Reviews from

in the past

zerei em 1 dia, jogo começa divertido e vai ficando cada vez mais chato. Acho que não dei tanto tiro em um jogo desde COD. Sessão de parkour chata, cutscene desinteressante, tiroteio, esse é o loop da gameplay. Tem seus momentos de brilho, mas mais baixos do que altos. O boss final é uma merda completa e ainda tive que jogar ele escutando despacito de fundo

Even if this game is subpar compared to the sequels, it was still an awesome time from beginning to end. The adventure going on in this game is tense and engaging throughout and the characters are as hilarious and they are fun to watch go on this journey. The shooting in this game is perfect, I have never seen anything like it in a video game to this extent, even if the jet ski physics aren't. I purposely played this game before any of the sequels to introduce myself to this franchise and I think it worked wonders.

The enjoyable main characters, well acted voice lines, and relatively enjoyable (yet derivative) story might make this game appear from a distance as a respectable entry to the Uncharted series, but upon any further examination, these elements do little to paper over the cracks of the repetitive and uninteresting gameplay. While the beginning few chapters manage to get you intrigued in this game and its world, this interest soon wanes as the game succumbs to cover-based shooting sections and "free"-climbing sections, one after another with very little variety. The puzzles in this game mostly amount to looking at your journal and making sure you press buttons in order, and rob the player of any sense of adventure that might immerse them in the role of the titular Nathan Drake.

This is not a long game-currently the average play time for the campaign sits at about 8 hours-and yet, as unvaried as the gameplay is, it feels much longer, and I certainly was hoping for it to end sooner rather than later as I got into the final chapters. There are enjoyable elements to this game too, but what's most frustrating is that what's good isn't always good. For a game released in 2007, the graphics look pretty good in most cases, but in others, textures take a while to load, and during vehicle sections, pop-in is frequent. The music is mostly enjoyable, and is definitely one of the stronger points, but can sometimes be distracting or feel unbalanced.

By far the worst part of the game was the jetski sections, which borderline on unplayable. The controls in these sections are extremely janky, especially the shooting/driving aspects (which are pretty much impossible to do at the same time). There are enjoyable set pieces and action sequences-navigating the church was actually quite enjoyable, as well as the escape from the Nazi base-but they are always followed up with uninteresting combat or generic climbing sections. The uniformity of the game, combined with the tediously high health of enemies, the inconsistent controls, and the seemingly at times random enemy spawn locations, can make it rather unsatisfying to play.

While the story can be fun to follow along with, this is solely off the back of the charismatic and well acted main protagonists; most villains are uninteresting and forgettable. Based off this game alone, it's surprising that a sequel was developed for it at all, let alone that it became a critically acclaimed and widely popular franchise.


UN-original story, UN-likable characters, UN-interesting locations, UN-necessary side-characters, UN-der developed antagonists, UN-inspired and UN-varied gameplay, it's UN-derwhelming beginning to end.

It feels pointless to complain about this game; everyone knows the sequels are better. Be that as it may, I don't see any good reason to revisit this game anymore. Play Drake's Fortune if you want, but don't feel obligated to do so even if you are going to play the sequels. If I can give this game credit for anything, it's very consistent with Drake's motto: Uncharted is a franchise with greatness from small beginnings.

If you're going to make a platform shooter, it's generally advisable that you do one of those things well!

Also having a white dude run around gunning down black and brown folks was...a choice.

A decent start to the Uncharted franchise. Drake’s Fortune brings a great story with really outdated gameplay. The jetski sections and sections with the “descendants” really affected my enjoyment with the game however. Overall: decent game, excited to play the rest of the series.

Its alright, there's times where the shooting reminded me of those free radical games, played it on normal and it was a really short run, I think it was the wrong decision to leave the only good characters absent for a majority of the story, however the score is phenomenal, so much better than it had any right to be with its use of prehispanic instruments and pretty creative melodies. Idk I guess it had a pretty tall order filling up the void of ps3 releases during the early years, and they did pretty good.

if i had a ps3 in 2007 i would have kept watching my talladega nights blu ray instead

