Reviews from

in the past

One of the best mobile games! The spirit of the original Hitman is present! and board game stylization adds charm.

I hate mobile games, so ask me why did I play a mobile game on my PC....

With my current situation I can't continue playing the newer or even older Hitman games, so I decided to try out this game and actually see what it's got to offer and I found a fairly good and even addicting puzzle game.

You have a limited positions to move on the board of each level, but not limit on the turns unless you're aiming for achievements to reach your goal. In the majority of the levels, you just need to get to the end without being taken out by the guards, collecting keys on the later levels to open doors and gates, but the assassination levels you have to take out the target to win and end the mission.

As a fan of the Hitman games, loving Blood Money when younger, every assassination mission has "Ave Maria" playing, as played from Blood Money, which is a lot of fun as I do love that tune, though the rest of the missions are fairly generic background music that I didn't even put my headphones on because I wasn't interested in it. It was also quite successful at distracting me from my current obsession.

It's certainly no replacement for any of the Hitman games, however, it is quite fun and if you're in a puzzle mood, it's good and I've played far worse!

Hitman Go: Definitive Edition offers a unique take on the Hitman series, with turn-based puzzle gameplay, but it fails to capture the essence and excitement of the mainline Hitman titles, resulting in a lackluster experience.

A decent and simple puzzle/board game. The puzzles are well thought out, but usually must be played at least twice due to challenge requirements. Sometimes, this felt like padding and I began to dread certain challenges. Thankfully, there is an instant restart button. This is an interesting and surprisingly true to form spin-off of the Hitman franchise.

Hitman Go was one of the mobile games that Square-Enix made back when they owned both Hitman and IO Interactive. I'm not going to make this review very long because there isn't much to say about this game. Hitman GO is a simple puzzle game, and it plays very similar to Lara Croft Go except for some minor differences.

In this game each level is laid out like a board game, and you move your game piece, AKA Agent 47, across the board. As you move from one spot to the next, the game will have enemies on the board that will end your game if you move adjacent to them. Some of these enemies are stationery and others move along the board with you. So, your goal and the puzzle for each level is to figure out how to get through the enemies to the finish line. As the levels get harder the game starts to provide you with disguises and weapons for you to use for you to be able to finish the level.

In Hitman Go, each level also gives you three objectives. One of them is always the same and that is to complete the level, and the other two are different depending on the level like collect the briefcase or no kills. I guess this was their way of trying to add replayability, but honestly these objectives just felt tedious and made the game feel longer than it needed to be. Unlike Lara Croft go where you earn rewards for finding all the collectables, Hitman GO gives you nothing for completing all objectives except for an achievement or trophy. Hitman GO isn't a bad puzzle game, but I honestly feel like Lara Croft GO is the better game comparatively. If you do feel inclined to play this game, I recommend waiting for a sale.

+ decent puzzle game

-no unlockables for completing objectives in the game
-the game feels unnecessarily long

This game is honestly a great time. I assumed it would be a painful experience due to it originally being a mobile game. For once, I was wrong in this regard. It was a joy to take each level on and try to figure out the solution. I appreciate games that can make you feel smart. It's almost like playing a game of chess. I'm not gonna rate it any higher than a 3/5 despite not really having any complaints.

Hitman przerobiony na grę logiczną, całkiem dobrze się sprawdza w tej konwencji. Grę zacząłem na smartfonie, ale zmieniłem platformę, gdy sobie przypomniałem, że mam ją na Vicie i mogę tam wbić platynę. Zrobienie tego zajęło mi na oko jakieś 10 godzin, choć pewnie z oszukiwaniem poradnikami zajęłoby to góra 2, to nie żałuję spędzonego czasu. Najlepsza w krótkich sesjach na przenośnym sprzęcie, na pewno na "dużej" konsoli szybko by nudziła.
Plusy i minusy:
+ co chwilę wprowadzana jakaś nowa mechanika, inaczej poruszający się przeciwnik, rzecz do użycia w etapie itd. i to wszystko ma sens w kontekście uniwersum Hitmana
+ minimalistyczne, ale ładne poziomy, z małymi smaczkami tu i ówdzie
+/- w sam raz poziom trudności, choć czasami zbyt łatwo wpaść na rozwiązanie przypadkowo lub próbując wszystkich możliwości po kolei zamiast pomyśleć
- brakuje jakiejś historii czy dodatkowego urozmaicenia w gameplayu, może kupowanie ulepszeń, zarządzanie kryjówką czy coś
- muzyka to w kółko te same 3 nudne utwory

