Reviews from

in the past

It's pretty dope beat em up with unique mechanics and a wacky story.

What makes this game unique is its customisable combo system. You can set up your moveset with 80-90 different punches and kicks you buy. All the moves you buy serve a different purpose; you use them for juggling, launching, guard breaking etc. Also, the animations of your moves are sick. You look like a total badass when you do your combos, Clover really nailed that power fantasy aspect.

I also want to mention about the difficulty. I don't think its as hard as people talk about. Yes, character has tank controls like Resident Evil 4 and you can get surrounded pretty easily but game helps you in multiple ways, you just gotta be mindful. You have powerful roullette moves to deal with big crowds and you also have your god hand which makes you invulnerable. If you don't have them, there are some busted low attack moves that dodges your enemies' high attacks automatically. If you get frustrated in a 1v1, you can cheese the fight with these low attacks. There were only 2 levels in the chapter 8 that frustrated me, other than those, the game is fair.

In short, if you like crazy action games with old school controls, check this game out.

a wonderful game, i played so many times was a child and completed for the first time today

facilmente um dos jogos mais divertidos ja feitos...

Proceeds its infamous reputation. Brutal and unforgiving but still one of the most satisfying action games in the genre to this day. An absolutely rage inducing, unhinged, hilarious journey into the demonic wild, weird west in Shinji Mikami & Clover Studios late PS2 cult classic.

Very fun, difficult game. One of the games that laid the foundation for platinum's future games and from software's games. If i could compare or describe this game i would say its dmc plus ninja gaiden. Cheesy not really important story but fun characters and setting with almost excellent gameplay. it is dated so the controls arent perfect but this is one of the games that reinforce my belief that the ps2 was the best gaming system and im glad to have been apart of that generation.

This game calls for a remake
Esse jogo clama por um remake

Seguinte: jogo difícil, porém perfeitinho.

Eu sempre quis jogar este jogo e tenho certeza que se não tivesse um propósito para joga-lo, provavelmente não jogaria. Não pela sua dificuldade em si, mas pelo conjunto da obra mesmo que de início se apresenta de um jeito e a confusão permanece até você se adaptar ao jogo.

God Hand é sim um jogo difícil e como amante dos 8bits, mantenho minha opinião de que qualquer jogo difícil que te ensine com os próprios erros sejam os melhores em qualquer geração. Tive a mesma dificuldade com Ninja Gaiden (NES) e The Adventure of Batman and Robin (SNES) que ensinaram a mim que qualquer jogo é digno de ser finalizado se você aprender... isso que eu ainda nem joguei Dark Souls.

Não, ele não foi feito na engine de Resident Evil 4 e sim em cima de Okami. De início pode parecer que tudo ali faça alguma ligação com RE4, apesar disto conforme o jogo vai encaminhando, tudo parece muito diferente e igual ao mesmo tempo. Não existem uma variedade enorme de inimigos, mas sim de reskins dentro de esqueletos. Existe um ou outro inimigo que seja único fora os chefões, porém nada muito diferente do esqueleto de um gordo por exemplo.

O Devil Hand parece o Leon da shopee.

A única música que realmente importa no jogo todo está no pós crédito porque as outras são poluições sonoras ao meu ver e, por incrível que pareça, é cantada.

O jogo brilha na sua jogabilidade. Não há muito o que dizer se você não tentar jogar ao menos porque o jogo é o que você joga. Existe inúmeras combinações que você pode fazer, ativar a god hand e usar os especiais dela. Tudo gira em torno disto e é nisto que o jogo se apresenta ser muito foda. Você irá apanhar muito, se muitos inimigos juntar em você; você irá surrar muito, se um inimigo por vez vier você e talvez, se alguém vier com um arma de curta distância ou longa distância, você conseguirá tirar muito sangue deles se todos vieram atrás de você e usar o golpe mais forte. Você irá correr muito e MUITO PROVAVELMENTE, a câmera fixa irá te atrapalhar bastante... e como ela irá te prejudicar no início do jogo, apenas cuidado ao usar a volta de 180º porque isso pode te matar. E, ATENÇÃO, ERRO DE TODO INICIANTE: NÃO USAR O GUARD BREAKER!

