Reviews from

in the past

Neat little PS1 style 3D platformer. The aesthetic is really the selling point here, because other than that it's really short and simplistic. Worth picking up for $1 to kill an hour.

this game is stupid fun, pick it up if you have a dollar lying around

Fun $1 pickup. Gives you that "early 3D" platformer fix.

An aggressively mediocre, short 3D platformer. Not bad for a dollar, though.

only thing I really hated were the jumpscares

A cute little bite-sized 3D platformer game! It's only 30 minutes long, but is still a pretty good value for its price. Tje physics feel great and the graphics are very charming. I wish the game leaned a tiny bit more into the horror aspect.

For the price of $1 the tight controls somehow beat out most 3d platformers in the modern day.

Teehee what a cute widdle existential nightmare

It's a solid and super-super-short dollar platformer. Nothing that'll blow your socks off, and it really doesn't need to be; if you like semi-PS1 aesthetics and games you can speedrun, you've found a game here. No outstanding gimmicks or even any offensive attacks, just a breezy run-and-jump to whittle down to a science till you get tired.
I take issue with the horror elements for sure. Nothing actually scary here, besides a cool design on the main villain; everything that is "horror" is about as much of a jumpscare as the Mario 64 piano, at all times. Even then, things like Starry Sky having evil stars in the background and a garish red tint feels more obnoxious than anything. As if these elements were tacked on for the "haunted PS1" theme. As if it's not enough to be a cute and cuddly 3D platformer to stand out. Also, this game is way too reliant on platforms that move in an arc for way too long, for something that you're encouraged to speedrun.
I recommend Toree 3D for sure, but it's begging to be built upon.

una puta mierda que te jodan hylian

cuesta menos que un monster y es más corto que el pedo de un ratón. Juégalo

Short and sweet, a nice little 3D platformer that doesn't have a lot of depth to it but a nice aesthetic and a love for the genre. Knows how long it should be and even catches me off guard a few times, my only real issues I'd say are the ice physics and the I'm assuming strict character unlock methods.

jogo de plataforma muito divertidinho e mto bom pra passar o tempo

a parte estranha dele genuinamente me surpreendeu porque como esse jogo foi um presente de amigo e eu nunca tinha ouvido falar dele antes, na minha cabeça ele só ia ser um joguinho bobo, então o susto funcionou muito bem pra mim

it’s cute and cheap and kinda fun but i’ll be honest i wish they’d either gone all the way with the ‘horror’ or just left it out entirely. as is i feel like it just doesn’t add anything

Pretty good. Nice feeling to move and nice bird.

really love how this game plays and looks. horror stuff is pretty unnecessary and i wish there were a few more levels simply because i love the controls so much.

I mean I paid a dollar for this game it's not like I was expecting anything amazing, it's a short 30 some odd minute platformer that was pretty fun.

the lil caesar of games. get a hot and ready game for $1. a perfectly competent 3d platformer. fought with the camera a bit in the final level, but besides that pretty solid.

Va de un pollito que corre mucho. Es muy barato, te lo pasas en un ratete y las mecánicas son una delicia. Recomendadísimo.

Really really good for its price of 89p / $1.
Has some horror elements as it originated as apart of a horror themed demo disc but it never gets that scary.
The platforming is fun with 9 levels and it was fun to return to the levels and attempt to get A ranks to obtain the third playable character.

Very cute little game! Ends way too soon, I'd love a full-fledged platformer in this style.

A pretty short platformer with some tacked on horror elements (nothing too scary, though). Pretty good for the $2 I paid for it, and I like the PS1 aesthetic.

Why is S rank on Neo Osaka so much harder than all of the others

I mean, for what it was I had a good time. For a game that's only a dollar, you can't expect Super Mario 64 or Crash Bandicoot. For the nine levels it had it was cool. The vibe I got from it was a mix of an actually good Roblox game with N64 graphics and layout and a good soundtrack. It has a sense of charm to it that I wasn't expecting. I also thought there was good detail with ice mechanics and moving vehicles to jump on which made it appear that the developers actually tried with it instead of making a cheap game for a buck. My issue is that I wish there was more to do. You're just running and jumping while collecting stars. You can't attack enemies. You can only avoid them. You can't get powerups. You can't collect anything except stars and there is no reward for collecting them all besides a stamp on the level. I also think the last level was anticlimactic. You can't hover over it at all so it seems like a big deal, when it's one of the easier levels in the game. In the end, for what it is I had a good half hour playing it. It's a dollar game so I can't expect anything great, so with me spending my Gold Points on it and really not paying anything, it was worth the time.


Gave this a shot because I kept hearing how good it was for the $1 price tag. While I can't refute that it's certainly more well-constructed than most other games at that price tag, I personally wouldn't pay any more for it.

I'm not really a big fan of how floaty the physics are; the lack of tight controls makes it tough to collect all the stars at the brisk pace of the autoscroll. You could argue that that's intentional, and part of the challenge, but challenge should be something satisfying to overcome, and constantly missing the same jump over and over again wasn't particularly satisfying. That's a big issue, because with the game being short as it is, collecting the stars and running through the stages is most of the gameplay, and when controlling a platformer isn't particularly fun, that's kind of a death sentence for your game. The aesthetic is neat, but that's about it.

I need more Toree in my veins

Probably the best bang for your buck considering this costs 1 dollar.