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in the past


Prodeus é frenético como outros jogos do mesmo gênero porém o game não sai muito da sua "zona de conforto".

Prodeus é um jogo que arrisca pouco e acaba não conseguindo se diferenciar de jogos do gênero que já existiam a 20 anos atrás.
Ele traz uma estética meio genérica (Parece um Doom clássico em HD com gráficos neon), uma trilha sonora totalmente padrão e uma narrativa irrelevante num nível que você nem entende direito o que tá rolando.

Porém como nos jogos clássicos antigos do gênero o game acerta principalmente no seu level design e numa jogabilidade familiar.

O level design se complementa a loja do game. Alguns segredos das fases contém uma moeda própria do game (Tem muitas delas em determinadas fases). Além de servirem para comprar armas, o jogo oferece algumas habilidades para compra, como o pulo duplo por exemplo.

O jogo consegue ser interessante mas não significa que é um baita jogo...Tá aí um dos jogos já feitos...

- Level design muito bom.
- Armas legais.

- Jogo "seguro" demais, não se arrisca muito em nada.
- Um pouco repetitivo demais.

As somebody who is usually quite critical of boomer shooters, Prodeus pretty much fits with how I want these kind of games to be; hard hitting, highly dynamic and varied shooters with a strong audiovisual character. But despite its unique qualities, Prodeus' fundamentals are a bit too reliant on its influences, to the point of limiting its potential.

First things first, this game simply looks amazing. The mix of classic Doom faux-3D style sprites and id Tech 4-esque 3D graphics never feels anything less than pleasing. It's very cool that they allow you to customize some aspects of the art style, like having 3D models or 2D sprites for the enemies. I also love the gore-y details, like blood and viscera dripping from splatters on the ceiling.

The dark, somewhat edgy atmosphere of the levels are supported quite well by the ambient soundtrack. The only part of the audiovisual experience that I don't enjoy is the metal soundtrack, which usually pops up in the more elaborate enemy encounters. These tracks are just not interesting enough.

The gameplay is as you would expect from a game like this. Run and dodge projectiles, avoid getting too close to melee enemies, pick the right weapon for the job, and try to maintain your accuracy as you move around. Prodeus particularly draws inspiration from Doom 2016, and it's very visible. Its enemy types, weapons, level design philosophy, and so on. It's not a bad thing to copy one of the most popular and influential shooter in modern times, but I really wished Prodeus had more original ideas to spice up its fundamentals. Sometimes it can feel like a merely neat-er version of Doom 2016, rather than being a new game.

I do appreciate how tight the main campaign is compared to its contemporaries. The individual levels feel more than distinct enough from each other, and it never feels like the game is just repeating the same tricks. For the most part, the pace and length of these levels are also very digestible, and most of them never overstays their welcome. It's also quite short, maybe no longer than 8 hours. Not to mention the absolute lack of intrusive non-fundamental elements, like story or lore.

I think a lot of boomer shooters overrate how good their gameplay loop really is, and end up boring me with just a bunch of uninspiring enemy encounters that feel endless. There's also a lot of them that design their exploration to be a bit too cryptic, and it would ruin the pace of the levels. Prodeus never does any of this, and it's nice to finally find a boomer shooter that fits me like a glove.

I still have to complain about the campaign's lackluster ending, but that's probably the only thing that's definitely bad about it. The quality of the levels themselves are not exactly mindblowing, but none of them are obviously bad. It's a consistently fun campaign overall.

As it stands, Prodeus' highly focused execution of its ideas are more than strong enough to carry itself above most of its peers. It's not original enough to set its own legacy, but it does solidfy the strength of its influences.

What would happen if you took Doom (1993) and Doom (2016) and fused them together with cosmic radiation? Prodeus might be as close as we ever get to an answer. The game casts you as a nameless warrior and drops you into a war between Order and Chaos. You’ll blast enemies across a range of faux lo-res environments, from decaying power plants and cities to frozen wastelands and orbital satellites.

Though the baddies you face primarily take their inspiration from Doom, other influences have also crept into the mix. Fireball chucking Xenomorphs appear in spades, and later you’ll encounter enemies that would fit in among the ranks of Starcraft’s Protoss. Why are all these mutants and monsters going berserk on you and each other? I never quite figured that part out, but the visceral action and joy of watching rival factions mow each other down more than made up for the lack of story.

