Reviews from

in the past

SA2 is one of the most sincere and powerful games I've played. I don't care about the nitpicks with the different gameplay styles or the camera - the game sets out to be a serious Sonic story with cool characterization and adrenaline-filled setpieces and it excels at just that. Even if it doesn't reach the same overall peaks that some other Sonic games do, I can always come back to this one and say I love it with no regrets.

has an industrial harbor level but features zero intermodal containers. if you put meteor herd OR mad space in a 10/10 game, either would drag it down to a 7/10. the tails stages are like filing unemployment paperwork and the knuckles stages are like having dreams about your old department store job, which makes the sonic stages like the distant dying memories of your fondest ten minute smoke breaks. ive watched SOV basement gore movies with better audio mixing. anyway its pretty good. i like rouge the bat.

beautiful. a serene world that encourages you to keep diving back into it, taking refuge in its palette and its ambience, perhaps a bit linear but its just one big shower of love and warmth. there's also a 3d sonic platformer in here as well, which is... pretty good, actually! wow!

everything will be ok.

So after like literally 3 playthroughs beforehand where I disliked a significant portion of this game, I really didn't expect anything to change here. I thought I'd come out of this last chance I gave this game the same as the last. But something just... finally clicked here. This is to say, I can now appreciate this even with the pretty significant flaws I think it has.

If I had to compare this game to it's predecessor in one phrase it would be "One (huge) step forward, two (small) steps back." On every front this game takes SA1 up to 11 but is brought down by some strange and honestly frustrating decisions that were made in the Mech and Treasure Hunting stages. Mainly that; Tails and Eggman feel significantly worse to control for me than Gamma, and the radar in treasure hunting is only able to track one emerald at once. These are definitely still issues to me but I was able to finally slightly overlook them now? Even still I'm definitely going to be playing with mods that fix these from now on (in addition to a mod that tunes down the mech noises cause holy shit the aiming noise hurts my ears LOL)

Aside that this game's got the vibes of all time. From City Escape to Cannon's Core, the game has a sense of style that's really unparalleled by any other Sonic game. Fantastic soundtrack cranks it up even further.

So yeah, finally like this game. It's got its annoyances but it kinda makes up for that. Can't comment on the chao garden because (god forbid) it hasn't really interested me yet, maybe I'll come back to do it sometime. Even if I'm gonna just be replaying the speed stages mostly, rest of the game is still pretty alright and thankfully all my issues with those are easily fixed with mods. So glad I'm finally able to like Sonic Adventure 2!

Oh yeah, and happy 100th review, me!

If you're like me, you'll often ask "who is this character? where are they?" while playing video games. SA2B is the only game I know of where the soundtrack actively tells you this.

I feel like the more I play this game the more I like it. I used to hate the mech and treasure hunting levels but I find them quite fun now. The speed stages are obviously the highlight though. Was a fun quick 3 hour stroll down memory lane.

This game is so fucking cool, man. If you think this game is cringe, then you're cringe. This isn't just a product of the 2000's, this is a product of sincerity. SA2 wears its' heart on its sleeve, from the over-the-top story to the action-packed setpieces to the killer soundtrack. This isn't just a fun game, this is Fun Personified. Sonic ripping off the blade of a helicopter and using it as a skateboard is fucking awesome, and the fact that it's attached to one of the best Sonic levels of all time just adds to it. Shadow was so cool back when he was mysterious and enigmatic, and the fact that you get to blaze through Radical Highway and White Jungle as him, two of the most badass levels in Sonic history, makes him the coolest. The corny dialogue is awesome because it has the confidence and charisma to willfully and earnestly be lame. It is not afraid to be dorky, and that actually makes it so fucking cool, because SA2 is a product of sincerity and passion and eagerness. This game is the perfect amalgamation of everything a kid thinks is cool, and if you don't think it's cool, then you're the lame hedgehog around here.

