Reviews from

in the past

"Just a little bit further" the game

But in all seriousness, I'm such a consoomer for loving this game. I'm sure if I played the original I wouldn't appreciate this specific version as much, but with this being my only exposure to the game, god it's good. It's really good. I get why people gassed this game up so much back in the day. Maybe it's tired now after a sequel, multiple rereleases, and now an HBO series, but this game just feels timeless story-wise. Obviously the gameplay has been updated from the original, although I don't really have a reference since I didn't play the original release. The updated gameplay is great, and although I kinda felt out of the loop on some elements for most of the game, there was a specific point where something just clicked and I was able to execute a perfect move, and the gunplay just finally felt natural for me. The graphics are amazing, probably one of, if not the best looking game I've ever played up until this point. I know I'm soying about this game so much when everyone else already has, but it's really great. The biggest issue is the fact that it's just an unnecessary remake. Remaking a game like this extensively is nice and all, but at its core it's still a damn good looking PS3 game, and on top of that there was already a remaster for PS4. Charging $70 for a PS3 game at its core is scummy. There's no denying that. That's really my only major complaint: the pricing. As great as a remake as it is, it feels unnecessary and needlessly overpriced. Everything else about the game is perfect, though. Rating the game on its own merits, I can't really give this one anything below a 10. Some of the most fun I've had playing a game in recent memory, there wasn't really a single low point for me.

Masterpeice. Can't believe it took me 10 years to finally play this game. Easily one of the best games ever made.

Graphics were extremely good, would recommend to any first time players (but maybe for a cheaper price).

Masterpiece, could never get into it when I'd tried to play before, but I gave it another shot with the show coming out. So glad I did, as this is definitely one of the greatest games of all time.

Pretty good changes were made for this version of the game. The only bad part imo are the character models.

Still, I love how you can customize the difficulty to fit exactly what you want. Every game should do this by now.

While this may be the most unnecessary remake of all time, it is without a doubt the definitive way to play the Last of Us. Maybe wait till it's on sale though....

Es un juego casi perfecto. Las aristas hay que buscárselas en la poca variedad de situaciones que vivimos, y en algún detalle técnico por ahí, pero es un ejercicio de buscarle 3 pies al gato. Un juego-hito dentro de los AAA a nivel narrativo.

(Played before 2023)
For the full review, just check my review of the original, it is the same exact game basically with a coat of paint. Big issue though is the fact that there is no multiplayer which I think they should've ported over, but I get why they didn't want to.

The Last of Us series is one of the best series in all of gaming history. The original The Last of Us was an incredible storytelling journey, augmented 10-fold by Part II. The additions to this game to make Part I only served to improve the experience even more! 10/10 game.

Zerei a primeira vez com meu amigo que me apresentou esse jogo maravilhoso no PS3, depois lançou o port para o PC (que tá horrivel) mas não quero falar de port, quero falar que esse jogo é uma obra de arte, que deve ser jogada por todos que tem a oportunidade, sem sombra de duvidas uma das melhores narrativas de todos os tempos no mundo das artes! (chorei)

the story of this game is a 9/10 but the pc port is quite bad

This review contains spoilers

gameplay was a bit iffy and slow, the story wasn't the greatest thing as i expected it to be but the dynamic between between Joel and Ellie was pretty good and had a pretty good development seeing as Joel tried to close himself up to her due to what happened to him in the past and slowly opening up to her and accept the fact that you cannot let go of the past but would've loved it more if it had more depth and layers to it but it does the job ig, a pretty cool cinematic experience tho i'm not a huge fan of this type of games

A historia do jogo é muito boa, o jogo ficou muito estavel depois da ultima atualização v1.1.2.

The Last of Us Part 1 stands as a landmark achievement in gaming, delivering an emotionally resonant narrative, immersive gameplay, and stunning visuals that come together to create an unforgettable experience. From its gripping opening moments to its poignant conclusion, every aspect of the game is crafted with meticulous attention to detail, resulting in a masterpiece that sets a new standard for storytelling in the medium.

At the heart of The Last of Us Part 1 is its deeply moving narrative, which follows the journey of Joel and Ellie across a post-apocalyptic America ravaged by a fungal pandemic. As they traverse the desolate landscape, players are drawn into a world teeming with danger and despair, yet also filled with moments of unexpected beauty and humanity. The bond that forms between Joel and Ellie serves as the emotional core of the game, driving players forward through a series of harrowing trials and tribulations.

One of the game's greatest strengths is its character development, with Joel and Ellie emerging as two of the most compelling and well-realized protagonists in gaming history. Their relationship evolves organically over the course of the story, as they grapple with loss, betrayal, and the harsh realities of survival in a world gone mad. Every conversation, every gesture, feels authentic and meaningful, thanks in large part to the superb voice acting and motion capture performances of Troy Baker and Ashley Johnson.

