incredibly overrated but still good in it's own right, doesn't reach anywhere near the highs of the Black Isle Fallouts but it's a massive step up from the Bethesda ones in writing, the map is a little boring to be honest and I find the dungeons and random raiders less interesting, at least the main questline is an upgrade to 3 (mods like jsawyer and restoring random encounters massively improves your experience and knock the score up to a 4)

Van Buren died for this and i'm still sad

It's okay I guess, as an RPG it fails but the exploration is alright and some sidequests were entertaining enough, main quest is garbage and the writing is embarassing

same game as the first one just bigger, mechanically better, and with names and factions changed around, I don't like it as quite much but it's still pretty good

and no entry has still managed to top this one to this day, better than FO2 but we're not ready for that conversation yet

you can tell this was written by someone who thought the concept of "what if a dating VN was Fucked Up" was super original and totally not done to death, it just feels like the whole thing is by someone who doesn't really get or like the genre and based it off some tropes they heard and saw once, then resort to shock content, and then finally some hacky 4th wall breaks

zzzzz mi mi mi mi zzzzzz mi mi mi mi

one of the best rpg's inspired by classic d&d, has monster hunter styled combat and a lot of DMC3 DNA in it

you can tell the game isn't quite finished due to it's scale and ambituousness but there's nothing like it to this day, and everything it does differently from other rpg's is fantastic

i'll be the only person to defend RE6 if it means the fans shoot me for it

the game might not be what the fans wanted, but what we got is a legitimately sick movement shooter with huge emphasis on manueverability and partner co-operation, if you get good at the surprisingly intricate mechanics around stamina and dodging, it's a blast of a game with lots of room to express your playstyle, and to style on enemies

ToyBox really showing their competency with how godawful this port is and somehow adds MORE bugs than the previous Director's Cut that was already fucked, do yourself a service and avoid this shit, get the 360 one instead or play it on the Xbone through backwards compability or smth

inferior version of a game I fucking adore, basically broke the entire game, introduced most of the bugs the game is infamous for now, and the new content is terrible or just isn't very interesting, the new ending feels shoehorned in especially, just go play the 360 original

as a huge fan of the original game, this just fucking sucks

it flanderizes everything what made DP1 good and repeatedly bashes you over the head with memes and references until you have blunt head trauma, the ending in particular drove me fucking insane

if you're really easily entertained by how sloppy the whole games and overlook any problems it has cause "hehe bad game funni :)" then good for you, keep on funding ToyBox and their godawful games and ports

easily the worst main entry in the whole series, no question

dollar store Silent Hill 2 with Zelda Z-targeting combat

about as subtle as getting hit in the face with a brick

Connor's sections almost salvage the game but the way the game handles tones and """metaphores""" is vomit inducing

david "i make ze good game" cage's first noteworthy game that everyone sucked off on release for some reason despite having a godawful plot and cut content involving fucking mind links

the only quantic dreams game I think back of somewhat fondly due to how bonkers and garbage the story is

still sucks ass but at least this can give you some good laughs