God, this game was so fucking boring. Almost every single element about Uncharted 1 is as dull as dishwater. The puzzles are unimaginative, the setpieces & landmarks are superficially nice-looking but defined by boring visual ethos (ooo, brown-gray ruins, ooh forest level), the automated-ass platforming is not only uninvolved as hell but wound up ruining 'climbing sections' in games for well over a decade after the fact. It's all Tomb Raider but less effective, Tomb Raider for insecure chuds whose masculinity felt threatened by Lara Croft and would much rather empathize with a snarky psychopath who white-mans his way through everything. Nathan Drake's personality is Marvel quips and one-liners; apart from a somewhat-endearing nerdy affinity for ancient history (and even that never threatens to feel truly 'geeky' because god forbid Nathan Drake be a filthy history weeaboo), Nathan Drake has absolutely zero humanity or depth outside of casual murder and sarcasm. His old adventurer buddy and intergenerational friend Sully "dies" in a confrontation with some asshole venture capitalists, and five minutes later Nathan Drake is quipping with the white girl the game wants to ship him with. And then when her life is in danger after the two get violently stranded and separated, Nathan Drake's focus shifts towards following some clues about his latest treasure hunt instead of prioritizing the actual human being in danger at that very moment.

He is the definition of toxic masculinity, concerned only with himself and his interests while still being painted as the lovable hero and role model. Lara Croft may be a privileged, rich white girl, but she's also an intelligent, empathetic humanist with friends she cares about losing and (usually) legitimate threats to deal with. By contrast, Nathan Drake's adventures are little more than vanity projects and power fantasies where he gets rewarded with bros, hoes, and untold riches galore in spite of his inherent lack of humanity, empathy, and class. It's satisfying to see Lara defeat her jackass enemies, but it's unnerving to see Nathan gun down scores of minorities and thugs just so he can live out his "modern-day Francis Drake" wet dream fanfiction. He'd be a compelling villain in another world, but in the current, flawed reality we live in, he's a blandly-written and unlikable manchild we're supposed to idolize. The combat also fucking sucks and I can't even remember a single tune from this game. Man, I hated this more than I thought I would. Absolute chudpilled drivel

While it definitely doesn't hold up all that well these days, it was really impressive and captivating. Nathan Drake felt like the start of Sony's obsession with "movie games" (for better or for worse).

Reiniciando a série inteira agora no PS5, já tinha jogado o 1 no PS3 e no PS4, mas faziam muitos anos que não rejogava.

Cara, esse jogo envelheceu tão bem que ele absolutamente não parece de 2007, que LOUCURA. Sim, sei que é um remasterzinho, mas porra é basicamente o original de 2007 com texturas melhores, que foi lançado pra PS4 porém acessível também no PS5.

A história é ótima mano, o gameplay, apesar de ser um jogo de 2007, não é tão quadrado e dá pra se divertir demais. Os personagens são carismáticos pra caralho, e o plot twist no final é muito louco.

Uma delícia de jogar, seguirei jogando a série.

Era melhor ter ido assistir o filme do Pelé

sempre achei que Uncharted era o jogo dos filmes seção da tarde, bom, eu estava certo.

Last year I played through the first Gears of War game. I was morbidly curious about how the most iconic franchise of 7th gen cover shooting would hold up and if there was any artistic or game design merit to my eyes after more than 10 years since I'd last played it. It was not a pleasant experience. The original PC port was falling apart in real time, and as the campaign progressed into neverending and indistinguishable dark caves I gradually started losing interest in the game. But I could clearly see Epic understanding the core tenets of the game's design that they'd stuck to since. It's the co-op gimmicks that got ripped off by pretty much every game that followed in its footsteps, and it's the combat fundamentals making for exciting firefights with the few elements Gears 1 has to offer. I could see the fun here and why this franchise was allowed to grow and build upon itself to further success.

Uncharted here is different. It's probably the most offensively mid seventh gen AAA title that I've personally played. It's an adventure platforming title with no memorable set pieces, a Tomb Raider clone with puzzles the solutions of which are just given to you in writing straight away. But most importantly, it's a cover shooter that is 80% combat, and it does not have good fundamentals. Guns feel weak, enemies take way more bullets to the chest than they ought to, and there's little variety present in both combat scenarios and enemy types. You'd think that having a daring acrobat protagonist would lead to some fun mobility options, but no, it would take them three more games to get there. The combat is just okay for the few hours the first playthrough will take you. In retrospect, it's fascinating how Tomb Raider Legend (the game Crystal Dynamics had refused to let Amy Hennig work on), having come out just a year prior to this, managed to avoid the cover shooter plague and ended up a far more fun and varied title despite some of its shortcomings.

