Reviews from

in the past

That almost made me consider looking for a girlfriend. Almost.

Me parece un juego genial si has tenido o tienes pareja, si bien creo que se puede disfrutar en caso contrario si posees bastante empatía. Los personajes están bastante bien escritos y excepto una cosa de guion que sucede demasiado rápido, el resto del tiempo va suave como mantequilla derretida. Ahí no tengo queja alguna excepto que el juego te explica muchísimo algunas cosas, pero poquísimo otras. Yo todavía no se para que sirve el cebollón.

En el resto de apartados está muy bien, la música podría ser más variada pero no molesta. Es el combate donde creo que hay más que pulir. No me parece malo, y tiene ideas interesantes, así como diferentes monstruos con diferentes mecánicas. El problema viene cuándo todas esas buenas ideas juntas no acaban de funcionar. Muchas veces conviene más ser ultragresivo y no defenderte nada. Los combos son mucho más lentos que otros ataques y no hacen un Daño significativamente mayor (a pesar de tenerlo todo subido). Y lo peor es que al tener tan pocas opciones en el combate, pero combatir bastante, este se acaba haciendo repetitivo. Y eso que te las van metiendo poco a poco de forma agradable, pero no se.

Me parece un buen videojuego pese a esos fallos, y recomiendo jugarlo si buscas una aventura que combina combate y narración.

This review contains spoilers

Maybe the most disappointed I’ve ever been in a game. I’ve been following the Dev since they released Furi, which I loved, but outside of the art style this is a step backwards in every sense.

The gameplay is pretty shallow but by no means the deal breaker.

The story, specifically the two main characters, is wretched. They’re meant to be a cute couple in love but they’re toxic to each other. The relationship between them is so bad that I assumed the ending would involve them realizing that but no the ending is that everything they did was right and they’re perfect for each other. They don’t listen to each others needs, they hide their feelings and lie to each other, they push each other on aspects that they know will annoy the other and after they argue they just have sex and everything is fixed, nothing is learned and no growth as a couple. Yet, in the end that’s all fine and they’re happily ever after.

Aside from the over arching shittiness of the message of the story, the two of them are just unbearable to listen to on a moment to moment basis. I gave up around 4 hours and watched the ending on YouTube.

If you take Playstation's Flower's gameplay and atmosphere and mix it with a lite dating simulator with a sprinkle of resourse gathering you get Haven. Haven was a good change of pace game. It's a simple yet relaxing game. Challenge is nonexistant and it is a game that you almost play for the mood and vibes. It doesn't reinvent the wheel or have some amazing story but to me Haven is more than the sum of it's parts.

The gameplay of Haven is a simple exploration of a colorful alien world, as you zip and dash from island to island to gather resources and parts of your ship. From food, medical supplies and unexplored junk that you find. There is also purple goop spread among the planet that you can clean up by dashing over it. So what you get in a gameplay loop is basicly exploration, as you fly around cleaning terrain and collecting food and objects you find around the map. It's a simple loop but exploring the artiful world is more of a relaxing experiance. I can see a lot of people getting turned off by this game as there isn't that much to "do" in it and the gameplay loop can be repititve.

There is combat in this game as well but I struggle to come up with a reason as to why it's included. It's as simple of an RPG combat system could possibly be. It's not engaging or enjoyable at all. Everytime i got into a combat encounter I wish that it would just end. It's easily one of the worst battle systems I've ever played. There is no depth and nothing to it at all. It feels like it was implemented at a simple pace breaker to make your character do something more "actiony" but it comes off to me as a time waster in a game that is essentially a time waster game. So why even play this game then?

At it's core Haven is held up by the foundation of it's main characters Kay and Yu and their relationship. You are given the option of assigning the genders of both characters and they are all fully voiced. You can tell this game didn't have the biggest of budgets as the story is told organically from the characters point of view after the fact and told in drip feeds. It works better than it sounds. The story isn't anything to write home about but it does a good job of shaping the characters world and backstories. The crux of the game is on the relationship between the characters like I said earlier and this is one of the aspects the game does very very well on. Kay and Yu are one of the most realistic couples I've seen in a game like this. The chemistry of the characters through their actors and character quirks come off very genuine and rarely if ever feel artificial or cringey. They feel like real people going through a thing that are so in love with each other that they relish in the fact that they are the only two people on this planet and it's enough for them. You would think a two person cast would get old fast but I found them to be the highlight and the reason to keep playing. Plus I really liked the character design and outfits that they wore as well. Very cool looking. A lot of the games scenes are just the characters reacting to everyday stuff, getting into arguments over mudane things and growing their relationship. It's not something for everyone and I do feel the game is a tad longer than it needs to be, but I really enjoyed my time with it. It's a hard recomindation though. I'd say if your in the mood for a simple beatiful artsy game that you can turn your brain off and just zip around in, you might realize despite the fact the you are getting bored of the game that you do wanna keep going.

