Reviews from

in the past

Es la cosa más innecesariamente faltona y rebuscada desde Lasagna Cat. Curioso y simpático.

People making serious reviews of this game are kind of missing the point

Reddit made a game? Since when?

great game. actively bullies the original game while still scratching a bit of the itch the original provided. jokes won't land unless you have played The Witness to completion (or just looked up the ending lol)

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One of the best games i've ever played, immersive gameplay, challenging puzzles, one of the best OSTs in the videogame industry and features some of the most memorable quotes from famous thinkers.

Embark yourself in one of the most introspective games and find the secret behind the obelisk of knowledge.

Parody of The Witness, released for free, that manages to be a pretty decent puzzle game in its own right. Would probably find it funnier if I'd gotten further into the game it's parodying, but I still had a good time with it.

Brillante. Absolutamente brillante. El mejor payoff de la historia.

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Clearly not as visually impressive as the game it’s parodying, and the drawing mechanics can sometimes be absolutely fucking dreadful, but that’s not obviously what the game is really supposed to be about. And even if its smaller nods to The Witness and JB are clever, I really don’t think the game is as funny as people hyped it up as? I got a small chuckle at the car commercial audio log, the laser sequence and the ending, but that’s about it. Still, the game does make some room for itself to do a couple interesting and unique puzzles.

Damn, I thought a parody of a game I don't like would be better than the game I don't like. The dick joke was funny, I will admit, but the rest of the game feels just as tedious as The Witness, without anything genuinely interesting to diversify it.

Unironically better than The Witness

Just because you understand the individual components of what you're parodying and why they work, and even understand what about it works to parody versus what wouldn't, doesn't mean that your parody itself will actually be any funny, nor any good. The main component that seems to not be understood is that the original was nearly over-the-top already with its philosophizing and heavy commitment to a broad spectrum of viewpoints, but still earnest about itself. Going the opposite direction completely into juvenile humor (minus one audio log that nearly fully understands why the original logs at least work for people) isn't too effective, and is also why the ultimate punchline of the game isn't effective at all.

Also, having poor hand-eye coordination or hands that end up shaking every now and then can actually make the game more frustrating and difficult to play than The Witness itself! That in itself would almost be funny in an annoying way if the game itself were entertaining.

I mean, its an hour long shitpost. For what it is, it was kinda fine; had funny moments compared to how these things normally are, and a weird amount of effort clearly went into making it. Made me want to play The Witness, so I guess thats a plus?

I don't have anything bad to say here. Good game, funny commentary, ending blew me away.

this is such a funny game and perfectly reflects the feelings i had when playing the witness cause yeah fuck that shit

I get that this is a free, parody meme game, but that doesn't excuse you from not having an options menu.

way funnier than the stanley parable, not as funny or as good as the witness

review update this game sucks shit lol, kind of hating it every minute since i closed it. idk self referential shit like this that is just a worse imitation of someone else's true vision is like............................. its just a waste of air lol, even if jon blo sucks ass. its the kind of art id never want to make. it may be more funny than the stanley parable, but it's a lot more philosophically distressing for me.

Não chega a ser nada excepcional em termos de puzzle, para falar a verdade, até a mecânica de escrita fica limitada e quando ela quebra um pouco a ideia do "Canvas" o jogo acaba.
porém, divertido e um jogo de 1 hora e gratuito está perfeito assim, vale jogar SIM ainda mais se gosta de puzzle

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Absolutely hilarious, and surprisingly clever in its own right. I loved The Witness, but I can’t help but also love how this perfectly skewers its pretensions with a spot-on parody. So many great jokes delivered through gameplay in such a short, dense runtime.

A better deal than 0% APR on certified pre-owned trucks tougher than drunk Marines.


This game thinks it's a very clever critique of the witness, but really it's just a half-assed knockoff that's way too made at Jonathan blow for being kinda pretentious.
my real issue was that the looker just wasn't fun to play. it was a weird chore that spent it's short runtime making non-sequiturs at me.

To the extent that I'm an advocate of having fun on the computer, I'm a supporter of The Looker (2022)

Some neat puzzles, some funny jokes

Its pretty fun. ending was pretty funny too

As one of the 5 people who completed and enjoyed The Witness, this game is a master work in parody.