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The Banner Saga bez sněhu. Jinak však Supergiant Games převzali její koncept sakumprdum čili opět je to dílem vizuální novela, kdy občasně zasáhnete do děje svým rozhodnutím, která má důsledky. Opět se staráte o statistiky své party. Opět putujete po světě/mapě zleva do prava. Akorát střety tu neprobíhají formou tahové partie. Tady se konflikty řeší skrze fantasy variaci na pouliční basket.

Ano, posledních pět slov jste nepřečetli špatně. Vskutku to je pouliční basket ve fantasy hávu. Máte trio schopnostmi i vlastnostmi rozdílných hráčů "na hřišti" a vždy v jeden moment můžete ovládat jen jednoho. Zní to divně? Je to divné. Ovšem neskonale zábavné. V menu je i možnost čistě oněch zápasů bez příběhové omáčky, ve kterých můžete hrát proti počítači či lokálně s kámošem. Citelně (zatím) chybí online podpora, tohle by se s trochou změn klidně uchytilo ve stejném ranku jako nedávné NBA Playgrounds či díky té šílenosti skoro až Rocket League.

A to je tak nějak vše. Čtete dobře napsané dialogy, na postavách vám záleží, utkání jsou mrtě zábavná, děj vaši pozornost udrží, vizuálně je to hodokvas hodný umístění na pracovní plochu v každé obrazovce a hudebně jde o nejhravější i nejepší doprovod za hodně dlouhou dobu. Jedinou vadou na kráse je, že pasáže vizuální novely mají tendenci být neopodstatněně ukecané, kdy se mnohdy mlátí prázdná sláma. Sice bez výjimky čtivě, ale jít někdy rovnou k jádru pudla by nebylo od věci.

Výsledkem je tedy originální mišmaš, který se prezentuje jako RPGčko, ale RPGčkem není, částečně jako strategie, ale strategií není a vůbec nikde se nezmiňuje, že je to v jádru dějová sportovní hra. A zatraceně dobrá.

this game is a bizarre mix of genres but by god does it work for me

I think compared to their other games, this one flew a bit under the radar and it saddens me a bit

if you liked spiritfarer then I imagine you'd like the "dismissal" mechanic at play here, too

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Hay veces que cuando menos te lo esperas te encuentras con uno de los mejores indies que has jugado nunca. Este es el caso.

Una dirección artística PRE-CIO-SA, una Banda Sonora traída desde el cielo y una retahíla de personajes memorables, todo bien mezclado en coctel de visual novel y "mini juego de voleibol"... Te queda una experiencia indescriptible y única para cada uno.

Su forma de llevar el final me parece también muy original (no todos se van a poder salvar), así que toca tomar decisiones y aquí las decisiones si que importan. Y mucho... ya que al fin y al cabo estas ayudando a crear una revolucion.

No me iré por las ramas; tanto su loop jugable como cada apartado del juego están cuidados al milímetro y su final, aunque agridulce a su modo, te deja uno de los mayores regustos de "trabajo bien hecho" que he visto en mucho tiempo.

Juego histórico, un must si me preguntas (por encima de Hades incluso) y una de las mayores sorpresas que me he llevado.

Merci SuperGiantGames pour ce poulet

Join a colourful cast of rebel highflyer,
To snuff the flame and ascend to choir,
As Falcon Ron hums the fine tune of plier,
In this big, small indie game of Pyre.

Inacreditável que esse jogo é tão divertido assim
Nunca esperaria, gema escondida 100%

basketball with mario kart items and religion

Pyre was that kinda of game that you start and then keep playing non-stop until you finish it for me.

I heard many good things about Supergiant Games, and they were all right.

To begin with, the art direction is impeccable, the music is unbelievably good and creates a great setting.

Storywise, amazing too, kinda wished it was longer because how much I enjoy it. It's been a while since I've seen so well done characters.

Talking gameplay, the game has an extremly good loop of narrative, preparation, rite, repeat. The rites themselves feel amazing to master (to later be crushed by a particular individual), this encourages you to raise the stakes on the later rites activating as many Titan Stars (enemy buffs) as you can handle.

This game should have had online matchmaking as it has a lot of room for tons of different strategies and gamestyles that would have shined in PvP matches.

A must play.

I can't remember what this was about. Spiritual basketball? If so I probably had my spiritual ankles broken.

Great art and music but I guess I just don't ball like that.

While it might be my least favorite of Supergiant's games since I don't love sports games, it was at least a cool spin on that genre. Also again the music, art, and design are top notch.

Oops I guess I should finish this.

Required reading. Hate to unpack the L word, but easily one of the best examples of ludonarrative I've seen. Not because "choices affect story" (though they do), but because of your goals as a player are constantly in direct conflict with your goals as a character in the story. Oftentimes, the choices are clear, but this doesn't make it any less biting to commit to the decisions you make. There's also one single moment I won't spoil that may have been one of the greatest moments of "Oh my gosh, I can't believe they went to that effort" in a game that I've ever seen. Naturally, I won't spoil it.

Pyre is about three things: Liberation for the oppressed, the role of ritual and how it conforms to meaning, and playing sick games of wizard basketball. All three of those things are equally important, and Pyre is crafted to make you understand just how inextricable each of them are from each other. Even the wizard basketball. Especially the wizard basketball.

I still haven't finished this, but this is genuinely one of my fav sport games. More people need to play this.

There’s no total happy ending in Pyre. Not everyone can escape the eternal prison of The Downside, and crushing your opponents in The Rites may not be the best decision for your own moral sanity. Pyre has a lingering and bittersweet ending that has stuck with me well after the credits rolled. Combine those rich character interactions with incredible production values, original art and world, an addicting and original gameplay loop, and a terrific score from Darren Korb it’s safe to say that there’s a winning formula that Supergiant Games keeps excelling and improving upon. What comes next from this talented developer is a total mystery to me, but I’ll be there for whatever they dream up next.

