Reviews from

in the past

Miitopia is an odd game because I actually have a deep history with it that goes back to its original english release checks calendar SIX YEARS AGO?? I uh... wow. When the demo first dropped I remember my younger self dismissing it as another random mii game, but after trying it... I was so hooked. I just wanted to keep playing. But as all demos do, it came to an end, and I couldn't progress in the story further, and this was before I could get income for myself so it was basically it for me. About half a year later, I had saved JUST enough Christmas money to finally buy a copy.
To say that I loved it was an understatement. To my younger self it was my favorite game ever. I played it nonstop, playthrough after playthrough, casting all these characters as my friends. I couldn't get enough of it. But then, I started getting into other games, I started to expand my horizons beyond Nintendo because of Final Fantasy VII, and its importance floated away slowly. It didn't help that nobody really played the game either aside from two friends I had at my old school, and me not being on social media at all during the time. Flash forward to 2021 and the Switch version with new QoL dropped, exposing it to a wider audience. It was certainly... interesting seeing what people had to say about this game, especially as someone who was a fan during the original release. I didn't bother picking up this version until 2022 and played it on and off for a while.
The game isn't as good as I used to think it was, I won't lie. Do I think it's bad? No, absolutely not. But the game has so much potential and doesn't do very much with that, restricting exploration to "levels" which are a straight line with scripted enemy encounters and "routes" that force you to go through the stage multiple times to find everything. To say it gets repetitive is an understatement, and the combat does not help. There are some unique ideas with how you manage your team during battles but having your other party members AI controlled is lame. Even Dragon Quest has more complex systems than this game with real status effects and such. There's also a relationship system but compared to Tomodachi Life it is significantly shallower and dumbs down to "level up by being in an inn room together or random event". On the topic of Tomodachi Life, it has a similar problem to that game where there's not that many quirky random events in the game so you end up seeing repeats of the same event a LOT, except now in a 25 hour JRPG.
It's a bit sad seeing this game in a new light, because I know the IP has so much that it can do. I'd love to see the world of Miitopia in a more traditional JRPG format with actual systems and exploration to mess with, but knowing Nintendo's lack of interest in Mii games I doubt a sequel would happen. I still like this game a lot, it still means so much to me, and I doubt this will be my last playthrough even with the numerous flaws it has. This game is just too damn charming. I don't really know if I can recommend Miitopia, but this is the definitive version of the game with its new features. Just don't expect much from this game outside of it's main charm of being able to cast every single character as anything you want. I guess growing up will change your perspective on things sometimes.

this is why video games were made

Dude this game's like, so cute and funny. The gameplay is pretty fun and easy to get into and I love the simple story. Miitopia is like, one of the most unique experiences I've ever had. Where else could you see Demi-Fiend and Goku fighting against Hitler? Yeah, exactly. This game is incredible, I wish there were more games like this

This game’s Mii creator is proof there is a God.

Miitopia is a lighthearted rpg that is not difficult to play (probably for kids to adapt to easily) and does not have a crazy story to follow.

The story is a dark lord is going around stealing Mii's faces and placing them on monsters, your main character comes across some of these monsters and is attacked but then a mysterious voice speaks to them and grants you the power to pick a job (warrior, mage, thief etc.). Once you pick a job your journey begins and playing through the game you will come across ally Mii's and NPC in different areas.

The game is fun but can get tedious especially since you can only control your main character the other party members are AI controlled. What makes this game so fun is that the majority of NPC in the game are created by you. You can create the Mii's from scratch or the game can auto generate them, or you can even download them from other users (people have made some real awesome Mii's). The party members you recruit are also created by you as well and you can pick their jobs/ classes.

As you progress through the game you will unlock new jobs (some cool and others are silly, but they all have their uses) and you will also unlock new armors and weapons for each job as well. As the characters level up they will unlock new abilities and perks. When you complete a stage, you can place Mii's in rooms together at the inn so they can link up and create bonds (the stronger the bonds the more useful in combat they are together).

Overall, it def feels like a kid's game with the humor and silliness but it is def worth playing if you are in the mood for a relaxing and non-stressful rpg.

The Mii creator is chef kiss
The wigs and makeup completely blow the previous Mii creators on Wii/3DS/WiiU out of the water, allowing for some incredibly creative designs like Sonic and King Dedede that actually look like their characters.

Unfortunately the game itself lacks any real depth or hooks. Once you've seen your Mii characters have their fun little interactions, there's little else to keep you invested in the game. It's a very basic RPG, where you select a level and the Mii party will automatically walk until they find a battle/etc.
The battles are very simplistic too. You control your own character while the rest do their actions automatically. It's cute and simplistic and a great way to dip your toes into the genre but it starts to wear thin after around 15 hours which is a shame

The only game where the dark lord Morshu can take on a team of Dio Brando, Shrek, and the members of Tally Hall.

