Reviews from

in the past

Primeiro contato da fraquia e é até 2/3 do jogo é muito bem feito o combate, a história fica muito de fundo

Uno de esos juegos donde el único factor redimible es que podes jugarlo CO-OP, entonces quizás la pasas bien??? Si tenes algun amigo que quiera jugar esta cosa....

Una decepcion y el abandono total de los conceptos que hicieron al primer juego grande.

RE6 type bullshit, la unica ventaja es que este se termina antes

This is one of those games that makes a game reviewer do that bit where they say "not this one, anything but this" and their evil doppelganger ties them to a chair and makes them play it while the
doppelganger fucks their wife or something

They made this one co-op because it was too shit to play alone, you need the moral support of another similarly suffering human to get you through this game.

In F.E.A.R. 2 you could see modern shooter trends seeping into the gameplay, but F.E.A.R. 3 has fully made the conversion to Call of Duty. Gone are the armor and health pickups, instead replaced with cover based shooting and regenerating health. No longer do you scour corners of the maps for health and slow-mo upgrades, instead they're handed to you for just playing the game.

Enemies are as brain dead as a brick. To test their intelligence I closed a door to see if they'd open it but no, they just clipped their arms through the wall, desperate to get to me. This is not the evolution to the series I think WB hoped it would have been, and it just made me kind of sad playing it.

BUT, it did have my favorite gun from the first 2 games in it, albeit it only appeared in one area in the second to last chapter, and honestly the story went in an interesting and somewhat logical direction from the ending of 2. The second half of the game also started to have environments that actually made me feel like I was back in the same world as the previous games; dark city streets with corporate towers looming over you, dark underground tunnels with derailed trains. I won't go as far as to say the game got "better" as it went on, but it did get more bearable, especially with how many mech segments there are, a very welcome return from F.E.A.R. 2.

Still, I gotta agree with the fan consensus, this was the lowest point of the series, and is an unfortunate end to what started out as a very good tactical shooter, but quickly over 6 years devolved into being just another generic military shooter of the 7th generation. Truly tragic.

This review contains spoilers

Warning: spoilers

Terrible game and the final nail in the coffin.

After the masterpiece F.E.A.R. and its expansions, the series did go downhill with F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin. But when F.E.A.R. 3 came out, I respected F.E.A.R. 2 a whole lot more.

F.E.A.R. 3 is a terrible game with bad mechanics, a lame story line and awful “hey bro, I am your long-lost brother” mechanics that was shoved down our throats at the last moment.

F.E.A.R. 3 follows the story from the previous game, you know, that game in which you got a little forced “fun” with Alma in a metal sphere and put some fresh offspring in her belly, that game. In F.E.A.R. 3, Alma is about to give birth and you and your buddy Paxton Fettel (you know, the guy from the first games, who you shot in the head) make your way to Alma. Fettel, to let the birth take place and consume the unlimited power that the child and Alma possesses, the Point Man (main character) to stop her.

The plot is so unbelievably lame, I almost cried with disappointment. Fettel is back apparently because he was resurrected in a tiny, forgotten DLC called F.E.A.R. 2: Reborn. The Point Man (the mysterious antagonist from the first games) now has a face (stereotypical Navy Seal badass face) and Alma is just a side character and does have nothing to do with the game anymore. It feels like the movie Rat Race, but instead of a locker full of cash, it is a pregnant woman giving birth to something vile. To top it off, Alma used to be the stuff of nightmares, death herself. But in this game, she is afraid and terrified. Afraid of what, you might ask, she is afraid of a monster (boohoo) that is her past. This sh!t is worse than the movie Memento. I just can’t accept this excuse for a story. I also really hated Fettel and his new super bling-bling powers. He is supposed to torment you with visions and voices in your head, but now, he is some kind of witch that possesses people and can murder everyone with his mind, just like that. He turned into Wanda from Marvel and I really hated it.

The game has turned into Call of Duty with generic ATC soldiers, evil monsters, Fettel with his awesome telekinesis and possessing Avengers powers, and cultists. This shows me that the new developers of F.E.A.R. 3 just did not give a crap. Add some generic cultists, some beasts, some humans and you are all set. Alma’s younger self makes some appearances (just to remind you that you are playing F.E.A.R.) and they consist of three cheap jump scares (that worked) and that’s it. It is lazy development.

The game now features Co-Op. In my honest opinion, F.E.A.R. is the only series that does not need Co-Op. It feels so useless and even more like a Battlefield or Call of Duty experience.

The graphics have improved from F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin. Not because they look nice and polished, but because the dark, grim atmosphere and under lighted areas are back from the first games. The only, mind-blowing irony is that they are pointless in a bad, shooting gallery, top notch action game like this.

The music and sound are terrible. Gunfire is a little better than F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin (nothing beats that), but it is all so blend, rushed and simple, it does add nothing to the experience.