But Drake's Fortune has a very particular charm to it that I can't ignore. It's your favorite early 00s jungle adventure B movie that never happened, one that would have Johnny Knoxville of all people play the main role. One that has an absurd plot involving mummies and ancient curses and twists so thin you could filter coffee through them. It is so blatantly cartoonish it's hard not to share in its earnest trashy glow. Even outside of the main story and (admittedly good) comedic character interactions the game never really lifts the shroud of shlock. I mean, there's a level in which you navigate a jet ski upriver dodging exploding red barrels which are sent your way by a lone henchman who is picking them up from a giant stack. This is a Looney Tunes gag, a classic Crash Bandicoot level concept, and the rest of the game just follows the trajectory of "what would happen if we'd given a charismatic mascot character guns". And it's a fun concept, just one that Naughty Dog could not realize in a compelling way.

(The remaster's added Brutal difficulty is hilariously broken. Bumping half a star for this video alone:

Sure, I played and beat it...but definitely below my expectations, nowhere near the praise these games get, it's a popcorn game at best and much like popcorn movies, it kinda bores me, I prefer Tomb Raider 2013 over this any day. It's just one of those games where I play it, beat it and go "yeah I did that but now what? I don't feel like this added much to anything"

Eddy Raja is the love of my life

Definitely a warm-up, prototypical Prince of Persia with guns. It's visually, sickeningly green at times with plastic trees as the summit of 2006' forest aesthetic. Some of it's shoddy physicality didn't age well, the granade throw control-tilt gimmick sort of amused me back in the day, but also added to it's hellish clunkiness. Cute parts alongside the simplicity of third-person combat, somewhat struggles with things like an abhorrently difficult motorboat sequence. Very much paves the way for it's infinitely more polished sequels.

A mostly solid first entry in the uncharted franchise. The last 5 or so chapters are fantastic but most of the game is just a fairly standard cover shooter in a beautifully designed world. Only thing I really hated about this game were the jet ski sections, honestly some of the worst controls of a vehicle in any game I've ever played. On the upside, gun play was relatively fun despite its repetitiveness and characters were decent although a bit cringy at times.

I think the complete travesty this game is often made out to be is a blatant exaggeration. It's not great but it's playable.

It just seems bad after playing any of the other entries in the series. The level design wasn't quite there and there are some plot contrivances that stick out like a sore thumb. But I didn't hate it as much as I expected to based on others' opinions of this game. And I played the other games first. The PS4 remaster fixes a few issues. The original PS3 version probably is pretty bad.

I can see how it was quite impressive back in 2007. It's not too great these days, though.

Drake's Fortune is unfortunately dated now in restrospect, but I still love this game as it is an excellent introduction and depiction of Nathan Drake as a character as well as in action.

Nearly impossible to replay this many years later. I would suggest newcomers to the series try the gameplay, if you don't like it, watch the cutscenes on youtube and move to 2, it is much better in every aspect. If you are replaying, don't bother with playing, just watch the cutscenes.

Ah, o bom e velho Uncharted, o jogo que deu início à era atual da Naughty Dog de jogos focados em narrativas.

Eu acho que a frase "Grandeza em pequenos começos", escrita no anel de Nathan Drake, resume bem esse jogo e essa série. É uma das minhas franquias favoritas dos videogames, mas olhando em retrospecto esse é com certeza o mais fraquinho de todos, com cenários bem repetitivos e uma dificuldade que chega a ser bem exagerada em alguns momentos (eu tenho até hoje pesadelos com o início do capítulo 11, uuuuggh).

Mas ainda é um jogo bacana, com gráficos que eu tenho certeza que eram muito bons pra época e talvez os momentos mais engraçados de todos esses jogos.

Started one of the best video game series of all time, but the first Uncharted game is just "good" at best. It didn't age well and the gunplay is quite meh (and honestly doesn't get much better until 4). It does still have charm though.

I gotta say, this game is great!
It's a third person shooter/parkour platformer, and I loved it. I went in looking for a decent cover shooter. And while I got that, I also got some absolutely FANTASTIC writing. I should have expected that, but it was a joy to listen to Drake, Sully, and Elena interact with each other. The gameplay was pretty good, it has a nice variety of weapons in the game, though I do find it annoying that you can only carry 2 weapons at a time, and some of the weapons the game barely gives you ammo for. (I'm looking at you, Desert Eagle) The parkour's pretty good, though it can feel a bit jank at times. But the story was fun, and the plot twist near the end had no right being as good as it was.
I'd give this game a solid 8.8/10. And when people say THIS is the worst game in the series, that makes me feel very confident in Uncharted 2.