This game is great for people who have too many oc's

Played the demo, not rating cuz it aint the full game

The "mii" variety of games are essentially my last bit of good will towards Nintendo. There's a certain innate charm of making a bunch of crude approximations of you, your friends and various pop culture characters and making them do wacky shit. Didn't pick this game up initially because it came relatively late in the 3DS life but playing the updated version is probably the most fun I've had with a first party nintendo game in a while. The new mii maker is absolutely insane with the amount of depth added letting you make complete abominations and masterpieces like never before. As an RPG, it's relatively simple, but still fun enough: There's enough interesting ideas (the powders, safe zone) that make it engaging enough, and while at first I thought no direct party control was a bad thing, it makes a game run faster that's already pretty easy. Social sim stuff is as great as ever too! Same kind of charm that something like tomodachi life had.

Overall, excited to play the full version! I dunno if I'd finish it immediately, but this def seems like a lot of fun in short bursts.

So repetitive, but I somehow never really grew tired of it. It has a special feel to it but I'm not sure I can pinpoint what it is in particular that makes it so charming. It must be a combination of the random humor, simple but efficient rpg elements, mii editor and lovely visuals. It embraces the stupidly one-dimensional world and characters and makes the most of it without taking itself seriously. I loved every minute of it even back in 2016 on the 3DS.

The strangest fanfiction I've ever had the fortune of playing.

I made Jerma and the $19 dollar fortnite card sleep together

the Miitopia remake is genuinely great fun, and the Mii maker in this game is mind-blowing, seeing how popular characters got translated into the game was amazing. it's like Tomodachi Life, but a fantasy world, with equally ridiculous moments.

hatsune miku consoled me when my roommate had his face snatched. can't recommend enough

Beat the shit out of trollface with the help of RuPaul, Corpse Husband, and a $19 Fortnite Card. This is cinema.

I never played the 3DS version of this game so I had no idea what I was getting into aside from the function of being able to cast the characters, but let me tell ya Captain, this one right here is the one.

This is the silliest game I have ever played and it sure did take me by surprise. First you can edit as many Miis you want through the incredibly extensive Mii Editor, which really needs to make a come back, and if you're not very design-inclined you can just download other people's Miis where you'll likely find the gold mine of the most atrocious characters you can find.

Your band of merry friends, memes, and discount celebrities will then go on a pseudo-RPG adventure where the relationships between them grow to bolster your abilities in battle. It's not about the destination in this game, but the journey where growing attached to your Miis will put a smile on your face.

This game is just downright stupid. While the combat can be repetitive, there are quality of life features such as fast forwarding that will make the random encounters breeze by. The main thing I dislike is only having combat control of your Star Mii and some battles you are begging on your hands and knees that your Lazy party member won't let you down and let your friends get obliterated. (They will.)

The found family tropes are off the chart and it made for a very special experience, having used my friends as party members. I never played Tomodachi Life, but this game makes me want a port of that game STAT. I'm a MII CONOSSEIUR NOW!!

A nice and fun game, though it can get a little tedious. The real star of this game is the makeup system, and the sheer way in which it revolutionizes the process of creating Miis. The things people have made with the makeup system are astounding and mind-boggling. I truly do hope that future usage of Miis in Nintendo games use this system.

Big missed opportunity in that there were no new classes or worlds added. As far as I know, just the horse, the new mii maker, and an extra postgame dungeon were added which is pretty disappointing considering the game's price tag. I partially forgive a lot of that stuff because I'm confident this game was only really released on Switch to test the waters for future mii-themed games - it was always intended to be a quick port.

Anyway, all the good stuff from the original is here again, and all the bad is as well. The game is ridiculously padded for the whole second half and seems to become more and more so as you go on, and the classes continue to be pretty unbalanced. The gameplay is still shallow and the game speed is pretty slow even when holding the B button.

However, as I said, the good is all still there. The soundtrack hits, the writing is cute and silly, the enemy designs are all there... and of course, the new mii maker very much breathes life into what would have been a far more stale port. Things felt way more connected this time with a sense of online community even though the game itself had nothing that natively supported it.

Aaaanyway, Miitopia's good but could be a lot better. Not worth picking up at full price unless you really want to support mii games like I do. Also if you do get it, please make sure to play it in short bursts rather than binging it. It's not at all a binge-friendly game.

A very charming and funny little game. I want to make my funny little mii's dance and murder and kill and maim and harm.

I haven't actually played this myself, but I've been watching the boy go through it and it just seems like a real good fun time. Simple snappy combat and menus, streamlined progression, weird emergent mini-narratives, flashes of Miitomo and Tamagotchi Life.

My 6yo played and finished a JRPG starring himself, his family, Mario, Minecraft Steve, Admiral Ackbar, various other Miis we managed to drag over from the Wii U, and he's still having a great time in the post-game. A triumph.

i like the miis... theyre silly little guys. i love the new outing tickets too even if they make the jolly jaunt ones from the roulette obsolete by comparison. there is also horse

Overall a pretty decent remaster of a pretty decent game. Come into it with the expectations of what you should expect from a Mii game and you'll be pleasantly surprised. The combat system is easy to understand and the scenes between party members are cute, but get annoying to see once you've seen all of them, which, in my playthrough, happened pretty quickly. The added content in the port itself is actually pretty cool, although it doesn't warrant the $60 price tag.

this game is entirely carried by its mii creator in my opinion. the decision to remove text to speech from tomodachi life was an interesting one but i feel like it makes the game less interesting. creating/borrowing different miis is fun and building out the world but the game definitely gets repetitive as it moves on and you start to see a lot of the same events multiple times. the mii creator in this switch port is amazing though and the best mii creator nintendo has ever made.

