Reviews from

in the past

A painfully average game, with an enchanting art style and Kirby-like platform gameplay. Unfortunately too short and linear to be otherwise remarkable. The last boss fight is brutal, like nothing else in the game.

Don't pay 800 Euro for a copy of this. Please.

30 minute plataformer with bland level design and a lot of empty areas.

It looks and sounds incredible though, probably the most impressive GB title from a technical standpoint, but there's not really anything much to say about it.

Average if not slightly mediocre.

very short, and has an odd difficulty ramp right at the end, but still really enjoyable. i wish there was more of it to develop on the ideas it had because there's a lot of potential in it

Played for a little while using mGBA on my modded Wii. I will come back to this game some day, I think it's going to be a fun time.

Feels like either a tech demo or unfinished. It's nice to look at, but there isn't much to play.

Really fun and short game, but lacks a lot of level design and actual game play. Seems more like a demo than a real game.

Jogo bem feito, pena que é para Game Boy. Se tivessem lançado uma versão remaster pra qualquer outro console de mesa seria muito lindo.

very cool platformer with good mechanics

What was that?
Just a bunch of Cute Little Guys? That's it?

A nice mix of Kirby's shapeshifting mechanics and Mega Man's level structure. Doesn't do a whole lot to define itself, but I love the way most of the enemies in the game are actually completely passive - often minding their own business or merely nudge you around out of curiosity. For you to only take damage when an enemy swings at you, that's amore. Yakopoo is the cutest mother fucker by the way.

Edit: I think this game came out before Kirby's first use of the copy ability? Kinda cool actually

Slugcat from Rain World kicks everybody in his way in order to stop flower king rabbit guy from sitting in his castle, being all evil or something. The game is drop-dead gorgeous for the original Gameboy, and also a technical marvel for all the unique physics stuff they pulled off, although its easy as pie and a little short.

I'm reviewing this one because the switch version has not been released for some reason on this site, even though It can be bought and played.

Anyway, cute little bunny game :3

Simple little romp with neat looking spritework and animation topped off with having one of the best soundtracks to ever come out of a Game Boy. Definitely has potential to be a much grander experience, but what's here is enjoyable.

This is right up there with Kirby's Dream Land for most impressive use of the DMG.

Its only flaw is being too short.

Looks great, sounds nice, plays like nothing worth talking about.

An above average platformer for the Game Boy with some similarities to Mr. Gimmick! Smooth gameplay, and a nice variety of visuals with a decent soundtrack.

Cute little Game Boy platformer released in '92 featuring a cute and round protagonist? Yeah this is coincidentally quite a bit like Kirby, but Sunsoft made it and it has an extremely Sunsoft soundtrack that absolutely rips and could be in a game where everything isn't quite this adorable.

Your little round boy has a few transformations they can do whenever, letting you swim in one case and fly in the other, and there are also a handful of temporary transformations you can use by eating fruit powerups. None of this actually matters beyond looking charming. And they do, with loads of sprites and animation and just amazing charm for a GB title. But I beat the whole game before I knew the flying mode even existed, and the flower ability is an actual detriment most of the time it appears.

None of that matters. Trip World boldly asks us: why does a game need enemies? Why can it not simply have friends? A plurality of the enemies are either nonthreatening or close enough that I didn't notice, and this is good because your kick move has like zero range. You just hang out and enjoy how lovely everything is and then get roasted by the handful of actual challenges. One of them is the final boss, which is a huge difficulty spike! Also, there's no continues, but the level select code is both easy to pull off and very generous. In this way I think the game's reputation for being easy is a little overblown: it IS easy but you won't actually clear it in 20 minutes unless you use the cheat code.

I dunno that you should buy whatever clown car special edition that Limited Run is dreaming up but the game is very nice. Imagine if we got as many of these as we have Kirbys. God that would kick ass.

Kirby genérico, sem metade do carisma ou brilhantismo de level/game design do original.

honestly kind of mid........sad..... sad face emoji

A Kirby game if Kirby was the character in "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream" who turned into the flesh monster biologically unable to harm anything.

Would have loved a game that lets you choose how much you want to interact with the other sprites, but not this one. I've heard of games that give you special abilities that are suitable for different areas, but this is the first I've played that expects you to intuitively know where and when you will even have one available. What's that, you want to attack the boss? Sure, just use this kick attack with a range the length of a cut thumbnail. What, you want your long tail attack? Sorry, that was for two screens ago. Remember that level where you could turn into a fish? Now you'll just turn into a fish whenever I want, and it will be very funny watching you flop around as a fish on dry land for a moment. Hm, there's a power up there that's rather high up, I'd sure like to use my flying ability now. Too bad, suck on this fish power, bitch.

I find Trip World a very interesting game after I played through it. I feel like I didn't get it at first until I was thinking about piece by piece but I actually really like how much of a "trip" it felt. A lot of the enemies don't even hurt you and some you have to provoke to even have them attack you.

The game is so short and easy, hell even the level select cheat is easy to use that honestly I would recommend just giving it a playthrough. Sadly what really keeps this game from going higher is your main attack which is the kick is pretty bad imo.

I guess another complaint I have is I felt like the abilities could have been used better, especially the flying one. I will say at least the game is great in terms of presentation, give the soundtrack a listen if you are ever curious. Overall, fine game give it a shot though there's better Sunsoft games out there.

Year of the Rabbit #2: Rec'd by Detchibe

What a cute side-scroller we got here, everything here is cute. The protagonist is cute, the enemies are cute, and the length is an adorable 20 minutes tops. You're gonna wanna give the Game Boy cartridge a bunch of head pats and tell it how cute it is. Maybe I'm biased, but Yakopoo is more adorable than Kirby. Sorry pal, get some long ears and I'll reconsider.

Yakopoo's main method of attack is a very close-range kick to the face (or nuts depending on the target), but thankfully Sunsoft had a bit of mercy and let the enemies deal no collision damage. I've always enjoyed the idea of no collision damage in a sidescroller like this, not just because it alleviates headaches with big boss characters, but I also feel it helps give more incentive to give bosses bigger and more devastating move-sets. Freedom Planet springs to mind immediately. Now are you going to get the adrenaline-pumping action of fighting Lord Brevon in Trip World? Oh god no, though there is a phase in the final boss portion where you fight a smarmy shithead version of yourself that enjoys insta-sliding into you once you're in range.

The morphing gimmick is pretty neat even if a bit odd at times, the ball one feels like speedrunning tech and the fish one is only useful for like one stage, and after that it's just a comedic ability to use a Magikarp Splash. I actually quite liked the flower power up that pacified my enemies via temporary sunflower lobotomy. It's quite a telling sign when you play as Yakopoo and kick everything in sight only to find out that some enemies are actually innocent and will only attack in retaliation. What kind of Yakopoo will you play as? The martial pacifist Yakopoo who only beats others up in self-defense, or the chaotic Majin Buu-esque force of nature that nutshots everyone they meet regardless of their allegiances?

I think it's probably just me, but this music reminds me of Sesame Street. I feel like I made that observation not long ago, and I really wouldn't be surprised if I was just losing it. Fuck it, everything is Sesame Street now!

This is also one of the few times where I massively prefer the western cover art to the Japanese one. Take a gander at that majesty! Don't work too hard boys, it's only the first thing the kids see at the game store. By the way, don't look up the price of this, you can't afford it and you're gonna blow your top especially at the difference in price and game length.

Apparently Yakopoo made an appearance as a mid-boss in Galaxy Fight, so I guess that's some interesting trivia for ya.

Can I commission someone for a Yakopoo plush? Yakopoo Yakopoo Yakopoo. Where art thou Yakopoo?