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

its pretty fun with friends but i find it really hard to get into if i dont have five million other people playing with me at the same time. also creative mode is the only thing i gaf about.

the winter where one of my friends managed to get me and the rest of our little group heads over heels over this silly little game. the amount of hours poured into one little save file. the extra time outside of playing the game spent discussing all the little things. all over the span of just a few weeks. isnt it crazy how one simple little music track can transport you to a moment in time where you only really remember having fun?
booba farm. you are so important to me.

honestly it starts out really fun, but after the second world it just gets really scary and really annoying. it sucks the joy out of you real quick. Kirby eats a lot of things. But he should never eat your joy.

youre stupid if you dont like this masterpiece. tears of the kingdom WHO

the original was good but this remake is REAL good. it adds so much and fixes the only real issue i had with the original [pacing]. it gives so much that you wouldnt have thought it needed. its solidddd.

my fav rpg maker of all time, only real reason i took off half a star is cuz the pacing in the original is a tad too fast. seeing as this was the devs first game i dont really fault it too much, the characters and the story have always held up this game anyways