The fact that there's actually a solid game tucked away inside of SA2's radical exterior makes this game even more special. I wouldn't call it a great game - the Tails/Eggman and Knuckles/Rouge sections are improvements upon the Gamma & Knuckles stuff from SA1, yes, but they're still pretty meandering and clunky compared to Sonic and Shadow's sections of the game, which are more-or-less just as great as the Sonic stuff was in SA1 (I think I prefer Sonic's levels in SA1 over the ones he has in SA2, but SA2 still pumps out a lot of bangers regardless). But SA2 is so much more consistent and focused than SA1. The controls are tighter, the jank is less frequent, the boss battles... try, and then you have two exceptional bonus modes in the form of SA2B's stellar multiplayer (this is one of the best multiplayer games on the Gamecube) and the Chao Garden, a pet sim so good and so shockingly intricate that Sonic Team's too afraid of digging it up again for fear of fucking it up.

SA2B is a classic from top to bottom, a game packed with enough good ideas and enough genuine improvement over the finicky template set by SA1 that you eventually stop caring about the game's very notable flaws. Because even at its worst, SA2B never stops being an interesting and entertaining game to play. It makes you feel like a kid again, and it makes kids feel like the coolest dudes on the planet. "Sayonara, Shadow the Hedgehog" is one of the unambiguously best final lines of all time, and if that doesn't tug on your heartstrings even a little bit, if you don't think that's Sonic's coolest moment ever as a character, having the confidence and empathy to say a simple but tender farewell to his rival, then you are dead inside.

Mad Space sucks, though. We can actually all agree on that pretty unanimously.

The truck in the first level scared the fuck out of me as a kid

This game is tied for my favorite game of time. I genuinely can't describe in words how much I love this dumb ass gamecube game. The ranking system has made a good game turn into an even better one for me. I love playing as the speed characters, mech characters, and treasure hunting characters. Every single part of this game oozes style I absolutely love it. The story can get a little odd but the whole shadow storyline is awesome and I really love it. Also chao are pretty cute I like them

I’ve come to make an announcement. Shadow the Hedgehog’s a bitch ass motherfucker. He pissed on my fucking wife. That’s right he took his hedgehog quilly dick out and he said it was ‘THIS BIG’ and he pissed on my fucking wife. Well I’m making a callout on my, Shadow you got a small dick it’s the size of this walnut except way smaller and here’s what my dick looks like… BOOM
That’s right no points, no quills it looks like two balls and a bong. You pissed on my wife so you know what I’m gonna piss on the Earth with my SUPER LASER PISS! Except I’m not pissing on the Earth I’m gonna go higher… I’m pissing on the moon! Take that Obama I pissed on the moon you idiot! You have twenty three hours before the piss droplets hit the fucking Earth now get out of my sight before I piss on you too.

This game is better than SA1 but I also like it less than SA1 solely because I really don't like the mech stages. Petty? Yes. Unfounded? I just wanna play as Sonic please stop making me play a ten minute stage as Tails in this control scheme. I miss Gamma.

Don't try to 100% this game. One of the best 3D Sonic games otherwise.

this game is too jank im sorry

this game is honestly some of the hypest shit. "it hasnt aged well" shut the fuck up the game has sonic the hedgehog jumping out of a helicopter and snowboarding on the streets of sanfran. its so fucking cool

NOTA: 7,5

Sensacional! Muito melhor do que eu lembrava, Sonic Adventure 2 faz um papel incrível como sequência, desenvolvendo uma história que de início parece boba e acaba de maneira muito foda. LIVE AND LEARN!

O game mantém a criatividade das fases do primeiro e torna a transição delas bem mais fiel à franquia, dividindo em apenas duas campanhas com três personagens jogáveis em cada. Além disso, a sequência tem fases e boss fights bem mais complicadas que no primeiro game ( principalmente no último capítulo que se der game over volta tudo saporra me fez CORINGAR PQP).


Depois de terminá-las se libera uma campanha final que conclue a experiência em uma série de fases com cada personagem jogável e uma boss fight insana com a dupla Sonic e Shadow em sua versão super.