Why sit back and watch enemies tear each other to shreds, though, when you could join the fun yourself? The action in Prodeus moves fast; the weapons look and feel great, and each has a secondary firing option to boot. The Shredders – dual SMGs – let you fire one with reasonable precision or unload both at once to pulverize aliens that get up in your face. Shotguns, meanwhile, come in multiple flavors – my preference is the Super Shotgun, which can fire four shells at once to drop nearly any monster, big or small. There are also rockets, grenades, energy weapons, and last but not least the Chaos Caster. The Caster’s primary firing mode is a lightning attack that leaps between nearby enemies, while its secondary fire option turns it into a sniper rifle.

Yes, I said sniper rifle. But make no mistake: You’ll never find yourself hunkering down in a foxhole and waiting for enemies to pop out of cover. Prodeus plays hard and fast, the level design always funneling you forward. There are few puzzles or mysteries to ponder over, unless you want to uncover all of the secrets.

Unfortunately, many secrets are only reachable with extra abilities – abilities you only unlock late in the campaign. Realizing that I wouldn’t be able to find all the hidden collectibles in a level on my first visit completely disincentivized me from hunting for them. There was nothing more depressing than spotting a precious chunk of ore only to realize that I wouldn’t be able to grab it without a double jump.

I do have a few other nitpicks. The controls on console are a bit wonky, even after tweaking. The game was clearly built for keyboard and mouse first. Also, the difficulty balance feels just a bit off. Using the respawn points makes the game too easy, but disabling them makes the later levels overly punishing. I wish there was a compromise between the two options.

All in all, though, Prodeus is a spectacular throwback FPS. It takes the frantic action of newer shooters and effortlessly blends it with the nostalgia of the 90s classics you know and love. Every aspect from the gameplay to the soundtrack oozes with style. The dissonant synthesized drone of the stage select music will stick in my memory for months if not years to come.

Prodeus is a fun Doomer shooter that I think feels like a mixture of classic DOOM and NuDOOM. There are like 15 weapons, and I cycled between most of them regularly. There is a 3D map that shows the whole level (gotta get the auto map for the level first) and thats really cool, but I do find it very overwhelming to look at so I didnt. I think the main complaint I have is that for like 50% of the game (the beginning half), the maps are mostly same-y and only does the later half switch it up. Also you don't get another punch/melee weapon. The weapon chart makes it seem like you could get one, but thats probably so it looks uniform, disappointed me.

The game also has a built in map editor and community section so you can just play community maps and its very simple to do so thats neat. The tag searching functionality sucks though.

Didn't want to write this review based on the early access version, but I'm really not sure what's with negativity here. Prodeus is quite fine, even good actually. It's boomer comfort food, so initially I have also been wondering how it's marginally different from flashy Doom wads, but strenghts of it became apparent as I progressed.

The level design is pretty tight, encounters are well paced and there's great variety to how they flow level to level. From descending vertical floors to vast horizontal fields, I had plenty of neat gameplay moments simply due to good enemy spawns and level layouts. The weapon balance so far has been some of the best in the genre as I found situations where every weapon out of initial 11 has been particularly useful. Even plasmagun which is usually just an underwhelming replaceable projectile assault rifle has a neat quirk that makes the gun very handy if you need to shoot something down from safety behind the corner.

If I had to nitpick it that would be for lacking visual clarity in enemy silhouttes, which is not that bad usually, but in a game about enemy prioritization and space management it led to a few frustrating moments when I confused a shotgunner with a simple zombie or didn't notice an approaching pressure demon. Also weapons requiring reloading went against my instincts initially, but it was fine once I adjusted.

Verdict so far? Pretty cool. We'll see how it goes once the full game is out.

Competent boomer shooter, but can feel very samey as time passes on. Entirely sure the last 2 areas are just quake maps, but overall feels like it lacks an identity of it's own.

Option to put the music in midi mode is brave and cool.

A nice and tight "Boomer shooter" that you can tell started as a kickstarter game. While it has many flaws in the variety department (likely due to being a kickstarted game with limited budget) in excels in combining the old school Doom type gameplay with new features like ADS and Upgrades.

