89 Reviews liked by zyluh

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This is my first ever Souls-like game. Before playing it, I 100% expected to outright hate this game. I thought Souls-like games were just games where being difficult was their entire personality, that's all they had going for them, but man. Man oh man. Man oh man oh man. Man alive. I was wrong.

Really my only significant problem I have with this game is that it sometimes crashes out of nowhere with seemingly no rhyme or reason, but tbh this isn't that big of a deal to me. Only other things I can think of that I don't really like is that Elden Ring doesn't have plunging attacks (besides flame chariots, but like... that barely counts lmao), there are no mimic chests (and no, the mist chests don't count. I'm talking about the chests that attack you. The mist chests are more annoying then fun lol, but still not really a big deal at all), and the multiplayer for this game, while abundant, is lacking mechanically. While I don't really mind this since I can just play the Seamless Coop mod, it's still a fault of this game that had to be fixed by a mod. The default multiplayer should have been Seamless Coop

This game is LOADED to the BRIM with content. I almost have 700 hours in the game and I'm still finding things/areas that I've never seen before, I still have builds that I want to try, and there are still some bosses that I haven't properly fought (I say properly because I've fought every boss, but that's only thanks to the Randomizer mod, which I don't really count since Randomizer scales up/down bosses based on the location they're randomized to and the area you fight them isn't the intended area). This game is potentially limitless with content, where one of the only possible limits is your imagination

99.99% of the bosses are fun and well balanced (really only boss I can think of off the top of my head that isn't fun or balanced is the double Valiant Gargoyles), and if anyone tells you otherwise, they probably just haven't gotten good at the game. I say this as someone that would always complain about a bunch of bosses... until I got good at them. This might even be the case for the double Valiant Gargoyles, but idk yet because while I'm pretty good at the fight when it's just the first one, when the second one comes in... it's all downhill from there. Bosses that people complain about most are Godskin Duo, Maliketh, and Malenia... but they're all good, fun fights

I used to complain about how finding important key items such as the Dectus Medallions was "poorly made" because they're almost impossible to find, but that's the game encouraging you to explore, they WANT you to explore. Something a lot of games don't want you to do. And trust me, you're gonna wanna explore this game. I don't even know what I was on, it's not hard at all to find at least one piece of the medallion, and then that piece literally tells you where the second one is. I was simply coping and seething

When you first play you might want to go into an easy build that can defeat bosses quickly, but once you get to the point where you play a difficult build, the game becomes so much better. Dying a million times to a boss, but what keeps you going back is that you're learning their moveset. It's like you're progressing the game in a way, and it's such a satisfying feeling when you're accurately dodging and attacking the boss and then you FINALLY get the oh so sweet kill on them. Watching them fall to the ground as they fade away after hours of learning their moves is an extremely good feeling

The character creation is one of the best ones I've ever seen. While still not the best out there, it's still extremely exceptional. Really the only thing lacking in it would be more unique hairstyles. All the current styles are either plain or look pretty darn similar to another one. While this is definitely a nitpick, hairstyles are still one of the most important parts of creating a character. Tbh I'm surprised this game hasn't gotten a giant hair pack mod like Skyrim has. This being said, you can still make practically unlimited unique characters, and the customization is very in depth. Especially considering someone made a literal chimpanzee in the character creator and it looks very good lmao. Here's a picture [https://i.gyazo.com/3d06315b53995c25d3f52d3d96b91db7.jpg]

All in all, this game is a masterpiece. It quickly became my most played game and I see myself playing it years and years down the line as well. It's easily my favorite game of all-time, and probably will be for the foreseeable future

I'd give the base game a 10/10, but Elden Ring using the Seamless Coop mod with the homies is priceless

A top tier game, which I personally think is better than Peter's game. Sure, it's a lot shorter, but I still think it's better. The story is just as compelling if not more so, the gameplay is way more fun, and it holds your hand a bit less in this one

Definitely my favorite Dragon Ball game. I may have more hours in Xenoverse 2, but I still claim Kakarot as my favorite. It's graphics, top tier. Gameplay, top tier. Story, top tier. And yeah, sure, it just reiterates the Z story like most of the other games... but it also does so much more than that. It adds all kinds of interesting, cool things to the story, lore, world, etc. Now, I'm not saying a game is "canon", but the things this game has added are so good that I've adopted basically all of them as my "headcanon", in a way

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tl;dr: This game is quite rough around the edges, but I still definitely enjoy it, especially with friends. Open world is a bit wack, wish the game had multiple create a character slots, fighting feels great, and the character creation is absolutely top tier. I'd give it about a 7-7.5/10

I also wanna say that most of this review will be talking about the World Tour gamemode because that's the one I play the most

First we're gonna start with the negatives, and then go into the positives



A small, more nitpick complaint of mine is that you can't color every piece of clothing into any color. It seems like each piece of clothing has set colors that you can turn it into, which is sad. I haven't even been able to make khakis yet

I don't really like the scripted fights, where you could absolutely decimate the enemy, but then the cutscene is like "Heh, had enough yet?" lmao. I think if you're not supposed to win against an enemy, they should just put the full fight as a cutscene instead of just making the player fight them for no reason

This one might just be a skill issue, idk, but I'm not exactly fond of how you could be a higher level than some fighters, but they still deal insane amounts of damage to you, and then you deal almost no damage to them. It just doesn't really make sense to me

The last minor issue I have with the game is the fact that the game almost forces you into certain playstyles if you want to complete some challenges in World Tour