Platinum #179

More than a game this is a barely interactive vector for a really bad visual novel about being stuck with your horny girlfriend on a deserted planet.

There is the weak promise of a premise involving some kind of totalitarian collectivist dystopia whose entire deal seems to be forcing young people into arranged marriages, but I wasn't able to sit through the obnoxious writing and single brain cell gameplay to find out if any of it pays off.

(Later checked on youtube: it doesn't.)

Conceitos interessantes com finais marromenos

A surprisingly relaxing and fun game. It works very well when it's an adventure game / visual novel focusing on the relationship of the protagonists, their chemistry is great, their dialogues are very lifelike and masterfully written. As for the rest, I wasn't a huge fan of the battle system and the traversal mechanics, I must admit - they became quite monotonous for me after a while. The graphics were OK, and I loved the music, so, all in all, a pleasant experience.

My wife and I started played this together and it seemed kind of promising but it ultimately just wasn't very fun. Controls felt bad and the story wasn't all that interesting,.


It was so cute and sweet! The soundtrack was an absolute standout, even if you don't play this game I recommend listening to soundtrack on youtube/spotify.

The gameplay is super comfy and chill, you just fly around small islands, will definitely be added to my games I just wanna chill with in the evening list.

The story was really enjoyable and the characters especially so. I personally didn't find any of the dialogue cringe or unnatural.

The only downside is the combat isn't great, it's playable but it's not great. But also I appreciate that this game is more about having a fun time than having amazing combat.

Will most definitely play again!

The combat system made me uninstall

Super bonito, más si lo juegas en pareja. Algo corto y confuso a veces pero en general es una experiencia que recomiendo. Los diálogos son muy reales

The battle system sucks but Oink is in the game so I let it pass.

Being a big fan of Furi, when the devs announced this was going to be the next game, I bought it day one but set expectations to zero. So I ended up with this kind of ok vn with skating exploration. This game wants you to take it veeeeeeerrry slowly and almost forget the turn based battles and hover skating. You're gonna stare at 3 scenes of the space nerds Yu and Kay fighting who gets to use the shower 1st and you better like it. The 2 leads are fine, they're 2 horny nerds who always be doing cute things. The devs wanted this to be a relaxing game you could always come back to, but I was blinded by mario sunshine-ing maps, the game's main goal. The game has a big danger plot introduced that goes directly against the chill vibes the game's trying to achieve. Please understand I can't say much about the games plot without basically spoiling everything. Maybe it sounds like I'm being too hard on the game, but it really is just a strange experimental vn. Not to dissuade you but as a point of comparison, I recently played I was a Teenage Exocolonist and it hit a lot of goals Haven was trying to achieve. Recently they added the option to have f/f m/m versions of Yu and Kay, I might update this harsh review after I do a run with a m/m pair.

Que es bonito y que tiene "buena" OST, que es todo el rato la misma, es cierto, pero en cuanto se supera ese factor, al cabo de unas horas, resulta muy repetitivo, tedioso y la extensión de la trama es tan artifical como aburrida y carente de un buen trasfondo.

Good music, okay gameplay, the game is relaxing. Main characters are good

Honestly had a lot of fun with this one. The dialogue and character interactions are definitely the major highlight of the game and really carry the whole experience. It is a joy to watch these interactions and the near constant banter between the characters. The moment-to-moment gameplay is nothing particularly special, and the combat is a little wonky, but I had a good enough time with the entire thing.

так и не прошли с Лерой :с

very cute couple game but my god they are so horny

also soundtrack is a banger

Ну нормик, сюжетно немного, музыка прям туц-туц, хоть в подкаст суй на фон бля, ну там секс еще

Super noioso. Che delusione dopo Furi. In modo buffo non riuscivo a capir come mai il protagonista fosse talmente arrendevole. Poi mi resi conto che c'eran risposte «corrette» e «scorrette» e ero io che arrende per tutta la durata. Figurati.

When they said "This is our new home, our Haven" I stood up started clapping and crying my heart out, such powerful words moved me.

But for real now, it's okay enough, probably what kept me hooked this long was riding Flow threads but there are so many innuendos you can listen to before you start going clinically insane

Toejam and earl ps3 remake remastered for ps4 with subpar romance writing and conflicts that happen for the sake of conflict. Collectathon where you loathe the collectibles.

