This game is beefy as fuck and i like it for that. Even though the 3DS's CirclePad ain't the best way to play a Smash game. Making it uncomfortable to play almost all the time.

What a pathetic joke for a "Deluxe" edition of the game

A whole lot more jankier and less-good than the first one, but it strangely gets more fun the more you play it.


The gameplay, the graphics, the soundtrack it all comes together to create the magnum opus of the Classic Sonic Trilogy that has yet to be matched to this day. Launch Base Zone kinda sucks tho.

It's fun with friends, but gets boring after a while.
There's not much meat in this game. But i still love it nontheless

One of the best sequels of all time.
It improves on the first game so much it actually hurts the original! It makes it look pathetic in comparison to this!
Double the characters, stages, new bosses and refined gameplay that makes things fast and snappy.

This game is a relic of the past.
It's fine. The roster is small, but creative, the 1P mode can get repetitive after a few playthroughs, and the gameplay is rock solid. The problem with this game is the replayability.
There is not much stuff to unlock or do.

Now this is how you make a rougelike!
When you lose, yeah it feels horrible to lose all of your progress, but thanks to the random level generation, you don't have to repeat "that part" which makes this game super replayable.

This is an infinitely replayable wonder.
You can do anything, anywhere, anytime.
I love this kind of game.
And playing with friends just makes the game more fun.

This is the peak of singleplayer content in a Smash game.
And i have no friends or stable internet connection so this is perfect!
The artstyle is kinda weird, but the cutscenes are the cherry on top of the cake.
The gameplay is the weaker of the series but who cares.
It's still amazing.

The game is amazing for the first 5 or 6 hours!
The characters are well written, the missions are fun, the gameplay and foundation are solid. But the game never ends.
The story just keeps going and going and going and going and going and going like WHAT.
And worst of all, some features of the game must be unlocked though the campaign. But it's still pretty fun.

This game is comparable to the original.
It doesn't add much stuff and it improves a bit in some areas. But the last moments of the game are not that fun.
If it wasn't for the super shotgun this game would be a lot worse.
Like the pinnacle of online entertainment, Civvie11 or CV-11 said: "If Batman was a gun, he'd be this."

Now this is a FPS done (kinda) right!
The game is fast, violent and fun. The weapon variety is awesome and the level design is incredible! (for the first chapter...) the second one is fun, the third one is okay, and Thy Flesh Consumed is a nice challenge to the experienced player.

This is not a game.
It's a minigame collection.