One of the first games I tried to 100% before I found out how many korok seeds there are... horrible mistake.

Absolutely love games that do not hold your hand. Every inch of the game had something to explore with nothing telling you to do it. Definitely in my top 5.

The only reason it isn't in my favourites is because there aren't enough slots. Fantastic story with lovable characters. Don't let the internet ruin it for you

The best example of world-building and lore in video games to date. The game would not be nearly as beautiful to someone who glides through from task to task, but the environments and characters have been designed so well that there is no chance of that happening.

Unfortunate how quickly it got tiring. I remember the first few games of it that I played were amazing, but only because I always played with a huge group of friends. 2 years down the line, and I can barely get 7 people together to play, like, 3 games.


This is the reason I place video games in the same category as films and books, in "works of art". The best narrative I know told in the best way it could be.

Not visually impressive, but I couldn't care less. The style fits its purpose and works perfectly to create an unsettling mood throughout the entire ~18-20 hour playthrough.

I think the saddest fact about me is that Minecraft has almost defined who I am. Not proud of that, but it's a good game so shut up. My play time is an estimate because I started playing well before 2013 and I only counted the logs from my versions that I still had installed on this computer, which I got in 2018. And I took that estimate at the start of this year. So it's probably more upwards of 3000. Worth every second (except when I was on Hypixel)

There isn't much to the story, but there doesn't need to be. Visually, it's incredibly charming, and it's the only game that's in my favourite list solely from controls and gameplay. The style is cute, and the scenery can be stunning, but nothing beats just how fun and tactile and engaging the movement system is. Incredible sense of progress without practically any "upgrades", just because I literally got gud.

Graphics still hold up today. Captivating solo story and, like all the best games, a co-op mode that will make you want to slaughter whoever you play with

Just a hell of a lot of fun. Movement is tight and fun to control, the mood is light and funny, and the environments are beautiful with great design that builds on the movement options. Definitely worth 100% finishing, because the main story doesn't even make up half the gameplay.

As much of a classic it is, there isn't much to it. The puzzles are elaborate and fun to solve, and the story is light, but that's about it. Still worth playing, and it was definitely ground-breaking at time, but it's nothing to write home about now.

The main story is fun, and I know with cheat codes there's a lot to mess around with in singleplayer, but I spent almost all of my hours in the online game. It's so full of content from being updated somewhat regularly since release that there's always something to work toward. Making money can be a bit repetitive, seeing as one of the best ways is to just do the same heist over and over, but driving through the city is just so fun that it's worth it.

I hope these chapters are building to something. On their own, they're not much more than fun little RPGs. There's a mystery element that people are theorising with, but I would rather play it all at once. The only reason I'm not saving it is for spoilers.

A fantastic exploration game which encourages you to venture through nothing but sheer curiosity. The environments are incredibly creative, and the lore is captivating to uncover without being so dauntingly complex. I felt the ending was lacklustre on my first playthrough, but that's because I was bringing expectations that I shouldn't have.

I can see people's experiences being staggeringly different depending on who they played with. I found the game incredibly zany and entertaining, with every cutscene getting us to laugh from how ridiculous it was. The different playstyles all shoved into one game were executed amazingly.

Incredibly fun, and a great sequel to an already pretty good game. I can see why it was so genre-defining. Definitely something that everyone should play through at least once - like how every film buff should have seen Pulp Fiction.