In addition to its powerful narrative, The Last of Us Part 1 also excels in its gameplay mechanics, which blend stealth, combat, and exploration into a seamless and engaging experience. Players must carefully navigate each environment, scavenging for resources and avoiding or confronting hostile survivors and infected creatures. The tension is palpable in every encounter, with every decision carrying weight and consequence.

The game's presentation is also top-notch, with stunning visuals that bring its world to life with breathtaking detail and atmosphere. From the overgrown ruins of cities to the lush forests and crumbling buildings, every environment feels meticulously crafted and dripping with atmosphere. The sound design further enhances the immersion, with hauntingly beautiful music and realistic sound effects that draw players deeper into the game's world.

In conclusion, The Last of Us Part 1 is a triumph of storytelling and game design, delivering a powerful and emotionally resonant experience that will stay with players long after the credits roll. With its compelling characters, gripping narrative, and polished gameplay, it stands as a shining example of the artistic potential of the medium and a must-play for any gamer looking for a truly unforgettable experience.

What can I say about this game that hasn't already been said thousands of times? It's a fantastic game and one of my absolute favorites of all time. Every single thing about this game is great from the gameplay to the story and it's characters. Even though I don't think this game really warranted another remaster so close to the last remaster they did; especially not at such a high price. This is still undeniably the quintessential version of this game out there. It makes all of the older versions completely obsolete.

There has been a lot of talk about how games like 'The Last of Us' are more like interactive movies and how that probably isn't the very best that games as an art medium have to offer; and I do agree with that. However, this form of prestige storytelling is still a genre of games that exists and Naughty Dog are, in my opinion, the best in the industry when it comes to this genre of games. Mostly because they actually utilize the strengths of the medium and combine them with elements of traditional storytelling to really make the best out of both worlds. Like for instance during the tutorial when you learn about gun controls through the decision to mercifully put an infected person out of his misery or not. That is an insane way to teach the player about how to use the gun! And at the same time it shows us the unforgiving nature of this world and how quickly a life can be snuffed out.

This I feel is what makes Naughty Dog masters within their craft. Their ability to tell emotional and heart gripping stories that combine and utilize the best of two art mediums to make something truly extraordinary. I now own three different copies/versions of this game and I couldn't be happier. I love this game and Neil Druckmann and his team really performed a miracle when they managed to top this masterpiece, with an even better masterpiece called 'The Last of Us: Part II'.

Yeah, I get it, Last of us is an absolute goldmine so why not remaster a remaster. Well I really don't think this game should be a full price, I can still say, this game is a masterpiece. Story, gameplay, Stealth or shooter sections, some Horror Sections and breathtaking visuals and atmosphere as well as fitting soundtrack.

Joel sets off on a cross country venture to save a young girl from an infected infested America.

Near perfect. I love the moral ambiguity of every character. No heroes or villains, just selfish survival.

beautiful game, excellent remaster. grounded mode is fucking nuts. stay tuned for my 2027 manifesto on why everyone is wrong about the ending

nao consigo escrever to chorando

A singela pior experiência que eu já tive tentando jogar algo no PC. Simplesmente injogável, extremamente mal feito, mal otimizado, mal polido e mal testado. 4 horas esperando a compilação de shaders, 20 minutos para o primeiro loading do save com o jogo instalado em SSD, 100% de utilização do processador com apenas 50% da placa de video sendo usada, jogo pausando sozinho durante gameplay para dar buffer (????) de texturas durante o jogo, crashs constantes, bugs visuais recorrentes. Ainda não descobri se implementaram erroneamente o FSR nesse jogo, pois ele fica incrivelmente feio de dar dó com este ligado na opção de QUALIDADE. Além de tudo isso, ainda apresenta uma performance que faz Cyberpunk 2077 no dia do lançamento parecer o jogo mais bem otimizado do mundo, 30 frames por segundos LIMPO, em uma RX 6600, no médio em 1080p.

it is just like a movie. i love every second of it.

- The dialogue, the world building, the narrative, Joel and Ellie's relationship, EVERYTHING IN THE STORY DEPARTMENT.
- Performances, especially Troy Baker and Ashley Johnson.
- The tension in every gameplay scene, dealing with clickers and the more horrifying creepy ahh humans that mess with Joel and Ellie.
- Specifically for PS5 version... Graphically looks INSANE.
- The score 👌👌👌
- At one point after plenty of hours in the game I started seeing the design flaws which completely broke my immersion. (e.g. looking for ladders, planks, trash cans for Ellie to walk across)
- Personal opinion alert: The narrative is way more effective on the HBO live action adaptation. There's plenty of filler gameplay sequences here.

O Joel é um personagem incrível