My life was better before I played this game and what I mean is I played it during the pandemic and that's the best thing I can say about this game.

A decent puzzle game, I played on PS4 and enjoyed it there but it's probably better suited to playing in short bursts on your phone.

Turn-based puzzle game inspired on the Hitman series, a bit boring to my taste.

Puzzle titul s deskoherní estetikou (jak stylizací tak i pravidly) v hávu Hitmana. Ovšem žádné velké přemýšlení neočekávejte. Je to dosti přímočaré a návodné čili i když úrovní není zrovna málo, tak hrou lze projít velice rychle a bez záseku. O zapojení šedé kůry mozkové ani nemluvě.

V tomto ohledu je patrný mobilní původ titulu. Úrovně jsou koncipované s vědomím hraní „na zastávkách“ čili jde o instantní hratelnost na pár desítek vteřin. Aspoň nějakou výzvu pak představují sekundární úkoly v rámci úrovní (typicky dokonči za méně kol než je určeno, nech všechny žít, seber kufřík apod.), ale ani tak to není nic, co byste většinou ihned či na pár pokusů nerozlouskli. A není to dotažené, citelně totiž chybí něco jako třetí nepovinný úkol, který by byl skutečnou výzvou; typicky si většina úrovní říká o něco ve stylu „splň první tři úkoly najednou“ apod.

Co vyloženě zarazí je, že většina kapitol je od sebe k nerozeznání (nemyšleno vzhledem) a nepředstavují příliš nových prvků či mechanizmů, zatímco ty finální kapitoly pak ano. Může jít o důsledek, kdy do hry původně byly jednotlivé kapitoly přidávány až časem čili ty „na jedno brdo“ možná jsou z původního obsahu a ty hravější až časem doplněné. Z technického hlediska zarazí snad jen zabugované achievementy „najdi/zabij stovku toho a toho“, které mají tendenci se zaseknout v progresu.

Výsledkem je chytlavá, nenáročná a krásně vypadající odnož kultovní série jasně zaměřená na mobilní zařízení a na cesty. Je to rozhodně dobré, ne že ne, ovšem až v případě Lary Croft GO se Square Enix Montréal podařilo přesně trefit hřebíček na hlavičku, co se konceptu „slavná značka v podobě jakože indie puzzle titulu“ týče.

This review contains spoilers

- Hitman as a board game
- Idea was fun but got tedious near the end as there was so many levels and were very same-y

Excellent presentation, but it definitely outstays its welcome, even as a fan of the series. It's more a novelty than anything else, and I think it's best played for a few levels til you start to meet too much resistance, then dip out.

A clever and very fun Hitman-themed puzzle game. Great visual design that gives it a very tactile feel.

Playtime: 4 Hours
Score: 6/10

Fun puzzle game but I definitely enjoyed Lara Croft GO more. I liked that they play the Hitman theme when you assassinate your targets. Otherwise the only negative was the constant rotating camera when moving around a level which was annoying. You already have the option to manually turn the board around so I don't know why the made it turn automatically.

The Hitman Puzzle game you didn't know you need in your life.

I liked this, fun to play at night when getting home from work, 100%'d

While not exactly my cup of tea, Hitman GO is a pretty neat puzzle game that has enough fun mechanics and twists on its simplistic formula to keep it interesting.

Hitman GO's overall completion time outstays its welcome in some bits, though, feeling like it takes longer than it should to nab the Platinum Trophy, though I should shoulder some of that blame of light frustration due to playing the entire game in a single sitting.