Reviews from

in the past

The source material doesn't deserve a game this good and a game this good deserves better than its source material

It's really good but I can't take the name seriously anymore

Once upon a time, there was a wolf who ruled the land...

Tanto ambientação quanto a trilha sonora criam uma atmosfera noir única, curti demais.
Fábulas no mundo real foi um conceito bem interessante e os personagens são bem construídos, especialmente nosso protagonista. Quanto mais jogamos, mais vamos conhecendo e se interessando na história do Big Bad Wolf, sua dublagem não poderiam ter escolhido alguém melhor.

No mais... é bem escrito, bem dirigido, bem dublado e uma das melhores experiências que tive num jogo do gênero.
Após finalizá-lo fui atrás da hq Fables na qual se baseia e recomendo demais! Ansioso pela continuação.

Really fun time, love the neon noir aesthetic. Story was really well told too

seems like a goofy doofy setup, the kind a fella would think up when he has 5 minutes until the deadline to submit his fictional universe idea, but they do it in a pretty cool way. This is also the first telltale game where I didn't feel the need to be nice: In batman, you got a city to protect. In walking dead, you got a child to raise. But in here you're an angry werewolf sheriff with nothing to lose, so feel free to be mean and kill people. At least that's how I played. Anyways this was really cool. I think I'll do tales from the borderlands and take a break from telltale for a while, OK?

Enjoyment - 7/10
Difficulty - 1/10

Great narrative and by the end I was fully invested in the characters. Looking forward to the sequel <3

I get the wolf part but I'm not sure what this has to do with Among Us

This review contains spoilers

When the wolf is sus

I love this game.

There are so many good things about it. The acting is amazing. The writing in this game is arguably telltale’s best. The art style is so good that if the game released in 2022 (almost 10 years after the first episode released), I wouldn’t have even noticed cause it’s aged so well. And while choices don’t matter like most other telltale games outside of The Enemy Within, I don’t even care cause the story is so goddamn gripping. But sadly it isn’t really a game so it isn’t a 10 as it’s just a point and click but the story is probably a high 9 or a 10 so I recommend this a lot. Play it or Bigby will hunt your ass.

Really enjoyed the wolf among us. I think all the characters were interesting and had a lot of depth to them. The game wasn't too long and kept me hooked every episode. Bigby carried 100% OST is good too

I've been obsessed with this story and these characters since I was 13 and I STILL am. Bigby Wolf my beloved...

The Wolf Among Us is a classic Telltale game. The developers innovated with a genre that lets the player decide the main character's decisions and how it changes the story, and it's no different here.

Telltale did a great job with the first season of The Walking Dead and tried to use the same mechanics with other franchises, such as Batman and Back to the Future. Almost all of them were not as good as their first hit, but The Wolf Among Us is one of the exceptions.

The Wolf Among Us has one of the best stories of a Telltale game. You play as a detective werewolf who lives in a society of fairy tale creatures trying to hide in the normal world. There is a mystery going on that you have to solve. How will you do that? By choosing the right dialogue options and deciding correctly where you will investigate.

There is almost nothing of traditional gameplay here. The only action segments are quick time events. You only control the character in a small scenarios and walk through the places to find points of interest.

I had a bad performance playing on my PlayStation Vita. I know it's not the best version of the game, but it's pretty common to see bugs and frame drops in Telltale games, even on the most powerful hardware.

It's a beautiful game for its time. The developers tried to simulate a comic book visual and did a great job, even with the performance issues.

If you like good narratives, The Wolf Among Us is a great game for you. I don't recommend it if you are not a fan of slow and narrative-driven games.

The Wolf Among Us is no doubt one of telltales best games. It tells a great story that is interesting and fun throughout with lots of twists and turns.

In my opinion, Bigby is also one of the greatest characters of all time. He has a great personality and in every dialogue option there is no right or wrong answer which shows the player the exact kind of character he is.

On top of this, the world in this game is fantastic it has loads of great world building amd interesting characters. Like I said before, the story is a lot of fun to play through and the crooked man is a great villian, episode 3 is a bit boring (which tends to be the case with a lot of telltale games) but other than that every episode is really solid.

My biggest issue with this game is no doubt the ending, it's a great thought provoking ending but it feel like it ends rather abruptly and without warning. My opinion on this could definitely change when the second season releases (I swear to God if it gets cancelled).

To sum it all up, The wolf among us is a terrific game and 100% one of the best games in telltale's library, if you haven't played this game already I HIGHLY recommend it.

O melhor jogo que a Telltale já fez.

A gameplay do game não tem nada muuuuito novo, tudo praticamente funciona no estilo dos jogos da série "The Walking Dead", que consistem em exploração de ambientes e a interação com objetos e outros personagens. A interação principalmente com os personagens faz o protagonista ter escolhas que irão afetar o desenrolar da trama (Igualzinho as escolhas do The Walking Dead mesmo).

Os gráficos do game envelheceram SUPER BEM (Principalmente levando em consideração que o jogo é de 10 anos atrás), as cores neon, o gráfico no estilo de "HQ" com cores sólidas e muitos detalhes constroem um clima tenso e sombrio para "FabbleTown".

Pra mim o game se destaca em sua narrativa. O enredo do jogo é ótimo por si só: Um mundo onde as criaturas de contos de fadas vivem entre humanos. Partindo desde principio o jogo é GENIAL em desenvolver os personagens. O trabalho de dublagem dos personagens é de uma qualidade ABSURDA, com vozes carismáticas e bastante adequadas para os personagens.

A história em si é muito bem amarrada, as decisões morais do jogo são ótimas e os personagens são MUITO carismáticos.

- Ótima história.
- Dublagem incrível.

- Alguns "engasgos" durante a troca das cutscenes.
- Quedas de FPS.