Full Review:

Hell yeah to this game. Though I have a feeling that my choices were somewhat less impactful than the game portends, Pyre offers a fun mix of narrative weight and fantasy basketball, which plays quite smooth and satisfyingly. It's a great cast of characters too, and I almost want to replay simply just to build up certain bonds in different directions than on this specific playthrough.

Best story/worldbuilding Supergiant's done so far, but the gameplay loop is so ass that minus one star

Feels like a mix between the party interaction of Fire Emblem and the gameplay of NBA Jam. While it controls well, your first playthrough won't offer much challenge at all. Still, Pyre makes up for it with fun characters, personalized narrative moments depending on your party configuration, and an absolutely decadent atmosphere. I wish every character had a more satisfying ending, but it's hard when there are so many of them.

Sensacional, como todo jogo da Supergiant!

Pyre, diferindo dos títulos anteriores da Supergiant, abandona o estilo de ação quase constante para focar mais no storytelling. Porém, mesmo que o jogo seja 75% Visual Novel, ele consegue ser tão dinâmico quanto seus antecessores durante sua progressão de história - tendo um ritmo que começa lento, para te apresentar bem aos diferentes aspectos do seu mundo único, e depois começando a acelerar freneticamente de forma que você não quer parar de jogar pra ver como tudo desenrola.

Os outros 25% do jogo cobrem o que seria sua parte de ação, que são partidas de um jogo estratégico que funciona como um "Capture a Bandeira" invertido: Pegue o Orb (bandeira) e leve até o Pyre (ponto de captura) inimigo para diminuir a vida do time adversário e repita o processo até ganhar a partida. Cada personagem possui habilidades e status únicos que podem ser usados de várias maneiras para elaborar estratégias durante essas partidas - e o jogo te pressiona a variar a formação do time, assim como aprender a jogar com todos os personagens.
Toda a história do jogo se baseia em volta dessas partidas e, dependendo de quais/quantas você ganhar ou perder, ela pode ir mudando (e, acredite, essas partidas vão ficando beeem difíceis, a um ponto que você realmente fica tenso com elas da metade do jogo pra frente)

Indispensável dizer, claro, da absurda criatividade, qualidade e riqueza dos diversos aspectos do jogo - Arte, história, músicas, ambientação, construção de mundo e personagens, etc - como é costume da Supergiant.

Se você gosta de jogos focados em história, especialmente de fantasias com construção de mundo original, Pyre é, de longe, um prato cheio. Apenas fique atento a dificuldade do jogo, pois, mesmo no modo normal, as coisas começam a apertar bastante perto do final - o que pode se tornar uma adrenalina emocionante pra uns, mas também uma experiência estressante para outros.

Dunk on fools in fantasy-future basketball

Pyre walked so Hades could run. The music and atmosphere is excellent, the high standard that Supergiant constantly achieves. It encourages multiple playthroughs and as the gameplay can get a little harder the story gets more enriching. Beautiful.

We love NBA: Purgatory in this household. All of the characters are super interesting and the world itself is one I wish would get revisited (honestly, I'd have given this a sequel/prequel before Hades), and it can be considered an early attempt at the scale of replayability Supergiant went on to perfect with Hades.

Further proof that "sports games" could be fun if, you know, sports games deployed literally any imagination and focused on, you know, being a fun game to put your fingers on. On top of that, Pyre is also set in an exceedingly evocative world, which would be a plus even if it was some other game. More Pyre 2 less Hades 2 please.

Un juegazo con modo campaña que sabe mucho a rol de mesa y un versus de piques máximos. Y además, TI'ZO

This review contains spoilers

I love this game so much. The entire cast is great, all of the characters feel unique in both personality and gameplay, and it's... just fun to read.

It's like 70% visual novel/CYOA and 30% fantasy basketball (as the memes have often said), but it works. In the same way that playing a TTRPG, the dice are there to make a narrative mountain 'interesting' to climb, the basketball is there to make a few decisions 'interesting' to make.

The simple version of the plot is: There's a horrible authoritarian government that casts criminals into the "Downside", which is something of an arcane purgatory. Reading is illegal to learn. You end up in the Downside because you can read. Now, you lead a rag-tag band of adventurers (via READING) to try and escape the Downside through a very convoluted ritual where you need to win fantasy basketball games to escape.

Except only one party member can escape. And here's where the gameplay and story really have a fun gimmick: The fact that only your most 'enlightened' party members can be sent back up means that if you have favorites, they're probably going to be the ones to go. If there's ones you're bad at? You'll either start losing, or getting good.

The end goal is to start a revolution and overthrow the shitty authoritarian empire, and who leads that rebellion - and how it ends - is up to you, both through your narrative choices and how good you are at fantasy basketball. Why? Because if you lose in the playoffs, the other team gets to send somebody out, and they might be none too keen on seeing your plan come to fruition, given the celebrity that comes with escaping the Downside.

This game is meaningful, has a beautiful story, and the art direction throughout is great. It has a few fun twists and turns (that I've tried not to spoil!), PLENTY of Dark Souls-esque read-the-item-description lore, a literal book of backstory, and explores how religion can grow and evolve over time. If you're interested in story, this game is so, so worth your time.

Please, play it. Even if it's on easy mode, don't fret and play it. Though I'd say try and find a difficulty where there's a chance at loss, because losing isn't a game over, and can sometimes positively influence the plot.

Play Pyre. Just... it's art. Genuinely.