This review contains spoilers

None of the Uncharted games (including 4, which is relatively new) have aged particularly well, but the first entry in the series takes the cake in terms of being borderline unplayable in 2021. The charming interplay between genuinely likeable characters has always been the main draw of the series, and it’s present here as well, but everything else about this is really tough to swallow. The shooting is already bad enough, but the fact that enemies are massive bullet sponges (granted, also a problem in 2 and 3) makes every fight an interminable slog. The setting looks good for a game of this vintage, but it’s also effectively a hallway almost completely lacking in side paths and nooks that we would see in the later games.

The set pieces, so often the highlight of Uncharted games, are a mixed bag here - the bit with the U-boat stuck deep in the jungle, for instance, is a cool idea that is marred by the incredibly dumb and obvious fake death of Sully. The prison escape with Elena, in which you fight off pursuing vehicles with a machine gun mounted to the back of a jeep, is probably the best story beat and the game’s only successful gameplay switch away from the horrid third person shooting. But that small success is counterbalanced by the jet ski sequences, which are so awful that it’s unfathomable that they even made it into the game.

The story, which is a major strength in later games, is a fairly standard ripoff of Raiders of the Lost Ark, right down to the Nazis mutated by a cursed artifact. Still, the banter and chemistry between Nathan, Sully, and Elena is enjoyable, and the bumbling Eddie Raja is pretty amusing as one of villains. Stay around for the cutscenes, but don’t expect much from the gameplay until the sequels.

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (El tesoro de Drake en español) es el primer juego de la saga de aventuras del estudio "Naughty Dog" (Estudio reconocido por la trilogia original de Crash Bnadicoot en PSX y de Jack And Daxter en PS2) publicado por Sony Computer Entertainment, exclusivamente para PS3 el 6 de Diciembre de 2007 (Y sirviendo como uno de los juegos que empezarian a mostar la potencia que la tercera maquina de Sony podia ofrecer). Como todos deben de saber a esta altura, este primer Uncharted fue el inicio de una saga exclusiva de Sony que ha vendido millones de unidades en todo el mundo (Con una trilogia lanzada en PS3, una cuarta parte en ps4 junto a un spin-off, y una entrega menor hecha ppara PS-Vita hecha por "Bend Studios", si, los creadores de "Days Gone").

La historia de los Uncharted no es reconocida por ser la de los mejores en el medio, suele sevir como una historia llena de accion, lugares exoticos alrededor del mundo, todo explotando y volando por los aires y un par de conveniencias, dicho esto y contando con que es el primer titulo de la saga, la historia obviamente no es el punto fuerte de este juego (Aunque tiene algunos momentos interesantes) pero tengo que decir que, al igual que una buena historia de accion logra enganchae desde el primer momento. La historia gira entorno al "decendiente" de Sir Francis Drake, nuestro carismatico protagonista Nathan Drake, que sera acompañado por su igual carismatico mentor Sully y la periodista Elena. Nuestro objetivo es claro desde el primer momento, sabemos que tenemos que buscar un tesoro (En concreto "El Dorado" la legendaria ciudad de oro donde se dice que Sir Francis Drake fue para encontrar el tesoro), y esto Naughty Dog lo recrea perfectamente ya que nos situa durante la mayor parte del juego en la selva, lo que crea esa sensacion de busqueda, misterio, etc... pero, personalmente, este es un gran fallo del juego, quizas en este argumento no se puedan incluir varios escenarios como en sus sucesores, pero un poco de variedad le habria dado mas frescura a un argumento, que sin quererlo, es emocionante, porque, ¿a quien no le gusta tomar machete en mano y buscar un antiguo tesoro?. Por lo tanto Naughty Dog, deberia haber incluido mas variedad de escenarios en el argumento. Como sus sucesores, Uncharted tiene una historia de escasa duracion, unas 8 horas, lo que tambien estropea un poco la experiencia, porque la cosa no se pone verdaderamente interesante cerca del final (Por eso de las horas donde Naughty Dog empieza a alocarse un poco mas) aunque podamos recoger unos 60 tesoros repartidos por las misiones, se hecha de menos un poco mas de duracion en la historia. Tambien ademas tenemos en el juego un total de 47 medallas que se obtienen al hacer una determinada acción, como recoger tesoros o eliminar un número de enemigos con un arma determinada.

