Reviews from

in the past

i still cant believe they fit 64 marios in there

Was worried this would severely show its age, but it was surprisingly innovative and incredibly fun.

Jogo bem inocente, não tenho nenhum grande problema com esse clássico, só que com o tempo outros Plataformers vieram a evoluir bastante a fórmula de gameplay e design, fazendo com que eles superem consideravelmente Super Mario 64, e alguns desses jogos Plataformers já estavam no próprio Nintendo 64, jogos como Conker's Bad Fur Day, Banjo-Tooie, Banjo-Kazooie e etc.

i really don’t wanna be like a dickhead about this game okay? i see it, i understand the impact, it kicked off one of my favorite genres of games, but like cmon guys you cant deny it plays like ass alright you simply can’t try to turn mario’s cubic ass around like a fucking shopping cart and tell me it’s the best game ever okay sunshine and odyssey are right there

but like i said it’s a cornerstone, i just hate playing it

There is a reason why it's still an active speed-running scene to this day.

Imagine being the birth of a new genre and then for 24 years never being topped. How embarrassing for every other single 3D platformer out there. You already know the deal. Mario 64 singlehandedly and simultaneously created and revolutionized the 3D collect-a-thon genre and drew the blueprints by which every subsequent 3D videogame would follow from then on.

Controlling Mario in 64 is one of the biggest joys you can have in a videogame, with so many movement options that allow you to chain numerous jumps, somersaults, and acrobatics in a split second, creating an unmatched free form decision making experience for the player.

There's a magic to this game that I simply can't describe. Maybe it's the hub area, a mysterious castle filled with secrets and paintings that lead to other fantastical worlds. Or maybe it's the actual levels that reveal themselves the more you play around in them, with many of their stars requiring curiosity and insight from the player.

Moments like finding a portal on a wall that leads to a desert world with a pyramid, discovering a hidden submersed town inside a cave, or realizing that you can change the size of a world depending on which painting you jump into, are some of the greatest memories you can have with a game. The levels are filled with paths, platforms and secrets that fully take advantage of Mario's controls, and each one manages to differentiate itself from the others with their own unique premises, be it a mountain with gusts of wind that push you around, a underwater level with a sunken ship and a giant scary eel, or the inside of a clock, that changes its platforms speed according to the time.

Even if subsequent sequels would improve on the foundation built by 64, with more complex and detailed level design, a better camera, and more unique gimmicks and obstacles, 64 still manages to surpass them in many aspects, like it's unrivaled kinesthetics and movement options, and it's no wonder it is still seen in such high regards to this day.

There's really nothing else to say, it's one of the best games ever made. You know it, and I know it.

Veredito: fantástico e atemporal.

Tem um bom motivo pro Shigeru Miyamoto ser chamado de 'mago dos games': é porque ele merece. E Mario 64 é prova disso.

Quase 25 anos depois, continua uma delícia. Tem coisa que claramente envelheceu mal (a câmera merda, uma física esquisita aqui e ali) mas isso é porque este foi o 1º jogo na história feito pensando em 3D. Tirando esses detalhes, continua perfeito e extremamente divertido, e provavelmente vai continuar por muitas décadas ainda.

Se você gosta de videogame hoje, você deve alguma coisa a Mario 64. Ponto.

Platinado pela trizilhonézima vez. E certeza que ainda volto nele qualquer dia desses...

It's amazing how well the gameplay and level design of Super Mario 64 have aged. It's so creative and varied from level to level and Mario controls like a dream. Yes the camera is a pain in the arse and there can be some annoyances here and there but these only slightly drag down this genre defining experience.

The famous mario 64. A game that is still fun but also it's mechanics aged like milk.

Now, to give credit where credit is due level design is really good. Not just good also it's consistent. The most consistent 3d mario even(didn't play odyssey). There is gimmick sections like slides or bowser's linear sections but they are rare compared to the other mario games gimmicky sections.

Level design is good because almost every level designed to be find lots of discoveries in every part of the level. Also choose your own level idea supports it's freedom to it's fullest. You only need to get some number of stars to get to the next section. You don't have to collect everything and I respect this decision a lot. Because the option of skipping a level if I don't like it is nice, because some levels are just not fun.

But gameplay mechanics are like... Ice levels on crack. They are daaaamn slippery it's like every surface mario walks on is made on ice. Also this makes mario 64's slopes the worst. If you are on a slope, you are dead. Because slope's momentum is so strong that mario's jump isn't enough to recover yourself, no it's actually makes your painful mistake intensify and send you faster to your death and I hate it.