The combat feels stale, repetitive, and pointless. You shoot a gallery of monsters or mindless AI humans and move on to the next shooting gallery. Compare this to the first game, in which you fought well trained Replica Soldiers with the most outstanding AI I have ever seen, and the difference is night and day. Also, this game has the traditional “kill wall” in which you need to murder everything in order to progress or trigger the next event.

Because I am (but now was) a diehard fan of the F.E.A.R. series, I needed to finish this game. I hated every second of it and the series is now dead. Just like Alma, who Fettel freaking ate, so he can absorb her powers (you know, just that like that).

I spit on this game. Stay far away from this disgrace.

(Played before 2023)
The best part about this game was playing with my friend and talking about how much we hated it. It had some okay shooting but everything else is just so terrible and a complete insult to the first two games.

This game gets really abusive with the cover tactics. So much so it gets really difficult even when you aren't that far into the game and have to keep changing tactics which is fun for a little while, but with the scoring system this is clearly a game that is made or 2 people and not 1.

while playing this and fear 2 all i could think about was playing the first fear game lol

Foi o meu primeiro jogo de PS3.

O jogo em si é bom, mas comparado ao F.E.A.R. 2 ele perde demais, (in)felizmente.

both the first and second game were far better than this

An unfortunate case of good ideas with meh execution. Making the game co-op and forcing the protagonist and antagonist of the first game to team-up (with Paxton Fettel having access to ethereal abilities that sets him apart from Pointman) is an admittedly cool concept, but sadly the level design's bland and uninspired, the story is a bit convoluted and hard to follow, the guns don't feel as impactful, and the scares are all but gone at this point, losing much of the appeal the first two games had.

Fun coop pew pew, but my pants doesn't full with shit so...

i think i’m the only one who liked this game

This game isn't real cause wtf do you mean it's just a fever dream lore dump action story?

It's mildly fun, but very un-scary and an absolute F-Tier story and characters.

О чем была эта игра?

Полная рецензия: Какое же невероятное душилово, и не в плане сложности, а в плане однообразия и уныния.

Дизайн локаций, сюжет, стрельба - все к хуям было просрано, игра просто из себя представляет 7 серых коридорных уровней без всякого уровня постановки эпика и тд, ну и 8 уровень, который хоть как-то отличается от всего предыдущего говна. Играть можно исключительно в ко-опе, чисто чтобы поржать и то, лучше дропнуть на середине.

i know the first game is a notable one; this and the second get smushed together in a slog of nothing-games that clogged the memories from what i played on the early 2010's. a huge quantity of very, very mediocre games being released and gaining mainstream media traction, becoming popular and getting attention, month after month, for years on end.

Безыдейный шутер, который не впечатлил даже меня, человека, который в шутаны не играет. Как после первого фира можно было придумать это непонятно. Сюжет - какая-то бредятина про рожающую мамашу, которая своими схватками уничтожает мир. ГГ молчит. Персов нормальных нет. Зачем в это играть хоть кому-то - непонятно. Пустая трата времени и скука.

Se o game anterior da trilogia já era um jogo mais de ação do que de fato algo de terror que dá sequer algum medo ou arrepio que seja, chutaram totalmente o balde nesse terceiro jogo que o que era para ser em tese o melhor por ser o tal prometido fim de toda a trilogia é o mais fraco dentre os três por se "inspirar" até demais na sua tal "fonte de criatividade", que não tem como agora não afirmar que F.E.A.R 3 se tornou definitivamente um "cópia só que não faz igual" de um Call of Duty, com só os tais elementos gerais e narrativos de "terror" de toda a trilogia F.E.A.R para diferenciar de alguma forma, que se a estrutura que copiaram não fosse tão boa, esse jogo seria um desastre, mas para mim, ele pelo menos é legalzinho e divertido no todo de jogar, mas extremamente compreensível em parte dos fãs do quão esse jogo foi e é uma decepção.

   A trama volta a ter como principal protagonista o mesmo do F.E.A.R 1, conhecido como "Point Man" que, em conjunto com o seu irmão, "Fettel Paxton", aquele vilão mesmo que tinha morrido com um tiro na cabeça pelo próprio irmão no primeiro jogo, de alguma forma inexplicável voltou e se conectou a seu irmão e meio que virou uma entidade própria que possui corpos por onde passa e lança um certo poder psíquico genérico em seus inimigos, que após o final bizarraço do segundo game, Alma ficando grávida do antigo protagonista Beckett precisa da ajuda dos seus filhos para conceber essa criança. Não bastasse só isso, em meio à trama o game mescla até conceitos de seres meio "zumbis" com bombas coladas no corpo e o uso lá das armaduras de combate estilo as que vemos em um "Advanced/Infinite Warfare" do próprio Call of Duty, que eu sei que tinha isso nos games anteriores, principalmente no 2, mas não de forma corriqueira como aqui na história e na maioria das fases com inimigos bem futuristas demais para meu gosto, que perde todo o conceito que pelo menos ainda tinha de terror antes em vários momentos no segundo game, que mesmo que pouco, pelo menos existia, e aqui só foi mais ainda para o lado da ficção científica do que do terror de fato.