Boring doom clone thats also way longer than it should have been

i'm actually quite surprised to see this game have mixed ratings - as a doom clone this game is fantastic! the style is very unique and the gameplay is quite satisfying. the only complaint i have is that this game is way too easy, even on the hardest difficulty (which i changed to half way through the first level)

If Doom 3 was released on the foundation of Doom II with Brutal Doom thrown in the mix. It's a simple yet effective way to describe Prodeus. Even if it wears its influence on its sleeve, it manages to include a couple of curve ball of its own. As a retro shooter, it's hard not to recommend Prodeus.

not even close to finishing this but I wanted to write something because there's a weird discrepancy here between the reviews and the overall rating and I think that's just because there isn't a lot to say about it if you like it. This is Doom 3 for people who hate Doom 3, it's a loud and excessive game (though in a very different way to the original Doom games) that you'll know whether you like or not in the first 10 minutes. It's fun, guns are punchy and it plays basically just as Brutal Doom with a more consistent aesthetic but as someone who's played a quite a few of these Boomer Shooters I found it kind of junk food-ish as I went through levels with my brain completely switched off just gunning through enemies. I don't really get anything from its aesthetic and outside of that it's just a really polished Boomer Shooter, which is fine, that's all it's trying to be but I think it's worth noting going in.

If you're curious about it play the first level and then see if you want to refund it or not because I guarantee you'll know based on that.

Obrigado por bugar na reta final 👍

It's pretty decent fun shooting through this hellscape but there is something missing here and in the end it's not that memorable experience.
There are upgrades like double jump and dash but the levels are not designed those in mind so they feel like empty upgrades. The weapons are fun and punchy but the enemy AI can be kinda simplistic and even at times they just stand there and put up no fight.

I cannot tell you what Prodeus is about or any plot details; the game is narratively spartan. But goddamn does it feel amazing to play. There were certain shootouts where the entire room, from floor to ceiling, turned red (or blue) with blood. This game has some of the most satisfying gore, it is perfectly thick and red and leaves trails in the environments; tasteful as fuck. Despite certain guns being numerically better than others and the sheer quantity of them, I still used almost the entire arsenal in each level. Each gun is useful in a very specific case and the developers do a good job at varying enemy placement and environment layouts to ensure that there each gun is given its time to shine. Furthermore, the sounds of each gun are titanic. Certain guns boom, others whoosh or thock. When shooting different guns in quick succession, the guns create an unmistakable rhythm of death.

Prodeus is a very light game: pop in, play a couple levels, quit. It really does not have enough material, story or variety beyond its (admittedly rad) visual gimmick to sate the price tag, but if you see it in a bundle, it is worth giving a shot.

I forgot to log this when I beat it lmao

Pretty fun boomer shooter! I feel some levels are kinda whatever and almost feel samey to an extent, sometimes being cluttered and claustrophobic for some unfair deaths, but others feel more tightly designed and have a better sense of fairness to it imo. The enemies are nice and varied but specific ones I seem to have more issue trying to kill, especially the more enhanced Prodeus units which are more annoying.

That said, it is a really fun boomer shooter especially with a friend and it's got a good flow to it's combat and platforming.

quick note, i got this from @duhnuhnuh 's list of free steam keys. very nice of em. the only requirement was a review, which i already do. go look through it if theres anything you want. i see classic doom's still not taken, which i'd totally recommend.

peakdeus or poodeus?

i cant tell! seriously, this game is such whiplash for me. on one hand, its got the worst unlock system ive played in any shooter, has some of the same aesthetic problems as doom 2016, and also shares a lot of gripes that i have with doom 64. on the other, when the game fully leans into its strengths, and you get in a good groove, it rocks.

so first off, lets talk about the shitty shop system. try saying that 10x fast. in keeping with the classic doom tradition, theres a heavy emphasis on exploration of levels to find secrets and stuff. this means that the game's currency, ore, is scattered around levels and you have to find them to unlock certain guns and abilities. by itself, this wouldnt be a big issue. my issue comes from the fact of just how much ore you need to collect for these upgrades. for the SSG and energy gun, you need 15 ore each. if youre someone who likes exploring everything, you can probably get these within the first 5 or so levels. but for me, i prefer linearity in my shooters. so it took me about 75% of the first map to unlock. when i say first map i dont mean first level, theres a kinda dnd system where you have a mini guy that moves around a map to access levels. theres like 4 of these total in the game, 3 of which are relatively short. so when it takes me that long to unlock an energy gun/SSG that kinda pissed me off. whatever, ill just grind out the ore to get what im really after: the dash and double jump. after using a guide replaying many early levels to find all ore, i was able to get the SSG. great, just gotta replay like 5 more levels or so and ill have enough for the dash/double jump. except, thats not the case. those things cost more than the ssg/energy gun. this peeved me off. i decided fuck it, ill play the entire game like 2016 instead. because i didnt want to waste another hour replaying levels for vital tools of your moveset which should have been unlocked through gameplay.

