Reviews from

in the past

It pains me to say, that this game has such a great foundation, yet after a couple of hours has so little to do that is fun and doesn’t feel like a chore. There is so much potential untapped, so that I hope it’s worth checking in on the state of the game from time to time to find new things to do, things to strive for and a combat system that is not a clunky mess.

This game was alright. it can be fun with friends but there is really not too much to do.

Muito chato sozinho e pesa 87gb.

Instala só se tiver bastante espaço, caso contrário ele pode virar apenas um estorvo pra você baixar outros jogos. Agora se tu tiver muitos amigos tão interessados no jogo quanto você, então vai fundo.

Talvez demore um pouquinho pra tu pegar missões divertidas.

Played at launch, fun idea and loved the artstyle. Just no content and no real point to level up/progression.

Maybe I'll give it a go now there's more content.

It's cool I just wish you could spend you money on something other than cosmetics.

this is the only game ive ever played before

It stands as an effortlessly engaging pirate adventure, characterized by its gentle difficulty curve that might leave some seeking more challenge. Despite this, it's managed to captivate me for countless hours. I can't pinpoint the exact reason why, yet it's undeniable that the game's immersive gameplay contribute significantly to its appeal. Even in 2024, the game water remains unparalleled, possibly the most visually stunning representation of it, in the gaming world.

Oh I did not like this game. Got very confused and lost, and when I finally knew what I was doing, I got very bored very quickly.

Such a wonderful, Piratical, open-world adventure game! Currently working my way through "A Pirate's Life" right now (It's the main reason I am playing this game), so look out for that review at some point, but the overall game itself is just a joy!

I love Pirates, man.

Jogo super divertido pra jogar com os amigos, é muito bom ficar navegando e tocando música, bebendo, tretando ou farmando, fora as outras atividades tipo as lorotas e as ilhas que tem algum tipo de raid PvE. Recomendo jogar com amigos
Obs: fiz essa review com 156h de jogo

The perfect sandbox with friends to form some amazing 'water cooler' stories. The amount of laughs we've had from stupid crashes, vomiting on each other and screwing over a massive galleon with a small ship is incredible.

The regular content updates have provided a solid foundation of a progression system nad you can recognise easily those who have played longer and those who haven't.

If you want to seek treasure and glory with friends, then pick up Gamepass for a few pounds and give it a go!

I'm the guy who patches the holes and yells "bail" when I suck at my job.

At first glance, the world this game puts in front of you may look like it has lots of big adventures that are there awaiting you, but that is a mere illusion that fades away after the first few hours. After that point, one realizes that the places you visit are but theater decoration in which a monotonous and dull task will take place (kill skeletons, dig treasures, and get/deliver stuff). Those places don't exist by themselves just for the purpose they are given when you choose a mission. All the systems that are involved just make that bolder (achievements, missions, factions, cosmetics as the only reward).
What I like about the game is the situations that happen naturally between you (and your crew) and other crews. All the missions that are available to you work to create an excuse for you to get into those kinds of organic situations with other players. Sadly Rare did never address the griefing they allow, instead, they kept working on giving more varied missions (still dull and pointless tho, just takes more time to do them) that never should have been the focus.
To finish I'll say that the newly added tales just make this problem more noticeable as they're preset and as or duller than the regular missions.

its hard to say whether or not this game is good. what the game wants you to do is an endless list of chores that are a boring slog to get through. But, if you can get some friends together and make your own fun its pretty enjoyable. sinking other ships and laughing as their hard work goes up in flames is honestly brilliant. i cant tell if that means the game is good or i just love bullying people through the medium of games. 2/10

The ship mechanics, visuals, and team aspect of this game work really well!

But... the lack of any kind of progression system, restarting every time you play, and shallow content holds this game back from being amazing. It's fun when you have other people to play with and you're all experiencing it for the first time, but then it gets stale.

I tried playing this game three separate times and I had a bad time each time for a different reason - be it technically issues, server disconnects, getting raided and griefed by other players, or just being bored. I don't think this game is very good and that makes me sad.

Sea of thieves is the greatest pirate game of all time, and it's great to see it succeed were so many other live service games have failed. A great example is the late game content which is in the form of pirate legend, it takes many 10s of hours to become a pirate legend and once you become one you are given a wide variety of new quests to do, items to buy, and adventures to be had. One thing that may be a turn off for some people are battle passes and seasons in full priced games, and I'm no exception, except in the case of sea of theives. Each plunder pass is full of well designed cosmetics as well as enough ancient coins to buy the next plunder pass, and on top of that each season they introduce TONS of new content that will keep you busy for hours upon hours. Overall I'm very glad that I went back to play this game before the PS5 launch. I'm looking forward to playing it again on my ps5 next month.