Esse é o jogo que introduziu Shadow ao universo se eu não estiver enganado e eu achei muito bom a maneira que se desenvolve o personagem e a transição de vilão para herói, com seu "sacrifício" no final.

Como jogabilidade, confesso que esperava mais, a versão de gamecube não melhora tanto em relação à de dreamcast de seu antecessor, personagem difícil de controlar e uma imprecisão absurda com Colisões bem bugadas, além da câmera continuar terrível, mesmo que se tenha um leve controle sobre ela nessa versão.

Basicamente, foi como eu disse no começo, me surpreendeu muito pois eu tinha vagas memorias desse game e de fato em vários quesitos ele supera os games atuais da franquia, mas ainda precisa de um remake urgente, mesmo assim, é quase certeza o melhor game do ouriço em 3D, sendo uma experiência obrigatória para os fãs.

Sonic Adventure 2 is a perfect example of a game I wish I could enjoy more. Is it a bad game? No, and I can admit that I was a little harsh on it the last time I tried to replay it. I can see why people love it so much, hell, I even agree with some of their points; Adventure 2 does have one of my favorite stories in the Sonic series, so many cutscenes are perfectly memorable with so many lines that are hard to forget once you hear them. The music, as always, is fantastic, each character's theme works wonders (though Knuckles had a bit of a downgrade) for the cutscenes mentioned previously. so wonderful that they end up completely drowning out the actual dialogue half the time.
Despite all that, I just... can't get into it as much as I'd like? Especially with how much I love Adventure 1, it feels weird not being able to feel that same love and appreciation for this one. I think the easiest way I can go over it all is by detailing my thoughts on each play style, which will absolutely include comparisons to the first game, so sorry.

Speed Stages --- Sonic & Shadow

This is probably where I feel the most divisive with the levels. Sometimes, they work pretty well, allowing for fast movement as well as a nice selection of tricks and opportunities for high scores. Other times, you'll be in the middle of a damn puzzle with stages like Crazy Gadget, or the hellscape of leaps of faith in Final Rush/Final Chase. No matter the level, though, one thing stays consistent. The physics are... not what they were in Adventure 1. The hedgehogs feel so much clunkier for some reason, almost floaty. It makes platforming way more dangerous than it should ever be. Don't try to course correct, either, because God forbid you rely on the homing attack to hit what you're actually aiming for.

Mechs --- Tails & Eggman

Take that clunky movement, make it worse. It's not impossible to enjoy these stages, I'll admit that going brain off in certain segments and just watching the bullets fly as big number in the corner goes up certainly hit a spot every once in a while, but actually playing the stages and maneuvering around them was a nightmare. There is almost no speed to be built up ever, and if there ever is, it will be immediately discarded as soon as you turn the slightest of corners. It's too choppy to have any fun for more than like, 10 seconds, made worse by the fact that each of these stages are usually about 6 minutes at least. Have fun with those beep and explosion sound effects.

Treasure Hunting --- Knuckles & Rouge

This is the one that confuses me the most. Loading into each hunt places three objects around the stage, and each reset moves them to a different spot. To make up for how much more expansive these treasure troves are, you are given... very vague hints on their location through floating TVs. Hints that only apply to the next item in line... and the radar will only go off for that specific item.
Why is this a thing? This wasn't a thing in the first Adventure, with that, you could search for the emeralds in any order you'd like, and they'd allow you hints from the radar no matter the order. So why couldn't they do that here? It's not like they only spawn in one at a time, they're all there from the start. It really only serves to make the hunts last longer, which, again, is not ideal with how big they all are. Especially later on, with Meteor Herd/Mad Space jesus fuck i could not begin to go off on mad space with this review. It is a straight downgrade from something that had zero problems to begin with, a downgrade that had no reason to even be made. I do not understand these two...

Last Story

Filler section of the review, it's a single stage that's like 9 minutes long and then 2 bosses that are fine enough. Thankfully, they were nice enough to not go so hard on the worse aspects of each character for their final level. I could not imagine the Knuckles segment without the air necklace though.