note: the next paragraph had to be rewritten cuz i lost about 30 minutes of work on it. i don't like this draft as much as the initial but what can you do?

hell, even if they didnt, at least make them the first thing you can buy from the shop. when casually looking for ore, it took me about 12/22 levels to unlock the dash. that's way too long in a boomer shooter that clearly takes more from eternal/dusk than it does 2016 in its design. the level design in this game is weird tho. nothing in the game requires you to use the double jump or dash, but it's clearly begging you to use them. this puts it in a weird limbo, where the game ends up feeling incredibly easy, since most encounters are designed around only sprinting and shooting, but made significantly more fun when using the dash and djump. about 90% of levels i beat with 10 deaths or less, and about 50% of levels i beat with 5 deaths or less. i played on hard. the games also easy bc of the way respawning works. in most shooters, when you die the enemies of that encounter reset. the nexus points in prodeus make it so that if you kill it once, it stays dead. this whole system makes the game braindead and i wish encounters could simply reset with you. again though, this decision might have been made bc of how its the game's design doesnt rely on shop unlocks, so if someone collected zero ore, then it might be pretty difficult for them to get through encounters without the enemies staying dead. yet another reason the fucking dash and djump should have been unlocked in levels. the djump i had only unlocked before the penultimate level this leads to another thing. my muscle memory to use both the dash and djump was never developed due to the game not requiring you to use them, and also being incredibly short. by the time i was finally getting into a groove i was already basically done. this shit sucks, bc the game would probably be A LOT more fun if levels were fully designed around djump and dash. but idk, bc of the easy gameplay it leaves it feeling not satisfying.

there is one level that denies this philosophy, though. the "final boss". the final boss is just a huge gauntlet that kinda randomly ends and supposedly the story will get finished in the dlc. hopefully with a real boss too. anyway, the gauntlet requires you to move like there's no tomorrow, and is the only relatively challenging fight in the game due to no access to the nexus points. this fight is where the game shares a huge amount of dna with doom 64. in doom 64 the final fight is complete ass and i only beat it bc of spamming BFG shots at the end. here, the enemies are a bit more bearable once you get used to them, but even with the djump finally unlocked it was a bit of a struggle to find my footing in that fight, constant projectiles and hard to see whats what.

as for the gunplay, it feels incredible even with all these setbacks. not only do the guns feel powerful, which ill talk about later, but when you get into the groove with enemies its awesome fun. however, it does fall into that trap that many shooters experience. rocket spam, and no gameplay reasons to have most weapons. in the later half of the game, theres plenty of rocket spam, which if you know me youll know i hate in shooters, why make all these fucking weapons at all if in late game you just end up spamming rockets and shotgun? not every weapon needs a "set" purpose like in eternal, but at least something like ULTRAKILL where every weapon and every alt type of weapon has a fun use. like with ULTRAKILL its so fun to keep swapping and killing everything in crazy ways. in eternal you need to swap to stay alive. but in prodeus, i hardly see a use at all for the pistol past even the first level. i dont see a difference between using the energy blaster and the machine guns. i think the MGs are hitscan, but you rarely end up out of ammo to swap through everything. except a few cases where your ammo supply is bone dry and its incredibly hard to kill things. why do the fists exist? honestly they shoulda just made the pistol the default weapon with infinite ammo. i just dont see why half the weapons in the game exist. rocket spam does exist for a reason tho, and thats just cuz it still is fun as fuck to jump around the map shooting rockets, even if not the most engaging.

as for the ost, it really surprised me,seeing how im not the hugest hulshult fan(or so i thought, being how i didnt remember most tracks from his eternal dlc work or dusk). in reality, i found his work on prodeus insanely good. i think he just put a poor taste in my mouth with dusk bc that was mostly atmospheric stuff which i dont care for. i love reflections of violence off dusk. hes great here and i think its primarily because of the dynamic(? dunno if thats how to correctly describe it) ost in prodeus. you got your BORING atmospheric ambient tracks but they seamlessly transition into crazy good heavy metal tracks during fights. some favorites include cables and chaos, spent fuel, and dark matter. i definitely wanna give his doom eternal stuff another shot when i happen to replay it, whenever that is.

