Reviews from

in the past

It's interesting to play this now, after having experienced a few other Amanita games. A lot of the things that make their work great is here, just very, very unpolished. It's short and sweet and would have been so much better without the human faces pasted on top of some characters.

Ok, honestly, I avoided looking at the faces as much as I could. They creeped me out in a visceral way.

Pretty good if you happen to have 15 minutes in which you should be doing something else.

A short point-and-click adventure boiled down to its purest form. The screens of the inbound asteroid are detail-rich and inspired; it's this blend of photorealistic environments and surreal creatures that make this 15 minutes a fascinating one.

Identidade. É uma demo, curta e bem sem graça, mas serve de base para grandes títulos do futuro.

An interesting little game that lasts all of 15 minutes.

It's free, and while not very interesting on its own, works as a proof of concept that I hope is explored more fully in its sequels.

An aesthetically disgusting point-and-click game, but, technically, it's still considered one. Cute and modest, and at the low price of free, no reason not to give it a try.

Beatable in 20 minutes or less.

El primer Samorost llegó al mundo en 2003 como un juego web. Es totalmente gratuito, tanto en Steam como en su web. Samorost 1 apenas dura 20 minutos. En ese corto espacio de tiempo nos vamos a encontrar una aventura gráfica maravillosa con unos escenarios vivos, alucinantes y que pocos juegos tienen.

Samorost fue creado por Jakub Dvorský mientras era estudiante en la Academia de Artes. Aunque breve y en apariencia simplista, el juego destacó por sus escenarios surrealistas. Un cuadro en movimiento que nos cuenta una historia enternecedora y muy bella

Samorost 1 nos cuenta la historia de un pequeño duende que vive plácidamente en su asteroide. Un buen día, este duendecillo ve cómo se acerca, sin freno, un enorme asteroide hacia su hogar. Sin pensarlo ni un momento, monta en su nave y viaja al asteroide para cambiar su rumbo.

En poco menos de 20 minutos, este jugo nos contará las peripecias y aventuras de este simpático duende, sin diálogos ni texto alguno, pero con un apartado visual y sonoro maravilloso.
La versión de Steam es el remaster que realizaron ese mismo año 2021, que cuenta con una BSO nueva creada por Floex.

Reseña completa en

uno si dovrà pur consolare con qualcosa no

A simply delightful micro point n' click, not much more to say. Well worth the price of admission (Free) and the time spent with it (20 minutes).

A delightful 15 minute experience made by a small team in 2003. Acts as a really interesting proof of concept and im looking forward to playing the rest of the series.

This is one of the most charming and aesthetically pleasing games I have played.