Graficamente Uncharted es un titulo que todavia sorprende hoy en dia, es verdad que sus sucesores asombran aun mas, pero los graficos del titulo de Naughty Dog estan muy logrados, personalmente, en tramos del juego, la escenografia selvatica es sorprendente, ayudando aun mas a esta experiencia inmersiva que produce el juego.Las escenas cinemáticas son de un nivel bastante bueno, atractivas y espectaculares, pero con unas explosiones que dan vergüenza solo de verlas, son falsas cuando explotan y aun más cuando sale una nube de humo en consecuencia de esa explosión, el agua en cambio esta bastante mejor y las secuelas de esta sobre los personajes, dejando la ropa mojada son detalles que importan. La pantalla se irá tiñendo grisácea según vayamos perdiendo salud por lo que lo visual es también útil en estas circunstancias. Para acabar he de decir que las texturas no están nada mal, con tiempos de carga en la mayoría de ocasiones imperceptibles y una calidad a la altura. Y la iluminación también es un punto a destacar, especialmente en las zonas oscuras donde nuestra linterna será nuestra mejor aliada.
La musica, como en sus sucesores, sin ser sublime, queda muy acorde con lo que esta ocurriendo, y en algunos momentos logra crear esa sensacion misteriosa que tienen las buenas aventuras de tesoros, aunque su tema mas recordado, y que seria utilizado en las otras dos entregas de PS3, es el tema principal de Nate Drake.

La jugabilidad de esta primera entrega de Uncharted es, dentro de todo, muy fluida, no se aprecian bugs ni largas pantallas de cargado, por lo que esto es un plus añadido a la hora de jugar. Uncharted es un juego en tercera persona, usa un sistema apuntado y para cubrirse que esta muy inspirado en el sistema revolucionario de sus competidores directos de XBOX 360 "Gears of War" (Que a su vez, era un refinamiento del aun mas revolucionario "Resident Evil IV" de Capcom), por lo que es muy facil de usar, aunque este sistema no esta tan pulido como el titulo de Epic Games, siendo lo mas flojo los combate cuerpo a cuerpo y los breves pasajes que intentan que usemos el sigilo (Algo que se noa que esta a medio a hacer) pero que es algoo que solo sirve para una o dos uesrtes dado a que se nota que el juego no esta pensado para estas seciones (Algo asi como lo que le ocurre a "GTA: San Andreas"). El juego tiene tambien un cierto (Por no decir mucho) a Tomb Raider dado a que ambas franquicias beben de inspiracion d ela copa deñl señor Jones.

La IA del enemigo es buena, combinando entre diferentes selecciones de tiros, asi como optar por cubrirse y no por quedarse parados recibiendo todas nuestras balar (Aunque eso si, en la mayor dificultad la IA se va un poco a la mierda y solo es recomendable para ya expertos en el juego). Eso si, hay algunos tramos donde la IA deja que desear para los gamers mas experimentados, pero aun asi la experiencia es disfrutable. Mi unica pega a la jugabilidad, es que se tiene la sensacion de hacer siempre lo mismo , es decir, llegamos a un sitio, superamos un par de olas de enemigos y avanzamos, por lo que esto empaña la jugabilidad de este titulo. Tambien esta el mantener el equilibrio con el mando (Una funcion que despues en los demas juegos se olvido) que tampoco suma mucho pero no destaca mucho que digamos.omo último componente de la jugabilidad están los puzzles los cuales resolveremos de manera muy ocasional, en casi su totalidad son bastante sencillos y además contaremos con la ayuda inestimable de nuestro cuadernillo de Drake, el cual conseguiremos al comienzo del juego, cuando estemos ante un puzzles se nos invitara a pulsar Select para abrir tal cuadernillo y ver como solucionarlo, sin la ayuda de estas anotaciones será prácticamente imposible resolverlo dejando al azar todas nuestras esperanzas, y si con todo esto seguimos siendo incapaces de resolver la prueba al estar un rato sin conseguir avanzar el títulos nos ofrecerá la posibilidad de pulsar L2 para recibir un consejo. Como dije pocos y generalmente fáciles, pero aun así geniales y necesarios para sentirnos como un ladron de tesoros.

