The peak of 3D cat-based gameplay.
This expansion offers a very weird, but insanely appealing taste of what an "open-world" Mario game could be like.
How exactly? Just make normal levels with godlike design and scatter them across a big ass lake. Problem solved!

Also Bowser is just fine, cool design aside, his boss fights are kinda meh and after a certain point the game just stops introducing new levels, which forces you to re-explore previous areas in order to find the cat shines.

AAND since this is built upon 3D World's engine and assets, you don't get the same amount of wacky moves like in Odyssey, which is a shame, but still, this is a 3D Mario game, which automatically means it's all quality, start to finish.

The most stylish and complete Mario Kart package to date.
You have not felt the true joys of life until you're leading the race in Big Blue at 200cc while those guitars and trumpets blast through your ears.

And also even though i have pretty much played all of the MK titles, this is the first time i've seen the credits sequence for one, which is weird.

it's like pacman but someone added more maze and funky powerups
and i absolutely love it for that

this is one of those rare cases where there is a mobile game that is actually fun to play

sonic adventure dx brought me here

Now this is a FPS done (kinda) right!
The game is fast, violent and fun. The weapon variety is awesome and the level design is incredible! (for the first chapter...) the second one is fun, the third one is okay, and Thy Flesh Consumed is a nice challenge to the experienced player.

It's harder to get to the bosses than to actually beat them.
That's all i have to say about Sonic Chaos.

Wait, an RPG with compelling dialogue, good gameplay and absurd story? BASED ON A FUCKING TV SHOW!?!?! HOW DID THIS EVEN HAPPEN

The first game i played on my fancy new PC.
What an introduction to the world of hardware that doesn't suck complete ass!
It crashes a bit more than i would expect, but as long as you set DLSS to Ultra Performance if you have a lower-end RTX card (like i did), you shouldn't have too many issues playing this excellent visual overhaul of one of the greatest games of all time.

The greatest RPG Maker game there is.

this game is incredibly fun, and even better than the original... until you try to 100% it
getting a perfect+ in 3 difficulties on the same level is not very fun