Replaying The Wolf among us after 10 years has only cemented my love for the game and the Fables franchise. Apart from the first season of The Walking Dead, this is definitely the highest Tell tale has come to great storytelling. The noir caper story mixed with the comic book style of the Fables comic book works well. It still has the basic gameplay obviously, but its characters and story carry it.

I've wanted a sequel for so long, now it's coming. I can't wait.

Never been much of a Telltale fan, but this had me really hooked. I really love the cel shaded artstyle which gives it a comic book-like feel, which is fitting given the source material. The characters in this are especially great, and I think Bigby is the perfect protagonist for this type of game. I want to say this left me really interested in checking out the source material, but I've been pretty consistently warned against checking it out.

While The Walking Dead was noticeably stylistic, The Wolf Among Us has style in fucking SPADES. Seriously, I can't overstate just how much I adore the art style of this game. Aside from a few blurry textures and some seriously questionable anti-aliasing on the PlayStation 4 copy I own, this has held up shockingly well for a game that's almost a decade old at this point.

I also really enjoyed the setting, characters, and plot. I haven't played through it in a long while and am only starting to revisit it now that more footage from the sequel has been released. But if my memories are anything to go off, this not only meets The Walking Dead at certain points but outright surpasses it at others. If playing The Walking Dead was like watching a different version of the television series, The Wolf Among Us is a campy noir thriller stretched out to five episodes in all of its glory.

Really hoping that sequel is good, I have a soft spot for this one.

After playing The Walking Dead Season 1, I was really looking forward to this game and had quite high expectations. To this day, I have to say that The Wolf Among Us is my favorite Telltale game. It really brings together everything I love about narrative adventures. The noir style paired with the Fables setting worked really well for me. The voice acting is absolutely superb, the music is beautiful and the story really blew me away. Overall, the writing and worldbuilding in this game are second to none in the genre. I'm really looking forward to the sequel and I'm sure I will play this game a few more times. What a game :)

"Furry bait" - man who loves the feeling that being the Big Bad Wolf gives

Havia jogado essa masterpeça da Telltale a muitos anos no PC, lembrava que era muito bom mas os detalhes da história me fugiam a memória, precisava tirar a prova.

The Wolf Among Us se trata de um game narrativo no formato point and click, logo sua jogabilidade é simplória, porém objetiva e intuitiva.

O game se destaca com seus belíssimos gráficos cel shading, cartoonizado em cores neon, simplesmente o considero um dos mais bonitos da categoria.

Sua historia é como me lembrava, muito boa do inicio ao fim. O clima Noir está bastante presente no jogo, tornando a imersão nas investigações o mais fieis possível. O universo apresentado pega os personagens de contos de fadas que conhecemos e insere eles numa realidade mais dark e pesada, trás um ponto de vista no qual nunca imaginaríamos vê-los. O roteiro é muité massa!

Algo que deve ser comentado e que não tinha percebido na época em que joguei é o quão bem feita é sua produção. As transições de cenas, cortes e enquadramento são excelentes, se não tivesse que apertar botões aqui e ali, daria para ficar tranquilamente apenas assistindo como um seriado.

Em relação a minha experiência com o desempenho do game; apresentou alguns bugs de se misturar cutscenes com momento interativos e eu não conseguir apertar botões, aconteceu das legendas desativarem sozinhas tb e o mais chato, 3 conquistas relacionadas a história haviam bugado (porém foi contornado isso), o game crashou tb mas foi uma única vez.

Veredito final: O melhor game da falecida Telltale e o hype pra sequência só aumentou!

I'll see you around... Wolf.

um dos melhores jogos da telltale, me deixou muito empolgado pro 2, se tiver né
a historia e os personagens são muito legais, principalmente como todo esse clima de investigação q vai se criando conforme os episódios, que parecem ser de uma serie, misturado com a HQ.
a trilha sonora tbm é boa, mas acaba se repetindo bastante conforme avança o jogo
meu único problema são os vilões do jogo, parece ser um problema da telltale fazer vilão com as mesmas caracteristicas e motivações, além do desfecho final parecer um pouco apresado para mim, poderiam ter dividido eles entre as partes 4 e 5.

I was going into this thinking I'll love it a lot more than I actually did in the end. Sadly. I think the reason might be, that I think the telltale structure feels kinda outdated? Or I'm oversaturated? Don't know, but that might be unfair to the game. Because it's definitely one of the best telltale kind of games. It has a very cool noir atmosphere and detective story, which I love a lot. There is just enough mystery to keep you engaged until the end and then some more. But I didn't really find my way into the setting and the characters. It's weird though, because in theory I loved how those fables where thrown into a gritty ny noir setting, but apparently there was still a disconnect for me somehow. I can't really put a finger on it though and I'm starting to ramble here, so I'll just leave it at that. :D

Definitely my favorite Telltale game by a mile. It takes beloved fairytales and flip them on their head. Everyone is living in a harsh world mixed among humans, and they have to keep a low profile to hide their existence. You play as The Big Bad Wolf, who is now trying to solve a murder mystery, filled with twists, turns and drama.
I love it, and am very excited for the The Wolf Among Us 2.

I will maintain to this day that TWAU is one of the greatest, if not the greatest, narrative games ever. It is certainly Telltale's second best work, after the Walking Dead Season 1. This game serves as a prequel to the events of the Fables comics from Vertigo. It's well written, very well acted, and you choices have visible consequences all throughout the story. The comic book style art is incredible, similar to Into the Spider-verse. All in all, I can't recommend it enough. The sequel we thought was dead is on the way! Make sure to catch up quickly. And when are we getting a live action version of this with Hugh Jackman as Bigby?

no chow mein her, you delver place wrong