lets talk about the aesthetic. i mentioned in my first paragraph how it shared some problems with doom 2016's aesthetic. the aesthetic in that game is mostly just orange and brown, which leads most things looking samey. the same is true for prodeus, but the game has an ace up it's sleeve, the sprite work and sounds. the level of artistry to make every sprite at every angle is insane, i honestly think it cancels out how everything in this game is either red, blue, or black. like seriously the aesthetic rocks, cuz the sprites make it unique and stand out. thats not to mention the gore and blood effects which further make it stand out. in doom 2016 and esp eternal the gore was relatively cartoony and over the top, but in prodeus it's dripping with this edginess that isnt present in the doom games. it looks insanely good while you melt down rows of enemies with the machine guns... and dear god do they got the sound design on point, too. the reload noises for each weapons is great, and you feel the impact they bring. the energy gun, too. impact of every weapon is nice and meaty, the only one i didnt initially like was the SSG sfx, but it definitely grew on me.

i feel im going in circles now so i hope you can now see why im at an impasse with this game. i had a lotta fun at points, but at the same time, there's a lot holding it back from its true potential. i think im gonna give it an 8 for now, but could very well change.

I'm fuming. First BoundingBox mutilated what made secrets a compelling level design technique in the first place by changing most of them from powerups that aid in your completion of a level into a collectible shop currency. Then they have the audacity to start locking these currency locations behind powerups stuck in the ingame shop. What makes this extra fucking obnoxious is that Prodeus is so mind numbingly easy that only scoreplay has a hope of being compelling. Scoreplay that you cannot effectively engage with until you've 100%ed the game because there are no leaderboard categories and these powerups and unlockable weapons provide players with new advantages. The utter incompetence of design on display here is genuinely fucking infuriating. There's not even any ingame communication to aid the player in figuring out how the actual scoring system even WORKS. It's the laziest possible implementation I've seen in a long time.
So now I'm paranoid about wasting my time in a level searching for ore that I might just not be capable of collecting without the double jump. This doesn't compel me to explore thoroughly, I'm just going to look up a 100% guide because this is fucking stupid. No part of the experience is enhanced by having a shop system. Even the shop is badly designed. Rather than a quick to access menu it's a physical time wasting fluff "level" that requires a loading screen. Every level suffers from a unity loading screen. Even restarting them.

The entire production is riddled with cripplingly idiotic decisions. Community maps are locked behind a third-party account. Unlike in any of the actually well designed id shooters that Prodeus is unimaginatively aping.
Nexus Points are Vita Chambers and Vita Chambers were never good. There's no in level saving systems because the devs genuinely couldn't figure out how to implement one into Unity. I'm serious. That's their excuse. There's supposed to be an update "soon" that finally implements saving.
Nexus Points mean that there is absolutely no middle ground between "this game is mindless and uninteresting garbage" and "merely barely okay on max difficulty if you always full restart after death". Speaking of difficulty. It's the lazy boring method of tweaking enemy HP and Damage values by percentages. It's the same low enemy counts regardless. I think maybe they also get more accurate? But I can't be bothered to test because Very Hard was already too much of a snooze so I lack a solid point of reference. The devs claim that they designed Prodeus around "medium". l o l

What's most frustrating is that every part of Prodeus that isn't unique to Prodeus can be some occasionally fine Doom action. It looks good. The guns are fine. The music is pretty good. The levels are "okay".
But every single design decision that deviates away from the source material of Doom only serves to make the game worse. Even the map system is bad. Having an agonizingly slow scroll speed.