I don't hate Sonic Adventure 2! I don't! I thought I did, but this replay had me feeling just a little less cynical, I guess. The story is fantastic, the soundtrack is too, Chao Garden is fun, but god if this game is anything, it's disappointing. A good, disappointing game. A good game that I wish was better.

but damn i love sonic the hedgehog.

Sonic Adventure 2 foi o último jogo do Dreamcast, sendo a sequência do grandioso Sonic Adventure 1 lançado para o mesmo console, Sonic Adventure 2 foi uma comemoração dos 10 anos de Sonic, porém, nessa época, a SEGA estava passando por grandes problemas financeiros, então eles decidiram que parariam na produção de consoles e a partir de agora irão se focar na criação de jogos para os outros consoles e o primeiro jogo do Sonic com essa nova visão da SEGA foi o Port do Sonic Adventure 2, agora chamado de Sonic Adventure 2: Battle, mas será que ele é um bom jogo ? É o que vamos ver !

Começando pelos gráficos, para o Dreamcast são muito bons e detalhados, com certeza um dos jogos mais bonitos do console e no Gamecube até que não fazem nada mal, claro que não é o jogo do Sonic mais bonito do Gamecube mas para um Port faz bem.

Sua história sempre foi considerada a melhor de toda a franquia pela maioria dos fãs do Sonic, já na minha opinião é um pouco diferente, ela é boa sim, mas têm algumas coisas que eu acho estranho, por exemplo a Rouge trabalhar para a G.U.N. justamente por ela ser um morcego e a G.U.N. só ter humanos, o presidente participar da história apesar de não ter a maior importância, mas por outro lado ela têm coisas muito legais, como por exemplo a história do Shadow, do Gerald Robotnik, do Biolizard e o amadurecimento do Tails, nunca fui fã dos humanos que não são o Eggman participarem da história, prefiro o jeito que são no Unleashed, outra coisa legal é a opção de escolher o modo Hero e o Dark, que contam perspectivs diferentes e coisas que acontecem no jogo.

O jogo possui três estilos de Gameplay, Sonic e Shadow que são as fases de velocidade, Tails e Eggman que são as fases de tiro, Knuckles e Rouge que são as fases de exploração, as duas jogabilidades funcionam bem, mas as fases de exploração foi um grande regresso em relação ao Adventure 1, pelo fato das fases serem bem maiores e radar de esmeraldas agora só detecta uma esmeralda por vez e os controles do Tails e Eggman são mais lentos em relação ao Gamma mas não é necessariamente um problema, outra coisa da Gameplay que volta são os Upgrades, são itens que você pega e melhora suas habilidades, o Light Speed Dash por exemplo só é possível usar ele se você encontrar ele, mas dessa vez você só encontra eles nas fases já que os Adventure Fields não retornaram.

O Level Design é muito bom, apesar das fases de velocidade serem lineares, elas são bem feitas e possuem alguns segredos (como por exemplo os Upgrades), as fases de tiro receberam um grande salto de qualidade, já que as fases do Gamma apesar de serem boas, eram bem curtinhas, já as fases de exploração são bem mais chatas por serem bem maiores, você pode pegar dicas mas em algumas fases como a Mad Space, elas mais atrapalham do que outra coisa.

A trilha sonora desse jogo é EXCELENTE, tanto as músicas cantadas e não cantadas são uma maravilha, as minhas favoritas são Live and Learn, It Doesn't Matter, Believe in Myself, E.G.G.M.A.N. , Throw It All Away, Pumpkin Hill, Metal Harbor, Pyramid Cave e Supporting Me.

Uma coisa que retorna nesse jogo é o Chao Garden e ele continua a mesma coisa de sempre, nunca fui fã do Chao Garden apenas uso ele para propósitos de 100%, porém, uma coisa nova são os Ranks, eles são o resultado da sua performance na fase, você pode pegar Rank E,D,C,B e A que é o melhor, é meio difícil pegar Rank A pois você precisa ir muito bem na fase e principalmente não morrer.