Para ir acabando la experiencia que tengas con Uncharted dependera en lo que esperes de un titulo como este, personalmente, es un titulo recomendable si te gustan los juegos de aventuras y tienes un par de horas libres; Sirve principalmente para los fanaticos de las peliculas de este tipo, ya que la experiencia que provoca este titulo es parecida, aunque eso si, es obvio que no compite en la misma liga que los tres juegos que le siguieron. La repeticion del patron de combate y el que no lleve incluido multijudagor deja mucho que desear de un titulo como este, pero aun asi, todo usuario de PS3 o PS4 (Pues esta la coleccion Nathan que trae la trilogia remastericada) deberia poseer este juego.

Gets pretty strong in the last couple of missions, but the groundwork has a bit too many kinks for me to be sold on it. I love the characters though, regardless of how typical they feel

I feel like this game is severely underrated. I agree that all the sequels are better, but I think this game is amazing for an early PS3 game. It made me fall in love with the characters. I was a fan of the supernatural twist midway through the game. And I thought the platforming was really fun. It definitely was a great starting point for the series, and I'm so glad it turned into a PlayStation staple for years to come.

NOTE: This is part one in an ongoing retrospective where I dissect each Uncharted game and talk about my experiences, joys, and qualms in regards to each game. Today we will be looking at Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune. If you enjoy this review, please check out each new part when they are released. With that being said, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy.

So when I started playing Uncharted last Spring, I never expected to get so heavily invested in the series. My only exposure with the series prior was beating Uncharted 2 the week I got my PS4 in 2015 because it came with a bundle that had a download code for Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection. But here I am almost a year and a half removed from finishing the first game and I’ve now played each entry and fallen head over heels for this series. The series mixes third person cover shooter gunplay with bombastic action set pieces and ambitious story telling. Yeah, sure, not every game lands (Which we will be getting to in this review), but every game is at least competently made and worth at least one playthrough. So given how amazing the series is, how does the first entry hold up? Does it feature that amazing cover based gameplay with huge landmarks around you all while telling a deep story about learning when to cut your losses and call your heyday quits? Well, uh… no, it doesn’t.

Now, I’m making Drake’s Fortune sound like a bad game when it's not. It is a competently made third person shooter with the plot of a B list action movie and that’s all it really needs to be. The story follows the protagonist Drake, his friend Sullivan, and a photographer met in the first chapter named Elena. They all go on an adventure to retrieve famous nomad Sir Francis Drake’s treasure and end up crashing in a Spanish fortress. There, Drake climbs rocky cliff sides and crumbling ruins all while trying to retrieve the treasure. There’s also a supernatural element featured in the last three chapters, but I forgot everything about it, so I won’t be covering it. While, yes, the plot is really bare bones and by the numbers, it holds its own and ends up being a memorable experience because of the landmarks you see while adventuring. The Uncharted series is known for its excellent action set pieces and while not as boisterous as the third or fourth game, Drake’s Fortune still has tons of memorable moments like when you first crash in the castle and see the stunning cliff sides or while you explore an abandoned sea vessel while paranormal creatures attack you.

So if the set pieces hold up in comparison to the rest of the series, does the gameplay? Ehhh… it is hard to explain. To be honest, the only game where I liked the shooting was Uncharted: Golden Abyss and that was because of the gyro aiming. Besides that, I’m not a fan of any cover shooters that aren’t Call of Duty or Halo and I have a special distaste for cover shooters of the third person shooter variety. While the combat is competent, each section feels like it lasts too long and the guns feel like plastic. Combine that with the janky platforming and mediocre puzzles, and the gameplay is just sort of a blur that carried me from Chapter 1 to the Epilogue.

You might think because of this review I dislike Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, but that’s far from the case. I just feel the game shows its age more than any other game in the series and that it isn’t anywhere near as strong as most of the games that would follow it. I still recommend Drake’s Fortune if you’re looking to get into Uncharted because you just don’t appreciate the transition from silly action movie stories to the gorgeous narrative of Uncharted 4: A Thieve’s End without it. With that being said, I firmly place this game in a C tier and if I could rate it among the rest of the Uncharted games, I’d say it goes towards the bottom. Where at the bottom will remain a mystery til we reach further entries. Please check out Uncharted, though. It’s a phenomenal series and I’m looking forward to reviewing each entry in a retrospective styled review series.

Rating: C
Genre(s): Action adventure puzzle, third person shooter

Jogo curtinho com uma história bem mediana e um combate bem maçante, da para se divertir e passar raiva nos capítulos finais.