Por nada estar ao teu favor, este jogo é difícil até que você aprenda como jogar e depois disto se transforma num pesadelo ainda maior. Não é aquela dificuldade falsa e sim aquela que você aprende a cada passo que você da e isto é muito gostoso porque o jogo te força a ficar nele até que aprenda o que esteja fazendo/executando. Qualquer erro é prejudicial e assim é a vida real, pisou em falso... morreu! JOGÃO!!!

Provavelmente um dos melhores jogos de porradaria 3d já feitos, é satisfatorio demais montar seu combo de golpes, e soltar a mão nos seus adversarios, gostei bastante das batalhas contra os chefes e sub-chefes, a história é galhofa demais, mas todos os personagens são carismaticos, de negativo fica a pessima camera do jogo, tem de acostumar com ela para seguir no jogo. Recomendo dar uma chance ao game, jogar uma hora pois o começo é um pouco lento, mas se o game "clicar" se torna algo divertido demais.

Meu sonho um remake/remaster pra nova geração desse aqui ❤

(I played this on a PS2 emulator)
God Hand is an underrated fighting game from the PS2. It features one of the best fighting systems I’ve seen, and on top of that it has some great humour. The game gives off a feeling of a director who just wanted to make something fun without thinking about whether it will appeal to the majority. Reviews from critics support my view. I would recommend it if you want a fighting game that will give you a challenge, because you will get it no matter the difficulty you pick.
Unless you have read the synopsis, you will have no idea what is happening. You play as Gene, who got his arm chopped off by demons, but got a special new one from Olivia. Now she wants you to beat up all the demons and save the world, otherwise she will chop it back off.
The setting of the game is described as the wild west, and it might look like that in the beginning, but you end up going thought of castles, a robot lab and what looks like Venice. All the enemies seem to have taken their fashion advice from JoJo. The variety in enemies is just as big – gorillas, midgets, rock stars and more. The story is also nothing profound.
If this gives off the appearance of a game that shouldn’t be taken seriously, that’s the point. The game is absolutely hilarious, it constantly throws gags at you, and the tonal whiplash is also meant to make you laugh.
Mechanics and gameplay
This is at its core a beat ‘em up. Gene has 6 attacks, his combo and 5 other that can interrupt the combo when the time is right. The special part is that all of these attacks can be change and there are 100+ options. This means that your combo can be entirely kicks, or you could have a powerful attack to use for when a foe is stunned. Some of these attacks also have special attributes, like guard breaker or launching an enemy in the air.
Landing hits fills your tension meter, which, when filled, means you can unleash the god hand. This gives you a massive boost in damage and makes you invulnerable.
Another powerful part of your arsenal is the roulette wheel. It can be used after collecting a card from levels and is a devastating attack, that you can choose to be anything from a ballbuster (doesn’t work on women), 100 punch combo or many others.
Where can you get them? At the store, of course. There you can also gamble, get upgrades or test your skills at the arena.
There are two difficulties in God Hand. First you have your standard easy, normal, hard, and then you have a dynamic difficulty while you play. Every time you deal damage or dodge an attack, a meter fills up. At a certain point, you go up to the next level. This means that enemies get more aggressive, change their attacks and get new ones. This serves to constantly keep you on your toes.
All of this and the snappy controls make the fighting incredibly fun. The only other game that comes close is maybe MGR:R.
Graphics and artstyle
This is God Hand's big downside. The characters models are acceptable, but everything else, it feels like I’m back in the dawn of 3D graphics.
It’s silly.
This is a very memorable soundtrack. I have so many of the songs stuck in my head. I cannot for the life of me describe the genre. My favourite is “Smoking Roll”.
Final Thoughts
"I am not that kind of guy!" - day ruined.

TOP 5 jogos mais injustiçados do mundo

joguei na infancia n tem mt oq dizer

"Dragon Kick your ass into the Milky Way!"