   Até o sistema de Kit Médico não foi poupado; retirado para ser totalmente uma cópia estrutural de um Call of Duty, onde a única coisa que se sustenta dentre os três games que consigo lembrar para esse aqui é a mecânica de Slow Motion mesmo, porque praticamente quase tudo foi direcionado para o jogo em que foi inspirado. E é sempre bom mencionar que, mais uma vez, a campanha é dividida em Intervals (Intervalos), onde aqui são 8 até o final do jogo.

   Abrir esse espaço agora para falar um pouco e de forma bem breve do final, então se for jogar peço que vá para o último parágrafo para evitar spoilers, pois bem, que final bizarro foi esse, que parece que a trilogia não consegue fazer um final redondinho e bom ou sequer que não seja tão estranho/esquisito desde o segundo F.E.A.R, onde aqui como que o "Point Man"mata uma forma psíquica do irmão com outro tiro na testa assim como fez com ele em vida, é até meio meme isso para uma forma espiritual do irmão que não tem nexo nenhum morrer com uma bala normal, mas ok, toda a base do final é legal apesar de meio clichê, mas a execução e essa proposta corrida para terminar logo ficou tão "torto" que perde demais a credibilidade dos acontecimentos dali em diante, acho que o final alternativo tem mais crédito por ter mais coesão do que o principal, mas é muito perturbador e extremamente compreensível do porquê não o colocaram como o oficial.

Em resumo, F.E.A.R 3 se "baseou" tanto na sua inspiração que perdeu toda a base que construiu nesses anos para o fim dessa trilogia, e apenas ganhou essa reputação de apenas uma cópia genérica de um Call of Duty com leves elementos de terror, só que mais pautado em um jogo de ficção científica, que pelo menos é legalzinho e sempre divertiu para mim pela progressão de fases que no dois me ganhava pela grandiosidade dos momentos e agora mais pelo uso das habilidades do próprio Fettel, ainda mais se você jogar de forma cooperativa da qual esse jogo todo foi idealizado, um com o "Point Man" e o outro com o "Fettel Paxton", mas no geral, pode esperar um jogo bem medíocre/legalzinho que mais serve para tirar um tempinho brincando do que uma experiência marcante com uma história completamente boa, o que é uma pena porque a Alma, que é uma vilã tão interessante e marcante na história dos jogos, merecia muito mais do que esse desfecho meio-termo para uma trilogia com tanto potencial.

I can see 5 or more different games that influenced F.E.A.R 3, and not a single one of them is F.E.A.R 1 or 2.

This game is criminally bad holy shit.

If FEAR 2 was Call of Duty's influence being felt, FEAR 3 is that influence being on full display. The gunplay still pales in comparison to the original FEAR, but it feels better than FEAR 2's limp combat, though removing health kits in favor of regen removes what little resource management there was. Damage also makes you flinch now which is just immensely annoying, alongside new enemies that are also just kind of annoying - though one type seems interesting when you first encounter them, the novelty wears off quickly. Zombies (but not by name) are another new addition which was just kind of stupid frankly, very pointless. There's a story but it's not even worth mentioning. Graphically the game looks pretty okay, it's not as cartoony as 2 (good), but it's also not as imposing as the original (bad). There's a few decent spooky scenes but nothing to write home about, and some of the level design is neat. Giving Point Man a face was a pretty terrible choice, at least there was some mystique as a faceless badass but now he just looks like a generic brooding action character.

Overall pretty unremarkable, there's an option to play as Paxton apparently but I didn't care enough to bother replaying any of the levels, maybe in the future. Also the ending song was an incredibly corny choice.

Let's set the record straight with saying this is a better feeling, playing, and looking game than Fear 2 it is nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be. The major new element from Fear 2 was the mech and this game improves on that by your secondary attack actually having a reasonable (and working) hitbox, while also having better movement and encounters with the two different mechs. What isn't so great is how the singleplayer actually works and progresses this is the weakest part by far - story aside this is essentially a 2 player co-op arcade game so you've been warned here by me. Throughout every level you're rewarded with XP and are given objectives which honestly I didn't mind, sure my rewards for levelling up were mostly unimportant besides boosting the slomo time. What mostly comes as a shock is the disconnected feeling of the story and level progression and ultimately ending the story with a checklist of "who played better" deciding the outcome of the story. This unsurprisingly doesn't work if you're playing solo annoyingly. Guns feel mostly good some look a little off especially the shotgun but it wasn't much better in fear 2 either. New additions to the gameplay like the option to use cover like in Deus Ex Human Revolution are welcome but are optional. You can 100% play this the same way as Fear 1 and 2 for the most part on your first run through. Really a better game than Fear 2 but with its own faults and mistakes mainly the structure and a story which tries to pull itself together from what Monolith left behind in the previous game.

Razoável, n é a melhor coisa do mundo, mas tbm n é a pior

Extreme let down from the other games in the series.

Doing too much. The first two were better.