Talk about near perfection!
The story is amazing, the gameplay feels like an evolution from Combat Evolved, and the graphics are such an improvement over the original it's honestly absurd!
The controls are so quick and precise with a mouse and keyboard it's just so GOOD.
The multiplayer... is fun. But it's kinda hard getting into a match without dying 3 seconds in.

I played the absolute hell out of this game back in 2016.
The classes are so distinct and useful. And with the loadouts and endless amount of weapons, you don't really know what's coming when you enter a match!
And the cosmetics add to the humor of the game.
But there hasn't been a new major update since 2017.
Valve, c'mon.

This is the first game i 100%.
And that should say a lot.

This game is so amazing.
The artstyle and gameplay go hand in hand to create this weird but good experience. BUT the final boss is a bit underwhelming and Survival Endless can get pretty unfun and stress-inducing.

Ok what the fuck happened.
The first game was amazing, and with a sequel it could only go up. It was a good game! Then the level up system and piñatas were added. Oh god no. The difficulty is so artificially high it's impossible to enjoy the game without buying the plants that were free in the original.

This game is weird, but in a good way.
You are in this facility, with this robot telling you what to do.
The portal gun is a massive innovation that will never be topped. The possibilites are endless with the portal gun. This is one of those games that can only be played once. The second, third, fourth time can be... boring. You already know the solution to all the puzzles so it's less impactful.

Everything is an improvement. This game looks at Portal at says: "huh how cute" and goes batshit with the ideas and gameplay. It has COOP. It has a LEVEL EDITOR. IT J.K. SIMMONS LIKE C'MON MAN!

This game is brimmed with charm and very creative level design.
Will Stamper's narration carries the whole game. No doubt.
And the gameplay is the cherry in top of this incredible cake.
oh yeah and it's very hard

You can't move, you're stuck in this tiny room with a couple of buttons and a screen. It's excellent the first couple of playthroughs. Then you progress and the game becomes harder. That's expected. But it gets into the no-fun kind of hard. It gets way to stress-inducing to try and beat this game. The RNG screws everything up.

This game can be described as the ultimate clusterfuck.
But in a good way! There are so many animatronics that are balanced and you feel like a mastermind avoiding each one at the same time. And RNG ain't too heavy on this one! But the gameplay suffers like all the FNaF games. More nights without little innovation can lead to burnout. But this game is at least fun in a way.

This is not a game.
It's a minigame collection.

Now this is a FPS done (kinda) right!
The game is fast, violent and fun. The weapon variety is awesome and the level design is incredible! (for the first chapter...) the second one is fun, the third one is okay, and Thy Flesh Consumed is a nice challenge to the experienced player.

This game is comparable to the original.
It doesn't add much stuff and it improves a bit in some areas. But the last moments of the game are not that fun.
If it wasn't for the super shotgun this game would be a lot worse.
Like the pinnacle of online entertainment, Civvie11 or CV-11 said: "If Batman was a gun, he'd be this."

The game is amazing for the first 5 or 6 hours!
The characters are well written, the missions are fun, the gameplay and foundation are solid. But the game never ends.
The story just keeps going and going and going and going and going and going like WHAT.
And worst of all, some features of the game must be unlocked though the campaign. But it's still pretty fun.

This is the peak of singleplayer content in a Smash game.
And i have no friends or stable internet connection so this is perfect!
The artstyle is kinda weird, but the cutscenes are the cherry on top of the cake.
The gameplay is the weaker of the series but who cares.
It's still amazing.