One of my biggest problems with the game is probably that the open world is... less than ideal lol. It's not necessarily bad, especially for a fighting game, but my only real complaints about it is all the goons around every corner waiting to jump you and the fact that it's a very empty open world in terms of exploring and seeing cool stuff. Now, obviously I don't expect some Elden Ring scale world in a fighting game like this, but I definitely feel like the world could have been more... exciting? I guess? And then the goons that run up on you and start a fight. They don't add anything to the game except a major annoyance that you try your best to avoid. I don't think it was a good thing to put into the game, I would have preferred it if most of the city was just full of neutral people that would fight if you asked, and then maybe there's a group of goons once every blue moon or something like that, just so the entirety of the open world isn't just trying to avoid enemies. I also wish that the story mode was multiplayer-ish where I could see other players running around the world doing quests, and I could fight them if I wanted to. I mean, it'd basically just be the Battle Hub on a larger scale

My actual BIGGEST problem with the game is the fact that the game seems to not want you to create more than one character. Like, sure, you can save a good amount of character recipes, but that's about it. You can't save presets, or have character slots, or have different playthroughs with different characters, and that's actually really disappointing. I'd want a character system similar if not exactly like the one in Dragon Ball: Xenoverse 2. There are like ten or so character slots, and each character has different stats, clothes, presets, race, etc. But in SF6, you only get one character, no presets, and if you wanna switch your skills then you have to pay ten continues, which is quite a bit, even in mid/late game. I'm HUGE into creating OCs/roleplaying with those characters in the game, and you kinda just can't do that in this game. Vedy vedy sad, and I hope they change this either for an update to this game, or in the next SF game



The story mode, while kind of lacking the "story" aspect, idk if that's exactly a bad thing. I kind of enjoy the fact that it's just a bunch of fights with some story sprinkled in there, and I feel like a major story would kind of be overbearing

I really like how the fighting feels in this game. I haven't played many fighting games in my life aside from Injustice, Dragon Ball FighterZ, and maybe one or two more, but that's about it. However, SF6 just hits different. I'm not entirely sure what it is, but it's just a lot more fun than the other ones I've played. This is my first ever Street Fighter game, and I'm glad I started with this one because idk if I'd be into the older ones. Dee Jay main for life 😏

Probably my absolute favorite part of the game is the character creation. As I said before, I'm huge into all the roleplay type stuff, and aside from the things I talked about before, the extensive character creation leads to a much better, more in depth experience for things like this. I can make all kinds of unique-looking characters, and they range from normal, cool, weird, unsettling, and everything in between. Your imagination is almost the only limit to this character creation, and seeing the creativity of other players is always an amazing treat


I'm most likely forgetting some stuff, but oh well, don't wanna sit here writing this all day lmao

While I obviously have more and longer negatives than positives in my review, it's quality over quantity. The positives I listed outweigh the negatives, which is why I still give the game a 7-7.5/10

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I haven't gotten that far in the game, so take this review with a grain of salt. But I'm very bored and doing literally nothing, so thought I'd do this just to pass a little time. For context, I got to the first safe-zone of this game and haven't played since. I forget the name of the place, but it's very green and little island things are connected by big branches

This game kinda just feels like Sekiro but worse, and the only thing it has over Sekiro is having character creation. All the bosses feel basically the same. Like sure, they're visually doing "different" moves, but it all feels the same, just reskinned

And the first boss of the game is somehow the hardest one that I fought, it literally just kept getting easier with each boss. And then after the boar, each boss just kept getting more annoying to fight

Even though this is seemingly most games nowadays, this game is one of those games that just releases unfinished and it still deserves a point off for that. And games doing that is becoming especially annoying. Like, anyone could just release anything at this point and just be like "uh... yeah... we'll fix it later." Like, fix it before releasing the game, bro. You even had a demo people played so you could work out the major bugs, but the full game was somehow worse?

The story of the game is probably one of the most uninteresting/unengaging stories in a game I've seen tbh. Like I just have zero interest in it lol

As for the parts of the game I liked... well, uh........... the character creation is actually really good. Other than that............. idk man, can't really think of anything lol. Blacksmith woman is hot

But tbh I'd very much rather go play Elden Ring for the hundredth time or continue my Sekiro and/or Dark Souls playthrough

Was kinda trying to stretch this review out so I had something to do for longer, but I don't think I have anything else to say lol

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I bought this game for 85% off and still regret buying it

Also "Create your own avatar" is blatant lying and false advertising. You don't create anything, you literally just choose a race and that's that. Not to mention that this isn't even your character. You're forced into playing this one kid who looks saiyan but I didn't play the game long enough to find out. The "avatar" is just some character to use in the card game thing

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While I do recommend this game, be warned that I both despise and adore this game.

On the one hand it's great fun with great character customization as far as Dragon Ball games go and there's so much to do that you could play it for days if not weeks straight and still not 100% it. Finishing the base story could be done in a day if not just a few hours though.

On the other hand, this game is FULL of bugs and broken features and just straight up poor design and the developers don't care about the community at all. Sure they are still releasing updates, but they just want that $$$. One of my least favorite bugs (hopefully a bug and not here to stay) is that you'll be kicked for "idling" even if you're not idle in the least. I could be playing nonstop and I'll still be kicked for being "idle". Dimps, if you're reading this, please fix this

That being said, I still love this game and it's great to play with friends. I can ignore/overlook the the (major) flaws of this game, but definitely understandable if you can't

I don't like MMOs, but being a speedster is fun

Again, I don't like MMOs, but Dragon Ball is like my favorite franchise in existence, so this gets extra points just because of that

I like fighting games, I love Dragon Ball. This one a goodie

I've never played the story, I don't care about the story. Online is a ton of fun when goofing off with friends

Halo is a timeless classic, almost a comfort video game in a way

Literally the best part of this game is the fishing, that's it

Ton of fun with friends, but gets old fast when alone

Even if none of your friends have or want this game, you still make friends in here so easily. Always a fun experience. Love hanging out at Kami's Lookout