What a piece of shit video game.

I'm actually giving this a serious review or at least the points why I hate it so much.
The first reason: This game has probably the BIGGEST potential out there.

Setting + graphics are insane, the atmosphere is good, it's a funny idea to play in co-op.

But then, there are SO MANY downsides:

1. Game fucks newbies actively
As a newbie, the game goes like "get fucked you asshole!" because it doesn't tell you anything. You play a "tutorial" that tells you 3 things that don't help you at all while you're playing.

2. The questlog is a shit-show.

3. No guidance at all
There is no story, no reason to play, no guidance. You just get thrown in there like "Here's a boat, try it."
But then there are 30 merchants, a town, different "missions" and tools. And you are sitting there like "What is the purpose? Why do I have... What?! Why is..."
There is no reason to play it, which brings me to my final point.

The "Sea of Thieves" experience goes like the following. You are getting on a boat. Okay. Then you're sailing out to the sea and you're pursuing a "quest". This quest being a "Go there, bring a chest, get back"-entry mission. Okay, let's go there, kill 3 skeletons and head back. Okay, sounds cool.
Then you're doing this again, and again, and again. The first 3-5 hours are 30-40 minutes of "sailing", which is standing on a boat looking at the water. Then you're looting an island for 5 minutes and you go back to the outpost where you got the quest. So it's 60-80 minutes of waiting and 5 minutes of "doing something". Cool. GREAT GAMEPLAY!

But hey, this isn't even the best part, you asshole video game. No, because the BEST PART is... You play this shitshow for 80 minutes and go back to the outpost, then a team of experienced assholes joins your way, spams "AHOI!" or "AYE!" into the chat and then they're like "EAT SHIT YOU LITTLE ASSHOLES HERE FUCK YOUR ASS WITH THIS BURNING GRENADES, YOU FUCKS!". Then they just completely penetrate your inner organs with weapons you haven't even heard of on a ship that is bigger than everything and you and your little asshole boat get fucked that hardly in the ass that you spawn in heaven and go back through a green door and get spawned on the piece of shit boat again just to be killed again and WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS GAME!?

I hate this experience so much, you wouldn't believe it. This is no fun at all. And the sad thing is, that it would be a great coop-experience if you just had a little pirating game with a story, cool opponents, no online-bullshit except you want to have it, an immersive world like in Skyrim and boom... Game of the year.
But like this, this game sucks Dennis Rodman's dick. 24/7. While it's getting fucked from behind by Kim Jong-Un.

What a shitshow.

I mean, I just really think the combat and missions are antithetical to fun. Swinging a sword and hitting an enemy feels.... weightless... and some enemies have loads of health. And guns have little to no impact either. Missions are basically "go to this island", "kill a bunch of enemies and collect this skull". It's just... ehhh... But, I did play this mainly with my friends, and any game with friends is automatically more entertaining. My friends enjoy this, and I respect that, good for them. But you'd never catch me playing this alone.

Sea of thieves feels like a "nothing-game" to me. It is kind of like hanging out in a park. The park in itself may be pretty, there may be some activities you can do there, but overall the park itself has no objective to complete. Going to the park alone offers not much else than a nice break from whatever you were doing, but you can't describe it as "fun". The fun comes when you bring your friends and you start messing around.

The fun doesn't come from the game, it comes from your friends. While Sea of Thieves is charming and has started to introduce storylines, it overall feels pointless. After playing the game for 30 minutes you have seen everything it has to offer. It is one person steering the boat, the others jumping around, emoting or randomly shooting around until you reach your objective, at which point you run to the chest, maybe do some mediocre combat, and return with the treasure which is honestly a pain to drag from your boat to the store.

It's not really fun, and you are not rewarded for your time. There is no progression. Your boat won't change, you cannot find new weapons, there are no upgrades, no nothing. What you spawn in with is what you get. You do all of this to get currency to buy skins. This sounds cool, until you realize most of these same skins can just be bought for real cash. So there is nothing to gain by playing the game.

One of the most disappointing games I've played in some time. On one hand, it's one of the prettiest games I've seen, with water physics that look like sex; unfortunately, the actual game part of this game is really lacking in pretty much anything.
I wouldn't complain if this was a narrative forced game but it's not, it's an always-online game that you need to play with friends in order to play it properly, and I'm sorry but the game just isn't that much fun, the missions are repetitive, there is no upgrading so there's no reason to keep doing it if your not getting anything in return other then cosmetic changes.