Another thing I hate is moving platforms don't add to your jump speed compared to the 2d titles. So if you are on a platform and decided to jump, say bye bye because platform pasts mario underneath while you are on the air and it's too late to realize you need to move now. Because mario's movement in the air just sucks.

Yeah mario's movement in the air suddenly becomes rigid as heck. You can only move forward or backwards for a little bit. That's it. Again compared to the 2d mario's, his air movement just suck ass.

Also who decided to put mario a u-turning animation??? WHOOOOOOOOOO!!???

Yeah I hate the movement and think every mario 3d sequel is superior to this game on movement mechanics. But at least level design is good so that makes this game not a bad game I guess

One of the most important console games of all time. The legacy of Super Mario 64 is based on the monumental transition of console games from 2D to 3D and, while SM64 was not the first 3D console game ever, it was the first one that was crafted to perfection with the tools and limitations available at the time of its development and release.

This game dropped jaws from its very first playable section outside the castle, which acted as a playground for the player to explore all the new moves that Mario could perform ranging from regular jumps, to acrobatic jumps, crouching, punching, backflips, etc. The physics behind Mario movements was ahead of its time to the point that this game remains a fan favorite for speed runs and it never ceases to amaze me how speedrunners combine all the different moves for a seamless ninja-like progression through the different levels.

Graphics were of course top notch at the time of release with the N64 hardware making use of cleaner and less pixelated textures versus other PlayStation and Sega Saturn games. Soundtrack was also fantastic with tunes that have become timeless and are part of Nintendo's legacy to the industry. Other milestones include Charles Martinet debuting as the voice of Mario and the game featuring limited voice acting (Princess Peach).

The overall game design was excellent with the castle acting as the main hub for levels but at the same time offering its own secrets and areas that were fun to explore. The thematic behind using the castle's paintings as levels/worlds allowed for the design team at EAD to have full freedom in terms of themes for each level which increased variety and replay value (snow, desert, haunted, underwater levels, etc). Furthermore, to increase replay value and varierty, each level features different "missions" to obtain stars which forced full exploration of said levels on behalf of the player. Simply put, if you wanted all 120 stars in this game, you would have to revisit and master each corner of all levels, creating a unique feeling of adventure and feeling of mastering the game.

Better graphics, presentation, and gameplay components have been crafted throughout the years in the 3D platforming world ever since the release of SM64; but the legacy this game left is unmatched and the level of polish and quality that Nintendo provided ended up creating a timeless masterpiece in the gaming universe.


It's remarkable that a game as old as Super Mario 64 remains at the pinnacle of '3D movement' in the game design pantheon. This was Nintendo's first attempt at making 3D movement and it is so very expressive. It's just a shame not much else here sticks out to me as all that fun or impressive.

The recency of 3D movement meant that not many challenges could be constructed around pure-platforming. Most great parts of 64 I look back on were the Bowser Assault Courses and the odd fantastic mission. The movement is the star of the show, but the show doesn't seem to have many (mechanically) interesting set-pieces.

I live for everything about this game's aesthetic though. Definitely a must play even with the problems I have with it.

I first played this game when I eight and have continued to go back and beat this game again and again. This game is one of my favorites. I absolutely love it. There is so much charm in the old n64 style each world feels unique and full of mystery. With much to explore and see this game always feel fresh. The music is great and Mario’s controls are excellent. They are so fluid and easy to use. As you master them you find yourself doing some amazing game breaking feats. Every time I hit the credits I find myself in an absolutes nostalgia fest full of manly tears. Mario 64 is a classic and it’s camera can feel dated leading to unnecessary deaths. But this is the pioneer of collectathons and open world platforming. Many have tried to get close to matching its greatness and yet still this game stands out as one of the best.

look, i get it. mario 64 was an influential title and it's importance and presence in video game culture even to this day is commendable. mario 64 provided a very solid foundation for future 3d platformers to build off of, including its own romhacks that expand on not just mario's movement capabilities and level design, but also its coding thanks to the decompilation of it. speedruns and analysises of this game are incredibly fascinating to watch, and seeing the culture around this game grow and evolve is something i'm glad to witness.

but the camera controls suck dick and that's why this doesn't get the full five stars. rainbow ride is also the stuff of my nightmares. i'm sorry.

A groundbreaking game that still holds up today. Fascinating levels with wonderful movement and jumping abilities. Nothing feels stilted even though the game is like 20+ years old

I personally don't think this game has aged as well as others tell me it has. During my playthrough I constantly found myself baffled at how often the camera was just outside of where I wanted it. Worlds like Tick-Tock Clock are the perfect example of how the camera can sometimes make the platforming feel awkward. However when it works, the platforming is still extremely satisfying, the visuals are extremally colorful and vibrant, and the music is a bop.