Historia e progressão bons, finais interessantes, construção de mundo bem estruturada, porem com um sistema de combate de RPG por turnos bem simples e pouco inspirado. Utilizando mecânicas em par, representando o "casal", o combate mais atrapalha e frustra do que diverte. Vale pelo conjunto geral da obra.

Joguei esse atráves do game pass e bom, ele é um jogo. Capaz que me agradaria bem mais se nem tivesse esse combate horrrível que decidiram colocar, mas a interação dos dois personagens são legais. Dentro de um objetivo que fica cada vez mais urgente de ser resolvido, com um final até que agradável.

God I know they were trying to make us feel Yu and Kai's connection through gameplay but I wish the combat could be removed.

Trying to get through some smaller games on the backlog and so I started off with Haven. I had heard decent things about this one, particularly the writing and I would have to agree that the script is the strongest part. Kay and Yu have great banter and there's a great attention to detail as you progress through the game. The performances are also solid and the OST was great. Honestly, my favorite part was just roaming around listening to the music.

The rest of the gameplay is rather clunky. I think some ideas are neat in theory, but it sometimes feels like padding. Combat feels like this especially. I'm not a huge fan that you don't get full heals when you sleep. There are some other tedious rules that the game puts in place and it makes for a rather shaky experience.

This next part isn't necessarily the game's fault, but moreso the hardware. I know the Switch will always have drawbacks, but I had a few crashes, one of them at the climax of the game, which soured the experience overall. Not to mention the audio mixing is beyond inconsistent at points. There are some takes that they kept where actors are clearing peaking on their mics and it's beyond distracting.

Those problems aside, I still enjoyed the game for what it was. I think if this was longer, I would have found myself much more annoyed. My suggestion would be to play this on platforms and to wait for a sale. Certain not a bad game to pass the time, but's definitely got some issues. Not a bad way to start 2023!

Originally, I was saving this game to maybe play with someone one day, but I had no idea how long it would sit in my backlog, so I decided to give it a go and see if maybe it was enjoyable solo.

This is gonna feel like a review with a bunch of caveats, but let's start with the graphics, I' swear I've seen this art style before, but can't recall what it came from, but I really love how everything looks. It has a sort of cel-shaded mixed with watercolors kind of look to it. The land is vast while being in small pieces if that makes any sense, there's plenty of places to go but they all are small "islands" if that helps. The game runs very smoothly and honestly looks great, but I don't think this art style could work for different game than this.

The controls actually work very well, though if you are going to play, go to the Options first, there's alot there to adjust the playstyle to fit what you are used to, if you play everything on it's default settings, I guarantee a headache and steep learning. The combat is actually the weirdest part, first of all I didn't know it had RPG combat, but the way it does it feels kind of a step up from turn based combat and is lightly reactionary, but nowhere near an action game. It's kind of like rock-paper-scissors in a way, closer to Paper Mario or Mario & Luigi, but it's interesting and never really feels stale, but isn't front and center all the time.

The music is very pretty, it's like an odd mix of atmospheric vocals and instruments, the closest game I can think the music matches up with is the dungeon themes in Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, music you'll love to hear in game, but may never find yourself humming.

The story is where the game is at it's best. It's built around exploring the world and character dialogue between Kay and Yu who you can choose who to use at any time at the push of a button. I really love the dialogue between the two, I'll admit I was a tad put off at the start with one of the characters, but the dynamic grew on me a whole bunch. Also, as people likely know Kay and Yu's genders aren't set so you can change the couple's gender and it doesn't change the story at all, it's cosmetic mostly, but the dialogue is adjusted depending on the pair.

The only drawbacks of the game are well, one is a personal issue and the other is a weird oversight. The personal issue can play the game solo, but I feel the dialogue flows better if playing with someone else, but at the same time it seems like the exploration might be set for the leader to control the going-ons, I don't know I soloed it, but that's the vibe I get.

The oversight is, while the developers added the ability to adjust the gender of Kay and Yu, one combination is missing...your options are as follows (Kay/Yu), male/female is how it released. your other option is female/female and male/male, but it can't be flipped for Kay to female while Yu is male, not a big deal, just odd given the other free selections.

Those things aside, I love this game, despite playing on my own, this was a solid game and VERY different, but stands on it's own as a great game.

You have to be sold on what an admittedly realistic and fun depiction of a couple living on an alien planet, but the whole thing really is brought down significantly by unnecessary, unrewarding and unfun combat

Boy am I too old for that game. I hate them both and it feels like the game was not meant to be played by two players.
I swear I could not stand either of them.