Os chefes de jogo são bem legais, acho que são uns dos melhores da série, o primeiro chefe que você vai enfrentar ambos no lado Hero e Dark vai ser o Big Shoot, que é simples, mas chefes como King Boom Boo e Biolizard são bastante marcantes e divertidos.

Basicamente o novo conteúdo do Sonic Adventure 2: Battle é o multiplayer, mas não posso falar dele pois infelizmente nunca tive a chance de jogar o modo multiplayer dele.

A minha maior crítica é se você quer fazer 100% do jogo, eu só fiz uma vez, mas é bastante cansativo, já que uma fase possui mais quatro missões alternativas e você precisa pegar Rank A em todas elas, além do Chao Garden que acho bem chato, então eu recomendo apenas zerar normalmente ele que acho bem mais divertido.

Sonic Adventure 2: Battle é um ótimo jogo, não é o meu favorito, mas ainda sim é muito bom, suas fases são divertidas e sua música até hoje é lendária, uma boa história e uma excelente reta final, eu só não gosto mesmo das fases de exploração e fazer o 100%, tanto o Sonic Adventure 2 e o Sonic Adventure 2: Battle são jogos muito bons !

forever hexing sonic's newfound status as the big meme franchise or the revisionist take that sonic was never good because it obfuscates how genuinely great this game is

This doesn't deserve 5 stars but I'm gonna do it anyway

"What you see is what you get; just a guy who loves adventure! I'm Sonic the Hedgehog!"

Sonic Adventure 2 is a game that while I'm not head over heels for, I can still confidently enjoy it any time I boot it up. Sonic and Shadow are undoubtedly and unsurprisingly the best parts of this game. Compared to the Sonic stages in the first game, the speed stages here feel more fast-paced, more linear, but unlike Sonic 2 where it forgot to be fun, Adventure 2 succeeds in going in this direction. There's a much higher emphasis on skill with shit like the ranking system and I love it.

I don't have much to say about Tails and Eggman's mech stages other than the fact that they're.. mindless, for the most part.. but I still found them fun. I don't know, dude, I just found it fun trying to go for the highest chain possible, and the platforming is neat enough. Shame people generally can't get behind the controls, I don't have much of an issue with them, but I understand a lot of other people do.

The treasure hunting with Knuckles and Rouge in this game is by far the most flawed out of the three playstyles. My issue with Knuckles' stages in Adventure 1 was that his levels generally felt too small, and too easy. Trust me, they definitely wanted to fix that.. and ended up screwing things up in the opposite direction. These stages at their worst include annoying gimmicks that make the stage more frustrating, and needlessly enormous stages that make it a chore to find the emeralds, unless you're Death Chamber/Egg Quarters, in which case you get a really shitty maze level instead. Pumpkin Hill and Security Hall (you got filtered if you disagree on that last one, bite me) are pretty good, but that's about it.

I can certainly see why everyone hails this game to have one of the best stories in a Sonic game, and I can't agree any more. I'm not popping off every second at this game's plot, but regardless it's very well-written and this game does get raw as fuck when it wants to be. Do yourself a favor, though, and play this game with the Retranslated and Cutscene Revamp mods + Japanese audio. I love the English Adventure-era voice cast, I really do, but a lot of lines are very awkwardly delivered and people cut each other off a lot of the time because the lip flaps and timing don't match the English audio. Plus, sometimes the translation itself is kind of shitty. But most importantly.. it's because the Japanese voice actor for Shadow's got a damn good voice, dude. I want that man to read me a bedtime story.

Despite the occasional jank, and some poor design choices, I do still enjoy this game a lot. This game's peaks are some of the highest in 3D Sonic, very possibly the whole damn franchise, even. And it's not like Sonic Team's ever gonna make another game that goes as raw in its presentation as this game does on multiple occasions since they're too busy making Sonic anything but raw these days, so you might as well see what we were robbed of all those years ago. No, I'm not disappointed that Sonic's pretty much lost all of his edge, why do you ask?

