title's accurate if you play the game wrong

The minigames lack a bit of polish, but the writing and comedy are as good as the animation, all of them being amazing. Something tells me that pinball achievement was not playtested much at all.

oh man when I found out why it was called franken I was like "oh my gosh"

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This is another incredibly good interactive narrative that uses the gameplay to enhance the story. It's about being miles away from anyone, totally isolated, in a huge and empty expanse. The only time you ever see a person is as a silhouette, and the walk speed is comparatively slow to other games, bringing about the sense of vastness to the forest.
None of this to mention the amazing story.

It wraps up the Friendsim story nicely and explains where this whole chain of events fits into canon (spoiler alert, it doesn't), but suffers the same issue of not actually being fun and just feeling like more webcomic reading as opposed to playing a game.

The UI and everything just feels very cheap and unfinished. The characters are fun, but there's 36 of them and it starts to feel a bit like a chore half-way through.

As far as gameplay goes, every single episode is the same - two choices, 3 endings (wrong on first choice, wrong on second, right on second). There's no penalty for getting it wrong, so it's basically just lots of reading. Like Homestuck.

The first game really is just a pilot in comparison to this one. Act 1 is just a setup for a story that really kicked off in this one.

This game's story is so good that I played it for nearly 100 hours without actually realising that it was a prequel

Difficult game to get mad at. Matches are long enough that you get to make an hilarious unstoppable build and have fun with it, but short enough that it doesn't get annoying when you're on the receiving end. Surprisingly well balanced.

While I do agree with most that Pokémon has gotten worse over the years, I don't agree with how much. These games are not bad, and people are expecting too much from them. The graphics, especially when compared with other Nintendo titles on the Switch like Breath of the Wild, leave something to be desired. But aside from that, it's a perfectly fine Pokémon adventure, with a similarly childish but not unentertaining plot and silly characters along the way.

I love story games, and OPUS has an incredibly cute and endearing main character following a tragically hopeless search. Unfortunately, the beautiful narrative doesn't make up for the abhorrent lack of gameplay. This is some of the most repetitive and uninteresting gameplay I've ever seen. The plot and lovable characters motivated me to reach the end, but they do not make up for the rating.

A great co-op game that involves coordination and strategy to get far. It's visually simple with a silly and endearing plot, and challenging enough to keep you engaged.

An incredible let down from the first. The hub / open world is incredibly boring and terrible to navigate, the story is nothing, and the characters are uninteresting. LEGO games are not supposed to take themselves seriously, and for some reason, this one feels as if it tried to.

Lots of fun with creative uses of the joy-con to demonstrate its capabilities. Unfortunately, it'll get boring quickly for the same few people, hence its advertisement as a party game.

Visually stunning with great music and a captivating story. The dialogue was sort of clunky at times, but video games are notorious for it and I'm willing to put it aside for the brilliant narrative that it tells.