Reviews from

in the past

A fairly solid action game! The story is entirely uninspired, at best uninteresting and at worst, tedious. But everything else about it was fairly good! It was generally fun to play. The combat isn't necessarily fast-paced as most modern shooters now of days, but a very fun lass frantic version of the classic id software FPS's. The vehicle combat was not as fun but it doesn't dominate the game, could've done without it though. Some impressive enemy AI in this. Enemies being downed but not killed, will literally crawl into cover and still try to kill you, enemies with shields providing cover for allies, some cool stuff! I also have to praise the art direction. There really was some very memorable sights in this game, like the hospital in the Dead City with blood streaming down the walls.

There were some cool level designs too, they way that some of the dungeons and missions were laid out were cool, and using main mission levels for sidequests but making you do it backwards or changed a little bit was a cool way to go about in when you're clearly like on a deadline and don't have the time to make new dungeons. I was kind of into it at the start but I got tired of it closer to the game's end, which, speaking of, was kind of underwhelming. Like obviously you didn't care about the Arks or whatever, so take it with a grain of salt, but it ends with you going into this place and then you set off the Arks and then the game ends. No confrontation with the chief bad guy or any final comeuppance. The last level in general was kinda lame. It was cool mowing down guys with the minigun they give you, but it was just reskinned mutants at the end, no like special boss or anything lol. Feels like they ran out of money at the end. Still, pretty fun!

[ Story: 2/10 | Gameplay: 3/10 | OST: 3/10 ]

This game is about as barebones and arid as the wasteland you crash into. The gunplay is so painfully unfun and dry and the characters are somehow flatter than Flat Stanley, but I at least got a smile seeing John Goodman come to my rescue :)

Clicks button on computer console during the rising action segment of the plot

Game suddenly ends

I am really baffled by how much Id missed the mark on this. Aside from the blatant copying of Fallout and Borderlands, the game doesn't really do much to peak any interest in the post-apocalyptic-FPS-barren-wasteland-desert-survival games. Like, Doom and Quake, Rage just continues to throw enemies at you as you trek through the same areas over and over (and sometimes backwards). Yes other games make you return to the same areas (Borderlands) but Rage's linear single hallway design makes it tiresome. The racing feels so out of place and the in-game economy is very broken. Yes it's pretty when you're looking at stuff far away, but when you're close it's really gross.

No wonder Carmack left Id.

Always been one of those games where I'm in the minority for enjoying it. A flawed experience, but fun shooting and driving mechanics

I love the id Software / Bethesda shooters... the Wolfenstein and Doom series have been some of my favorite games ever, so I was kind of surprised that I hadn't given Rage a shot sooner. This game seems way under the radar compared to those two, and definitely adds some interesting twists. First, there's driving. Like a lot of driving. You drive from missions to mission, you upgrade your car to unlock new missions, and you are forced to compete in races ect., when you aren't in first person. I thought it was a cool change of pace. I also liked that missions weren't necessarily linear, you could talk to some people and do the sides quests before continuing on the main quest. I also really liked the wasteland esthetic. It's different than World War II or Hell on Mars, and makes for some pretty neat imagery. The last thing I will say is this game was really pushing what the XB360 was able to do. While the game looked amazing, there was significant texture pop-in throughout, and there were constant audio glitches. Often times the game would just not play a sound for a gun firing or a car accelerating. Even the HUD map would sometimes fail to load the map data. I think all of these things were performance rather than bug related. There was just too much for the XB360 to do, so some things just didn't happen. Overall a cool game that I recommend you check out for some mindless shooting, driving and generally blowing stuff up.

ID software does something really cool while relying on the good skills they've built up but not rehashing the same overplayed ideas.

Posiblemente el juego más desconcertante que he tenido la desgracia de jugar en mi vida.

No hay historia. Mundo abierto donde no puedes abrir el mapa. El estilo gráfico cambia cada 5 pasos. Un juego de Id Software donde disparar las armas es lo menos prioritario.

Estoy convencido de que este juego lo generó una IA. No tiene otra explicación.

This game was fine. Certainly one of the more forgettable games of the generation. It looked nice but aside from that, it wasn't really doing anything remarkable.


that sure became the future of games huh

I have tried to beat this game so many times and have always got bored at some point. It sucks because I enjoy many parts of this game but just cant stick it through. Maybe one day.

Blandest game id software has done

I loved this game and then it just ended. The combat was really fun and the razor boomerangs were pretty chef's kiss

This is a prime example of why ID should just stick to linear-ish games.

Somehow feels more dated and clunky than DOOM 3, even though it came out 7 years later lol. Wasn't feelin combat at first, but it grew on me especially as I got different ammos. Story, eh. Something about this game kept drawin me back in, idk.

Yeah, thats the emotion I felt playing this

fwiw this is literally the only id game I've played. I remember adoring it as a kid, and when I played it a few years ago it was still pretty fun, if a bit crusty due to its age. I gunplay is fun, although I wish there were more movement options; I appreciate that the game encourages you to explore and bring plenty of lockpicks, as you can get a kickass rifle for free via lockpicking.

The story is really unengaging, the graphics pair with the color palette pretty poorly, and the vehicle handling can be quite wonky, but RAGE is still a fun play 10 years later, due to the super fun gunplay and the enemy AI being some of the most intuitive and well-made ever.

I never thought an Id software shooter could be this generic. lacking any real personality or story, this game's only saving grace is the fps gameplay

Comecei RAGE com baixas expectativas, talvez isso tenha sido bom porque me surpreendeu positivamente. Ainda é um jogo fraco, não entendo aonde queria chegar porque não tem uma gama tão ampla de armas, um bom mundo para explorar e também não tem um grande foco narrativo principal. E em comparação com Borderlands 2, por exemplo, é muito inferior

Full of texture and personality beyond what was necessary or expected. id Tech 5 is an aesthetic in and of itself, and one that I could look at for hours. I'm reclaiming this for the chads and winners everywhere.

An iD Software title without a final boss is one of the biggest cardinals sins ever committed in gaming.

I kinda liked it. Its like mad max but not.

Dps de jogar o 2 eu até pensei q o primeiro poderia ser um pouco melhor mas me enganei um mundo bem morto sem vida, o combate não é satisfatorio e honestamente eu nem consegui prestar atenção no enredo de tao fodase que é

have really cool memories of playing this with my brother in the summer

Bom gameplay, level design medíocre e entediante, side quests sem graça e missão principal que mais parece um grande filler, nunca chegando num ponto de interesse que chame a tua atenção.
Pior investimento da vida.

I like the game , but haven't had the time to come back and finish it.