"A new day brings a new adventure.. but for now, rest easy heroes."

Sonic Adventure 2 is amazing, but it's also terrible. Sonic Adventure 2 is a great sequel, but is also a horrible sequel. Sonic Adventure 2 has an outstanding story, but it also has a substandard story. Sonic Adventure 2 is everything I want in a Sonic game, but it's nothing I want in a Sonic game.

From that opening, I have many conflicted feelings about this game. It's a game that I want to like a lot more but I'm glad I don't hate it anymore. I feel this game is overhyped yet somewhat overrated, so let’s begin.

The Story in this game is nearly amazing, but fails in certain aspects. The Character writing is onpoint, especially with Shadow’s & Rouge’s characters and arc, also giving Knuckles & Tails some well needed development near the end of the story after the previous game, i feel like the Adventure games needs to have a sympathetic villain which is why i don’t games like Heroes or 06 to be SA3, despite taking many aspects from these games tone & gameplay wise. There’s also some standout moments such as the opening of both stories, The Big Time Dr Scene and its aftermath, Rouge & Knuckles cute moment after the second rival battle, The confrontations between Shadow & Sonic and the entirety of The Last Story, especially that Ending & Credits scene. However, it feels like at many times in the story things just happen and your going to have to except it, like how Sonic uses Chaos Control one time and it works flawless despite only seeing it once in the story, i think Sonic having the chance to use chaos control in Prison Island and it doesn’t work for I don’t know, he’s not worthy or he didn’t believe in himself which leds to him building the confidence to do it at basically in do or die situation. There’s also how there’s a random shuttle in Eggman’s Pyramid despite having a teleporter and people confusing Sonic & Shadow for the same person despite looking completely different (Though it might have had something to do with Terios being just a Black Sonic lol). But I would have put that aside for the god-awful voice acting, Lip-syncing, Translation and sound mixing (Plus Amy is annoying at first). The Voice-Acting for Ryan & Deem (who was already pretty good in SA1) has significantly improved, Jennier Dillard is still consistent with her vocal performance and the new additions of David Humphrey and Lani Milnella are welcome if not a bit wooden for my liking, but putting that aside the story is probably one of my favourite in a Sonic Game, though is probably the most flawed one to date due to the unfortunate circumstances of the game release and the treatment of the VAs from Naka

Gameplay wise, SA2 takes a different yet great direction by refining the 3 best gameplay styles from SA1 (Speed, Shooting and Hunting) which is good but in my opinion falls flat in many areas.

Speed stage wise this is SA2s best attribute both expanding what was there in the original game and just in a standalone way. Sure levels are more linear and feel one note due to having a big action set piece in each stage, boiling it to one big thing that's memorable, everything else being a bit mid or boring but I had fun with the speed gameplay due to throwing more consistent level qualities, outstanding physics and varied and fun gimmicks however i had more fun with Sonic's stages over Shadows since he has more stinkers like his space/jungle stage and lack of Bounce Bracelet. The Bosses are also pretty bad apart from the Egg Golem and sometimes pretty jank but overall a decent improvement from the gameplay set from SA1 though leaves a lot to be desired.

Mech Shooting sucks ass, like it's crazy just how bad it is, they not only did Tails dirty once again by putting him in a Mech (Though makes sense as he wasn't planned in the beginning along with Rouge) but Eggman an interesting character with heaps of gameplay potential slammed in this boring style of gameplay. It's fun to shoot things I guess but there's barely any substance or strategy to this due to how the enemies barely put up a fight or challenge, and they sometimes come as an unfair annoyance, the worst thing have to be the control & physics, they feel way too heavy, turning feels way too stiff/awkward and it doesn’t feel good gaining speed with them. I think Eggman’s stages were better designed overall since they had a more fair challenge curve. I overall thought this playstyle brings down the game for me, though the Bosses are probably the best in the game apart from the final bosses in the last story

Treasure Hunting is in the middle of this, it wasn’t the worst but certainly should have been a lot better. I feel the level design baring the space stages and rouge’s desert stage is really good as now Emerald shards don’t feel piss easy and borderline brain-dead to find, but is bogged down by the gimped emerald rader (which doesn’t make sense given how SA1s radar works fine with these stages) and the damn near cryptic secrets these stages sometimes have with its Emerald shards and the useless hints they have, also security hall, just security hall. But i think all in all, i had some fun with Treasure Hunting, more so with Knuckles portion instead of Rouge’s as his levels feel more unique, fairly challenging and fun. Overall, while it is a bit boring sometimes it did expand treasure hunting from SA1 really well and is really fun at points, bosses are fine i guess lol.