Prodeus will never be better than "just fine", and even then only under extreme self imposed challenge.
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Now that the "Prodean" enemies are being introduced more regularly there's been an extreme difficulty spike, however when it comes to dying in a split-second from the trickier encounters near the end of a long level I just wish I could have a normal checkpoint for my first run.
- - -
Yeah the deeper I get into the campaign the angrier I get. The nexus points are a serious problem and it's absurd the devs left early access with them implemented even though they're the most common complaint levied against the design. Dying in a split second near the end of 20 minute mission is awful, but continuing from a nexus point feels cheap. I detest every single defender of Prodeus who claims that any of this is fine because it's a "score attack game" meanwhile the devs have carelessly slapped every single difficulty onto the same leaderboard and effectively declared that you aren't allowed to play the "real" Prodeus until you find all of the worthless macguffins. Every single time I begin to enjoy a level it's ruined by my hyperfixation on just how irredeemably awful the overarching design is. I'm torn on refunding it because I can see that it does eventually become fun.
I just realized precisely why I hate this. Prodeus is the Euroshmup of FPS games. It fails to understand score design. Implements a worthless shop mechanic, and in the spirit of giving the player a health bar just makes the player immortal. Dying is such a measly score penalty that you can often see people who didn't pull off a deathless run on the max difficulty placing in the top 50 spots. Fucking unforgiveable, and I wish to reiterate, there is NO ingame indication of how well you're doing scorewise until after you finish a level, and I only believe that headshots contribute to score because a random forum post claimed they did.
This entire game needs an overhaul.
- - -
I gave up on performing deathless Ultra Hard clears after the prodean enemies became common occurances. The "elite" units among them can be just mean on Ultra Hard. Which is especially frustrating given the average length of the lategame missions.
The penultimate mission was really good though (no prodeans). Now if only the rest of the game was also good. The game still feels unfinished. Not all of the weapons were properly implemented. You never acquire anything for the second and third energy weapon slots.

A slightly above average throwback shooter that shamelessly cribs from Doom 2016 in almost everyway. The game does mostly feel good; the weapons and enemy feedback are solid and I was constantly switching between weapons through the whole game. The game starts strong, peters out for some time in the middle, but the last level is pretty neat. The checkpoint system isn't the best implemented though as it just allows you to facetank through everything because all the enemies you killed stay dead. And in a way it feels like that's to cover up how some of the enemies are just bullshit, namely one enemy that's fast and has homing lasers that are almost hitscan that just shreds you; with half of the time the enviroments you're fighting them in don't really give you sufficient cover. It's not a bad game and I had fun with it, but its rather forgettable when there's a bunch of superior boomer shooter throwbacks out there that I would recommend playing first, such as Cultic and Postal: Brain Damaged which both came out this year too.

In an era where we have boomer shooter trying new ideas or drastically changing up some old ones in interesting things to keep the moment-to-moment gameplay feeling fresh, Prodeus just feels very, very plain (but the visuals are pretty good).

It's not a bad game by any means at all, it's very competent and clearly well-made, but it just didn't stick with me. There's certainly more interesting boomer shooters out there too like Dusk, Nightmare Reaper, Ion Fury, the upcoming Selaco, etc.

Prodeus is another one of this most recent crop of boomer shooters, those modern games throwing back to those famous 90s shooters like DOOM and Quake. You know, like DUSK, or Ultrakill, or Amid Evil. All of these games either throw back to a specific game (DUSK → Quake, for example) or chart entirely new paths with old mechanics (Ultrakill), but rarely do these games feel like an amalgam of eras like Prodeus does. It’s not groundbreaking, it’s not tied to old tech, instead it’s lifted bits and pieces from all over, while still primarily rooting itself in the land of DOOM and Quake.

However, when ya boot it up, the first game you’ll think of is definitely DOOM. A bit more sci fi, a bit shinier, a bit [modern rendering techniques over sprites], but broadly it feels like, well, Brutal DOOM. That is, DOOM with more GORE and the ability to aim up and down. That’s definitely at the core of the design here. The levels are mazes with key/door puzzles, the enemies are flat sprites, hell the enemies are mostly the same types as in DOOM, but there’s more here. Like, the levels are mazes, but they’re not really labrynthine like DOOM. They’ve got a bit of that ol Quake invisible hand, and a variety in level design (switching from classic maze-em-ups to killboxes to linear Half-Lifey corridors. The weapons are a similar story, like sure you’ve got your classic shotgun and pistol and rocket launcher, but you’ve got some cool alien weapons (one of which recalls Prey 2006), and all of the guns have cool weird alt fires, almost in a Bulletstorm kinda way. Like I said, it’s not groundbreaking, but it’s kinda pulling from everywhere, and it’s satisfying in that way.

