A very slow-paced and relaxing game.
Usually not my cup of tea but the world, characters and simple mechanics are really enjoyable.

the jump sucks ass tho

The overall Postal 2 experience is amazing. But Apocalypse Weekend's linear level design and heavy use of cutscenes sticks out like a sore thumb.

A pretty ok expansion to an incredible game.

This game is one of the most batshit insane experiences i've ever had in a videogame, period.
The jokes, the gameplay, the jankiness, everything comes together to create an experience few games offer.
The techincal problems are annoying tho (crashes, massive slowdowns, lots of loading screens)

mastering this game feels like you're ascending to another dimension doing these tony hawk pro goomba stomper combos on everything that doesn't have spikes on it's head it's amazing

god this game is short

but that's not why you buy the game
you buy it for the insanely fast online matches that can be so damn intense it makes you scream

Jesus christ this game is hard as hell
The fact that everything can one-hit-ko you really adds to the difficulty and the mask system gives you a reason to replay and approach levels differently

charming as all hell, but sadly lacks any replayability aside from hidden trophies and collectables.

The most bland level design in a game ever created
wait why did i play this

Slippery controls and a drunk camera gives me the headache of a lifetime.

Soundtrack is a banger tho.

This game is the ultimate definition of a mixed bag.
At it's peak it has some of the most iconic moments in sonic history.
At it's worst it's.... ok.
The time travel mechanic has some rather poor execution, due to it's lack of importance gameplay-wise.

Your typical rhythm game, but full of charm and style and a worrying amount of sex jokes

As a follow-up of Sonic 3, Sonic & Knuckles has some comically oversized boots to fill.

Sonic & Knuckles feels loose and rushed. It's like the developers were trying to get this game out as fast as possible while making the best they could.


The first couple of zones are great! But once you sink your teeth deeper and deeper into this game, the cracks start to appear, the rushness and lack of quality in the level design becomes more apparent, and the game becomes overall frustating and unfun the more you progress.

This game makes me sad from how... bad it is compared to it's masterful predecessor

I expected this game to be a bit inferior to Sonic 3, because it's hard to top it. But oh god i did not expect such mediocrity out of a Sonic game on the Genesis.

Death Egg Zone and it's boss were so bad i just gave up.

Talk about a remaster that pisses on the original game