Reviews from

in the past

It's a dollar via Games Pass trial and I've already gotten more than my .99 cents worth.

Literally the best pirate game there is.

Great game, most of the tall tales are really fun to do and playing music is great. The combat is weird, it doesn't sound like a lot of thought was put into it and it becomes irritating very fast.

awful by yourself, absurd amounts of fun with your friends. it’s so good to see Rare back, doing what Rare does.

muy divertido con amigos y voice chat, si eso ni lo compres

Funny pirate simulator, very entertaining.

Started out rough and bare bones, but it’s turned into something really special with friends. You kinda have to make your own fun, and that might scare some away but I love my time in it

Fun nonsense. Hated the pvp aspect of this game, as all my friend group wanted to do was be pirates and mess around.

Gameplay: 10/10
Graphics: 10/10
Story: 10/10
Audio: 10/10
Soundtrack: 10/10
Controls: 10/10
Difficulty Match: 10/10

pvp de piratas muito bem feito, gráficos lindos e gameplay maravilhosa, tmj jorel

Of the many multiplayer games I've played, there are very few that match Sea of Thieves' commitment to a theme. If you want to act like a funny little pirate, this is the game for you.

I'd probably have enjoyed it more if I played it with friends. Otherwise, it was kinda eh to me. Cool that Rare's managed to keep it alive, though.

Fun with friends and does have some fun aspects within the game. Although there are some open gaps when it comes to overall structure.

i havent played much of it but when i did i enjoyed it, its usually not very fun if youre playing alone tho

Me fascina el concepto de este juego, ojalá encontrase más gente con la que jugar. Rompe muchas convenciones del género, todo lo que consigues es estética. Es el mayor simulador de vivir aventuras que he jugado. Si el combate fuese mejor y hubiera más variedad de enemigos sería un pepinazo.

Al igual que No Man's Sky, este juego parece tener el espíritu y nada alrededor para sostenerlo.
Gran agua, sí señor.

The mood to play this game only occurs once every 4ish months, but when it comes there is no stopping it.

Very fun when playing with other people, but you need to know you have a lot of time freely before a game session.

would have enjoyed it more if it wasnt dead

Yo ho, Yo ho, I've been struck by a copyright claim!

It's a pretty good game imo, but I feel like it offers little to no guidance or protection for newer players, as well as solo players. You'll get instantly fucked by max-player crews who go around randomly sinking people. Usually, though, if you avoid people, try to stick to yourself, or play with other people, it can be a fun and rewarding game. I only wish there was some more story element to it.

Funny game to play with friends when you want to act like a pirate.

Journal de bord, 19 Mars 2018.
Je me trouve, moi et mon équipage de 2 marins (insane), dans une taverne à l'autre bout des Caraïbes à discuter de ce que nous allons faire dans ce jeu. Je crois que cette nuit du 18 mars restera sans doute graver dans ma mémoire par le flot de fun qui me submerge dans une expérience vidéoludique inédite, ainsi qu'un torrent de rigolade sans précédent à poursuivre du bâtiment maritime pour le mettre au fond de l'océan bleu écarlate. Putain de merde mais où je me trouve maintenant ? Suis-je réellement devant mon écran d'ordinateur ou dans une expérience immersive à couper le souffle ?
Certains me diront : "oui mais l'argent ne te sers qu'au cosmétique, il n'y a aucun upgrade de ton personnage". A cela je peux vous répondre la goutte à l'oeil et au kiki : "oui."
C'est dans un éternel déni que je peux vous répondre "OUI" en pleurant à chaude larme. Ne soyez pas triste pour moi, oooh non. Car dans ce jeu vous retrouverez les étapes de la vie avec votre équipage que je cite dans l'ordre présentement : la rencontre, l'amitié, l'amour, le sexe, la trahison, la colère, la haine, l'acceptation et la réconciliation.

C'est pour tout ce que m'a apporté ce jeu que je lui mettrais 5 étoiles. Merci Rare et vive la piraterie YYYAAAARRRRGGG