I don’t really have much more to say unfortunately. The campaign is fine, full of good levels, but doesn’t really have an arc to it. The visual variety is all backloaded into the last 6 levels of the game, and while the gameplay itself is varied, the pacing of the gameplay is kinda flat. Still, a lot of the merit of this game is its extensive and pretty easy to use level editor, with which people’ve made not just new levels but whole campaigns, which is SUPER dope.

So yeah, it’s a pretty fun but occasionally flat boomer shooter with a robust level editor and influences from all over the genre. Play it if ya like the genre, or if you want good casual shootin fun to kill some time. Me, I probably won’t revisit it

(Mostly played on Steam Deck)

Can't really shake the feeling that this is mostly just Doom with the serial numbers filed off, but at least it sells a lot of the crunchiness that made Doom so good. Mostly feels like a really solid WAD more than a game with it's own identity. The guns all feel incredibly satisfying to use, mixed the cartoonish fonts of blood the enemies explode into.

You know how FPS games used to be called "DOOM clones"? Well, this is the first FPS in 25 years that's actually first and foremost a DOOM clone rather than an FPS.

Not as distinct as other boomer shooters that come out recently, and certainly doesn't hold a candle to wonderful New Blood catalogue of games. 75% of the game is visually very brown and red, even if levels are different. Speeds up by the end with icy, space, and church levels, but they're each like a level as opposed to the factory that's going on for most of the game, for some reason.

Wish it had more of an identity, but it still looks and sounds quite good and has wonderful punchy combat.

Anyone who's giving this amazing game less than 4 stars has bad taste in gaming.

A very fun Doom-like. It does a good job of towing the line between modern shooter and boomer shooter and the art style is incredibly gorgeous. I was not expecting to enjoy this game this much, the level design was also fantastic. I only wish they would improve the automap.

this is basically just a lost doom game that somebody found and released with some modernization and a light coat of paint. if doom 3 or doom 64 didnt please you, this can be your head canon doom 3. its strengths are the visuals and level design. the enemies all stand out from one another and the sprite-ification of their models looks really good. the blood is also some of the best blood in a video game. walls will be painted red, new seas of blood will cover the facilities you traverse. combat is pretty standard, it's what to expect from a boomer shooter but its done pretty well to be fun with the vast arsenal of satisfying weapons. overall a good boom shoot, though im not entirely sure if i'd call this a must-play for the genre.

Event Horizon..........but super chunky

Prodeus is what would have happened if Brutal Doom started development after Doom 2016 came out. If you can read that sentence and think "that sounds good", then you'll like it. If you, like me, think "oh no", then you're going to be in for the video game equivalent of a kid wearing their dad's clothes and pretending to be a grown-up. Prodeus has no identity of its own, because it wants more than anything to be Doom. It is not Doom.

Drawing parallels from one work to another is almost always the easiest way to discuss something new, and it's also lazy; it's rhetoric better suited for advertising than for critical analysis. With this in mind, it's impossible not to draw unfavorable comparisons to Doom. Enemies from Doom are lifted and placed directly into Prodeus down to their very silhouettes and attack patterns: Zombiemen are now called "Zombies", Imps are now called "Fiends", Pinkies are now called "Lungers", and Pain Elementals and Lost Souls are "Void Reapers" and "Skull Fish", respectively. They're virtually identical, with the exception that Prodeus's enemies are simultaneously less colorful, less memorable, and less easy to differentiate from one another at a glance. They're all some flavor of orange (or blue) and black, melting into both themselves and the boring backgrounds. It's nearly impossible to judge the game on its own merits, because it's mechanically just Doom but worse. The guns feel worse to use than Doom's. Your movement is more sluggish than Doom's. The levels are less interesting than Doom's. The enemies are never utilized in interesting combinations the way that they are in Doom. There's nothing here that isn't done better in either the original Doom or Doom 2016, leaving Prodeus in a murky, bland in-between. If Doom was hell, then Prodeus is limbo.

This might have the ugliest UI I've seen in a long time. There's a glowing helmet visor bordering the screen, framing the garish, neon-blue icons of health, and ammo, and a cut-out of the protagonist's face (because Doom did it, so we'll put it in). It's mitigated somewhat by the fact that you can turn these HUD elements completely off, but it leaves you lacking so much critical information that it all has to stay on. Tooltip pop-ups in what appear to be a default system font won't stop taking up an entire third of the screen with useless information; "You can rebind your weapons in the Options menu!" Thank you, Prodeus. "Kill the Slayer!" I was planning to, Prodeus. "EXIT!" Yes, that is where the end of the level is, Prodeus. All three of these messages show up back-to-back in the span of about two minutes in a single level. The game is absolutely terrified that if you get stuck for so much as a second that you won't love it anymore. It's like a dog with separation anxiety.