Seminal 3D platforming classic starring gaming's number one mustachioed plumber in his adventure to find the power stars in the iconic levels/secret areas, throw Bowser into bombs a couple times, and rescue Princess Toadstool so she can bake him a big cake. Nintendo nailed something on their first go-round here that games struggle with nowadays, by making Mario an inherently fun to control state-machine that keeps this game eternally relevant to casuals, speedrunners and theoretical Mario physicists alike.

It didnt age badly you just hate fun.

Pues nada, volví a rejugar Mario 64

No se que puedo decir, es un juego hermoso.

La jugabilidad es perfecta, gracias a los movimientos increíblemente bien hechos de mario, siendo muy precisos y dinámicos.

Los niveles son variados y extensos y divertidos de explorar y de moverse, realmente los sientes vivos por los personajes (enemigos, ayudantes, etc) y simplemente por como esta diseñados los niveles.

La música de Koji Kondo es magistral, ya que se acopla perfecto con los niveles.

Y la cámara, para su el tiempo que fue hecho al ser de los primeros plataformeros en 3D, esta muy bien, ya que siempre la camara sigue a mario de una manera que puede ser visible. Seh, puede no ser muy libre pero tampoco molesta.

Uno de los mejores juegos de todos los tiempos, Lo que deberia ser un simple plataformero en 3D se volvio una pista de obstaculos con las herramientas suficientes para expresarse y moverse con libertas

I be like "this old game sucks! stop rating games based on how you thought of them when you were 6!" and rate mario 64 this highly

such a good time
the early 3D jank just actually makes it better honestly
theres a lot you could say about this game and how its one of the most revolutionary games of all time with how it handled 3D space in video games, but everyone's already said that before a billion different times in a billion different ways.
The fact that nintendo got it so right on their first time is an impressive feat and the game honestly holds up pretty darn well with fun level designs. Definitely a game you've gotta play at least once in your life. All time hood classic fr fr

el b3313 es mejor castillo pero el final de mario 64 -> felicidad pura, majia potajia, peak

a veces pienso que en cuanto a sensibilidad estos de nintendo fueron prácticamente insuperables en los 80s y 90s dentro de este medio. cosas tan pequeñitas como ayudar o jugar con los npcs en tus viajes para que luego los créditos tal cual álbum de fotos te recuerden a los amigos que encontraste en el camino, y terminar con la despedida, de mario, la princesa, los kinopio (y por consiguiente el juego, como un amigo) despidiéndose alzando los brazos como si de alguien partiendo en un viaje lejano en tren o barco se tratase mientras la cámara lentamente se aleja al cielo

"can you hear the princess calling?"

perdón por el post webon después de ponerme a shorar con el final del juego por décima vez, para mañana recapacito

As much as I love it, this game is not solely responsible for its own brilliance. Emulation, fan efforts, and (critically) early Internet phenomena made this an endless stream of inspiration that continues to this day, and far past what I think Nintendo expected or intended.

The Doom of platformers. None shall pass.


liked it a lot more this time than I did on my last playthrough but tiny huge island is still godawful and I probably still prefer most of the other 3d Marios lol

Alguns problemas de envelhecimento da câmera e colisão do cenário.Os mundos não estão no ponto, muito difícil ver alguém defendendo que este aqui tem os melhores mapas.Os power ups são um retrocesso e os bosses são mal inspirados, no geral tudo é muito experimental.Mesmo com essas reclamações, este jogo é mágico do início ao fim, apenas por ser divertido, 8.5/10.

A timeless classic! While the game has certainly aged, it's still quite fun nonetheless. The retro feel of the gameplay, music and style really holds the game up, even to this day.

This game had an undeniable impact in the industry, and is still a good play experience today, but it has not aged well compared even with other plataformers of it's time. Mario controls a bit clunky, the movement that was so praised back in the day does not feel the same anymore. The level design is great, but again is flawed in small aspects of visuals and some unfair obstacle placement here and there.

Overall is still a very nice and fun game to play, but it clings a lot to it's status in the gaming world.

I wish I could disagree with everyone who says this hasn't aged well, but I find myself constantly fighting with the camera every time I play it.

I don't care, though. The level designs are still amazing, and Mario's movement is still the best of any Mario game. It's so much more satisfying to control Mario than in the future installments.