This game has been ongoing for 3 years and there is still no real reason to play this game, let's hope that the new Pirates of The Caribbean DLC will add something new to this game.

A beautiful cooperative game that is, mostly, pretty dull. It's nice to look at the water and go "goddamn, that water looks great" and if you can get a crew together to sail the seas it's not bad, it's just usually very mindless. Sail places, get ashore, get some treasure, maybe kill a skeleton or some such along the way. I have had no grander pirate adventure in my time with the game, but I've heard tell of those who have. While those tales can be thrilling, my voyages have been okay at best.

write a sea of thieves review

Title: A Swashbuckling Adventure on the High Seas - Sea of Thieves Review

Sea of Thieves, developed by Rare and released in 2018, is a unique and ambitious multiplayer pirate adventure that brings the vast and treacherous seas to life. Set in a stunning open-world environment, the game invites players to embark on a thrilling journey of piracy, exploration, and cooperation. As you raise the anchor and set sail, Sea of Thieves promises an immersive experience filled with both the beauty and danger of the open ocean.

Graphics and Atmosphere:
One of the standout features of Sea of Thieves is its visually stunning art style. The game's vibrant and colorful graphics create a captivating world that truly feels alive. The attention to detail in the environments, from the shimmering waves to the dynamic weather system, contributes to an immersive and visually striking experience. The day-to-night cycle and changing weather conditions not only impact the aesthetics but also affect gameplay, adding an extra layer of challenge and realism.

Gameplay and Exploration:
At its core, Sea of Thieves is all about exploration and collaboration. Players can team up with friends or join a crew of strangers to navigate the vast seas, discover hidden islands, and search for buried treasure. The ship mechanics are both intuitive and complex, requiring coordinated efforts from the crew to manage sails, navigation, and combat effectively. The thrill of discovering uncharted territories and facing off against other pirate crews on the horizon adds an element of unpredictability to every voyage.

Piracy and Combat:
Engaging in naval combat and plundering the riches of other ships are central aspects of Sea of Thieves. The game strikes a delicate balance between accessible gameplay and skill-based mechanics, making ship-to-ship battles intense and rewarding. Players can wield a variety of weapons, including cutlasses and firearms, for intense close-quarters combat. The inclusion of mythical creatures and skeleton enemies further adds excitement and challenge to the pirating experience.

Quests and Progression:
Sea of Thieves offers a variety of quests, known as voyages, ranging from simple treasure hunts to more complex riddles and battles. While the quest variety is impressive, some players may find the progression system lacking depth, as the primary focus remains on the emergent experiences that arise during exploration and encounters with other players. The absence of a traditional character leveling system emphasizes the game's commitment to creating a shared world where every player, regardless of experience, can participate on equal footing.

Community and Updates:
Rare has shown a strong commitment to supporting Sea of Thieves through regular updates, adding new content, features, and addressing player feedback. The evolving nature of the game keeps the community engaged, and events like the introduction of the "Pirate's Life" expansion, which brought elements from Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean into the game, showcase the developers' dedication to providing fresh and exciting experiences.

Sea of Thieves is a remarkable multiplayer pirate adventure that excels in creating a visually stunning and immersive world filled with the freedom of exploration and the thrill of piracy. While the game may not appeal to everyone, particularly those seeking a more structured progression system, its unique blend of cooperative gameplay, unpredictable encounters, and ongoing developer support make it a standout title in the pirate genre. So, grab your crew, hoist the Jolly Roger, and set sail for a swashbuckling adventure on the high seas!

AYYAAAAA le jeu de fou il dévore black flag c'est bon pour vous ? ahah la petite réf à squeezie ;) ahah. Bref pour s'amuser faut un Jayce, Une Cora et Un Killian (déso Killian pour la game de la dernière fois encore) et la c'est le meilleur jeu du monde avec lolita kissing Simulator 2

900h de jogo e eu ainda não cansei.
O farm é bem maçante e frustrante por poder perder tudo de repente, mas o multiplayer é a melhor parte do jogo.

Sea Of Thieves is far from a perfect game, but what it did was provide a place for me and friends that I couldn't meet in person to get lost in. Working together and chatting, catching up, laughing and joking, and doing (essentially) virtual escape rooms. It's an incredible game for that, slow paced when you need it to be, but wonderful bonding chaos on the high seas too.

I can imagine this being ridiculously fun with a group of 4 really close friends; this game has a knack for creating really fun moments that riff off of group dynamics. Sadly, I do not have a group of 4 really close friends who also have a PC or Xbox, a game pass membership, an Xbox Live Gold membership, and a desire to play a cartoony pirate game.

Uninstalled this to try Fallout 76 instead