The greatest shock of the game still lies in the soundtrack. It's some of the most boring, plodding, repetitive electro-industrial music I've heard in any game. It aspires towards some sort of dynamic gameplay integration (because Doom did it, so we'll put it in), but it awkwardly fades between "brutal" synth-y riffs and ambient beeping, because the only thing it's keeping track of is how many enemies you're in an active fight with. I couldn't believe that this was Andrew Hulshult's work. It's so incredibly phoned-in and flavorless that I was convinced it was someone poorly imitating him; fitting, given how poor of an imitation Prodeus is.

Map design is an unquestionably strong point in Prodeus's favor. I've read that most of the level design work was dumped into the lap of a seasoned Doom WAD designer — at this point I have to imagine that you're getting tired of seeing the word "Doom" so much — and it shows. The maps are flawlessly put together. Everything loops back into itself neatly, providing clear paths back towards previously-locked keycard doors and towards the next monster room. What hurts them is the bland visual presentation. While Prodeus's graphics are technically impressive, with lots of very shiny lighting effects and dozens upon dozens of unique sprites for every possible angle you could look at them from, it's artistically boring. Everything is either some flavor of the most basic blue-orange color contrast you've ever seen or lifted wholesale from a Doom Eternal set piece. The game proudly boasts that everything here was made using the in-game level editor, but who cares? The Prodeus mapping scene is already on life support, and Doom WADs have been going strong for nearly thirty years. Who's going to bother learning how to map for a game like Prodeus when Doom II is free, comes with better documentation, offers stronger community support, and is ultimately just more fun to play?

Prodeus is painfully mediocre. It feels like a game invented to be played by an actor on a TV show. The four-hour long, piss-easy campaign takes a backseat to the wholly neglected level editor, leaving Prodeus feeling more like a tech demo than a finished game. After two entire years in early access, the state that it's in now is kind of sad. I can't bring myself to hate it, but it hasn't earned nearly enough pity for me to recommend it. Just play Doom.

Cara, que decepção

Não vou dizer que o jogo é ruim, afinal, ele não é de forma alguma, mas eu realmente esperava muito mais vindo dele. Tendo fortes bases, fortes inspirações, uma equipe solida, esse jogo ainda assim não conseguiu atingir o meu nivel de excelência e acabou me deixando bem broxado conforme ia jogando

Esse jogo é MUITO Doom, seja em essência, jogabilidade, ate a "historia" dele é meio doom, mas infelizmente, eles esqueceram um dos pontos que fazem as fases de Doom não ficarem insurportaveis, o tempo

Em Doom você demora em media de 5 a 10 minutos em uma fase, e esse é um tempo bom levando em conta que o jogo é bem repetitivo e se durasse mais irritaria. Mas aqui, meu amigo, as fases duraram em media, para mim, 16 minutos pra cima, e isso jogando normal, indo direto pro objetivo e explorando as vezes. As fases são realmente legais, mas esse tempo alongado delas me deixava SUPER esgotado ao final de cada fase. Eu entrava pensando "IIIIHA VOU JOGAR PRODEUS" e saia pensando "é... eu joguei Prodeus...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"

A duração das fases realmente fodeu minha experiência, e eu so conseguia jogar, em media, 1 ou 3 fases por dia, 4 eu simplesmente não tankava

Mas tirando isso, novamente, é bom jogo. Os gráficos são belíssimos, a jogabilidade é muito boa e as armas que temos aqui são do balacubo

Recomendo, mas não ponha muitas expectativas

Very well done retro style shooter with a good variety of weapons, a cool soundtrack and gorgeous visual design. No clue what happened in the main story but that is not why you play this game anyways.

Even in it's current incomplete state of Early Access, Prodeus is one of the finest examples of the genre, standing tall amidst the retro FPS revival games a la Ion Maiden, Dusk, and mods like Brutal Doom. The movement is brisk and responsive, the weapons are tactile and purposeful, the levels are complex and varied without feeling like a labyrinth of back-tracking time waste. Top to bottom this game is a blast and worth every penny.