Presentation wise, i can’t complain, we did lose a bit of the varied ost SA1 had but we have instead a more focused ost that double downs on the rock, Jazz, Rap (which is ass) & Pop, the vocal themes are just as good as SA1 if not more so as it feels like each song perfectly embodies each character’s personality. And the graphics while obviously are dated and does the realistic artstyle in sonic which i’m personally not a fan of, the environments look more sonic like imo with pretty varied level locales.

Overall, SA2 is a game i feel very conflicted about, it takes one step forward and either one or two steps back in everything, though discounting the slight melo-drama i think SA2 is good, not great or outstanding but an enjoyable enough game, there’s many flaws in the game but what it does well is enough for me to enjoy it, mainly it’s story & the 2 other gameplay styles. I really wish Sega had another stab at focusing and condensing a few different gameplay styles, like imagine having Boost Gameplay, Werehog type Beat-em Up Gameplay and some other successful enough gameplay styles in a new game. But i like base SA2, it’s a flawed but somewhat fun game. (Though all the problems i listed can be fixed with mods so there’s that lol).

Anyway, next time i’ll be taking a look at the controversial yet masterful game, Sonic Heroes (yeah I’m one of those people lol)

You know this game is called "Sonic Adventure 2" but what I think they meant was "Chao Garden", cuz lets be real: all these silly lil platforming levels are so you can find lil creatures to train your Chao for the dogfighting ring.

I love this game. I love every part of this game. I recognize that most people don't like lots of this game, but because I grew up playing this over and over none of that bothers me and I just have fun the entire time I'm playing it.

Built from the same engine as its predecessor, Adventure 2 made its way jam packed with the equal formula of diversifying gameplay styles into a more linear narrative with dank, edgy and so cheesy it's good vibe tale of good and evil goes to space and Knuckles.

The added score system ties itself into the three seperate styles of gameplay in different ways but generally in how you perform in stages by doing small tricks, chaining comboes, time bonuses. It feels awesome when you nick a good chunk of points, but can be pretty demotivating when you get low ranks.

On replays I really enjoy trying to go for good ranks and aestetically Sonic Adventure 2 feels like a very arcade authentic game of grabbing good scores while the story mode itself isn't particulary long either. It's well paced and very dynamic.

As for completion and getting all the emblems now that is another story, this can easily rack up the gameplay time for another 60-70 hours of completing all the challenges for emblems, as well as going into the tamagotchi inspired chao garden of pretty insane depth and mundane, but oddly addictive grinding.

I still think Sonic Adventure 2 has the best and most addictive/rewarding ranking system in the series and while there are a short few couple of stages that are borderline awful, the great ones stands as some of the best in the franchise and the Sonic/Shadow stages are a pure delight of thrill and challenge with an incredible sense of speed.

Adventure 2 is at times more challenging than SA 1, but also a blast to play especially when you get better at it.

Sonic Adventure 2 haters are unepic

"Hey Everyone. I know you wanna buy my stocks, BUT F U C K Y O U, I ' M K E E P I N G T H E S T O C K S."

when i went to rate this game i initally clicked 3.5 stars, thought about it for a second and was like nah hang on... bumped it up to 4, then thought about it for a second and was like nah,,, hang on..,. AND THEN I REMEMBERED THE CHAO GARDEN

My two favorite things about this game:
-it can be story cleared in a single weekend, making it a fun game to relax to
-Rouge the Bat