Was originally going to go for 100%, but the game is a bit too boring for me, at least post-game, the base game was pretty decent and I had a lot of fun.

Miitopia was a game that nearly flew over my radar and I'm glad it didn't. I was introduced to it through the demo and was thoroughly impressed by how much I enjoyed it. The game was loads of fun and gave me an absolutely unforgettable experience.

Miitopia is your standard turn-based RPG on the surface. You've got your four party members and your various character classes. You've got your magic/skill systems. You've got your stats to manage. However, what Miitopia is all about is relationships. You gain lots of party members throughout the game who all develop relationships with one another. The better the relationships, the more powerful your team becomes. The player can manage their team at inns where they can organize rooming situations and send their members on outings. This is also where stats can be increased and equipment can be swapped. Mixing and matching party compositions is a lot of fun and getting to see their interactions is even better. A lot of unexpected things can happen in Miitopia because of the relationship system and it makes the characters feel so alive.

Speaking of the characters, YOU create them yourself. You get 10 party members through the main story and can make many more afterwards. You get to choose their appearance, personality, and class. Their personality effects the random events that occur within gameplay. It's not exactly a balanced system, though. Some personalities are clearly better than others. "Laid-back" is probably the worst with "cool" having virtually no flaws. You can also create all of the NPC's appearances. Miitopia is a very personalized experience, which is a major part of what makes the game so fun and engaging. Characters can also be changed in any way at any time, minus changes in class until the late-game, so no decision is permanent.

Back on the topic of the combat system, you only play as the main character. The other party members control themselves. The AI is very good though and party members make wise move choices for the most part. The only thing I found frustrating was the unnecessary use of healing items. A party member could be either at full health or near full health and use up a healing item. The player does have these things called "sprinkles" which can be used between turns and at the player's discretion. They can heal, revive, restore mp, etc. Even with very little player input, the battles are kept fun with flashy animations and random events. There is also a fast forward button to speed through animations if the player chooses. The gameplay does become quite repetitive eventually though, but it's not really a big problem until the post-game. The combat is also almost ridiculously easy early on but luckily ramps up in difficulty later. The post-game almost gets too difficult with little XP being given in proportion to how hard enemies are.

Speaking of the post-game, Miitopia is a massive game packed with content. The main story will take about 30 hours to complete. The map is huge with varying locations that have tons of areas to explore. Areas can be selected on a Mario-esqe map and your team travels across them in a linear 2.5D fashion. Areas are worth going through to find treasure chests that contain some great rewards. The map also houses other fun goodies in the form of NPCs to interact with. The map might be almost too big for its own good as it contributes to the repetition problem as mentioned earlier.

Miitopia's story is A TOTAL BLAST. The writing is so witty and entertaining. I found myself loving every moment of it. It follows the story of the player character who goes on a journey to save the world from a face-stealing Dark Lord. Along the way they meet new party members and hilarious NPCs. The dialogue and interactions are full of funny moments. The plot also has some great twists and turns. It is overall a super fun time that will take you on a total rollercoaster.

Sound and visuals:
The sound design is pretty competent, as should be expected. The music is really good. Nothing I would listen to outside the game, but it's still some great stuff. There's a lot of tracks I still remember.

The visuals are really great too for the most part. Locations look great, the art direction is really good, the UI is well done. Of course you have the Miis which still hold up really well, big thanks in part to the new wig and makeup system. What I don't like is a lot of the enemy designs. Designs get reused a lot, especially in the post game, and some of the color alterations can look really ugly. Many designs just look really ugly or weird in general. Sometimes it's to the humor's benefit but sometimes it's just hard to look at.

As I mentioned before, Miitopia is a great experience. There's tons of fun to be had with this game. The whole thing is just so personalized and it feels special. The writing is both silly and legitimately interesting. I'd highly recommend this game to RPG fans who are okay with a more simple experience and want to just sit back and watch a fun story unfold. Don't feel bad for not sticking around for the post-game, though.


idk why I like this game so much, I just do lmao. Also across the switch version and the 3DS version I have done like 5 separate playthroughs of this game (Most of which in 2020) i didn't finish most of them but i still thought I'd mention that

A fun, comedic experience that drags out in the final act, and with very simplified mechanics that makes this one of the easiest RPG's I've played... However, I couldn't care any less about its problems.
Miitopia may be a 7/10 game in a analytical sense, but in my heart it will always be a freacking 10 out of 10, some of the most fun I've ever had with a game in all of my life, the story it formed with the characters I put in was so accurate at how they would act, the situations they all got in, the actually hilarous dialogue and absurd situations, the sheer fun in triying new classes and combinations. It's chaos, but the best chaos that's been put in a videogame, I genuely can't ephasize enough how much I loved this, I loved it fulll heartedly.