Pure action, physicality, and hand-to-hand obliteration. The feeling you get when you perfectly line up your tailor-made combo, juggling an enemy into the air only to hit them with a high kick and send them flying is pure elation. By the end of the game on my 10th attempt at the final boss I was expertly avoiding moves and getting jabs in to perfectly execute Double Shaolin, moving into God Hand mode right into pummel. It's honestly everything you could ask from a game and more. Absolutely brilliant.

if you're having a hard time with combat, learn what Air Launch Kick is, remove any guard breaking techniques and abuse counter hits, you're welcome

haven’t even played the game at all (at time of writing) but that description alone fucks and has more soul than any game in the last decade of AAA gaming

An infamous game, thanks to a certain review by IGN and its no hand-holding approach that leads to insane difficulty, God Hand is a very good game, albeit with a huge caveat. Getting good enough to appreciate it.

While the IGN review may be laughable, it did point out some truths. This game does not ease you in. From the first stage, you can die very easily as you realize you can't brute force your way or get "lucky".

It's not just the enemies that make the game brutal. The dynamic difficulty rewards and punishes players by granting more loot but also buffing enemies the better you do and with a huge range of moves to learn and pick from, it's going to be trial and error to find out what works and what will get you killed quickly.

So in order to enjoy this game, you're going to have to "git gud." many years before the phrase would come to existence thanks to the Souls franchise, God Hand laid down the concept, challenging cocky gamers with a knowingly smug look that only few would prove worthy.

Which is a shame in one sense. God Hand does not take it self seriously and has a fantastic sense of humour with the story, enemies and even the combat itself (the first major boss could only be described as a villainous Mexican makes sense in context. Kinda.) And despite the levels being set in a ghost town, caves and other generic locations, the level design is so well done it adds to the presentation. Combine it with some hella catchy music and you have Capcom at their self-acknowledging best.

It's a game that should be experienced but there should be no shame if you don't find it's for you and the difficulty is too much (even easy is anything but) but for those that persevere and triumph, there is a beautiful, near-great game that should be more respected for trying to bring something different to the beat 'em up genre.

Rating: 8/10

One of the greats, so off-kilter and strange but feels incredible to play once you get on its level, and the customization is so wild. Probably some comedy bits that are a little tasteless but the whole thing is so audacious that I feel like it evens out?

Probably the best fighting system ever put into a game

There's a legitimate argument that this is the best action game ever made. A ton of depth, dynamic difficulty system that gets harder as you get better, wacky ass context sensitive actions and so many different movesets to try and enemy encounters to test them out on. It's just straight peak.

Genuinely insane how this game has been passed over by so many people when it should be the blueprint.

This games depth is literal peak gaming. Funny ass voicelines from the enemies, the cutscenes were wacky and funny and the specials actions you can do to your enemies when they entered a dizzy state was so satisfying to hit. The whole game is satisfying and the parts where you have to mash circle button make me HARD stim.

This game is really good with a revolutionary combat. I like how Gene and Olivia mocking each other, there are a really good jokes. I enjoyed the game a lot

There's been multiple attempts to create an RE4 sequel in the forms of a multiplayer RE4 (RE5), a continuation of the story (RE Damnation & Degeneration), and even a full remake, and while all of these are great I view God Hand as the true RE4 sequel as it further builds upon RE4's gameplay and was literally developed by the same team. Leon's melee moveset (minus the knife) return but now expanded with over 150+ moves that are all somehow like really really good and useful. Like how did they fucking do this. Fans of RE4 and killer7 have a lot of fanservice from both games to dig through and as someone who's extremely familiar with both games I appreciated all of it. It has a much higher learning curve than RE4 making it a harder game to recommend to a normal ass guy but if you're looking for more of RE4's style and gameplay it turns out the best place to go is the action game route instead of a route that banks more on the horror aspect.

THIS is a fucking video game. Not mile's morales marvels spiderman, not the last of us remastered part 2. THIS. This is like discovering the purpose of existance of videogames. And the reason why gate keeping isn't bad. If you let dumb babies play videogames, the big companies will start to dumbed down their videogames and spoiled the fun to people who have pation for this. It's just sad these type of games doesn't exist anymore.

le doy 4 estrellas solo por el gaameplay de la historia ni idea porque la version que yo tenia esta en japones algun dia lo jugare en español para darle las 5 estrellas