Reviews from

in the past

I fucking LOVE this game. The gameplay is hard to master but so satisfying when you know where you are going. The graphics are JUST what I want from a Classic Sonic game. This is one of the best Sonic fan games AND best fan game of all time. Mods make this game so replayable, trying out wild characters is so fun. Please give this game a try, even if the control scheme is weird sometimes.

(knux) muy bueno pero sabe sacarme de mis casillas al final

This game is a wildly different take on 3D Sonic and I think I like it more than the Adventure take on it? By no means it is flawless: the controls can feel a bit slippery and wonky, bosses are a bit of a chore and I hate levels where the design expects you to do a lot of precision platforming with tiny error margins and insta death (I think the the Desert and Volcano zones sucks due to this), but when this game is good it is GREAT!

Simply loved most of its levels, and the final one (Egg Rock Zone) was AMAZING, a great mix of challenging but fun level design and good music. I had a blast playing it with Sonic and Tails (gotta cheese the bullshit parts) and am probably going to replay it with the other characters.

A fantastic 3D Sonic fangame that feels professional. The stage layouts are fantastic for the most part, it's an excellent translation of the design language from the Genesis games to 3D, something the main Sonic series never managed to accomplish. The unorthodox engine choice too gives the game an incredibly distinct feeling, I don't feel like there will ever be a game that feels like SRB2. I hope the future updates only make the game better!

default levels are really great even without getting into the mod support

Sega hired that man but this time he has a fetish for ice physics

SEGA, hire this man to the 200th degree

literally the best thing ever

Sonic Robo Blast 2 conflicts with me so hard: on the one hand I really do like this fangame's visual style. The pixel art and the general environments are really well made and look very pleasant in motion, and surprisingly I found the music to be pretty good as well. Everything else though...not so much.

For the record, I HIGHLY recommend not playing this with a game controller. This game was just not built for it whatsoever. That's not to say I'm not gonna take points away from it for not designing the game around controller at all, because, like...that's how I primarily play platformers, but KBM is a marginally better alternative. That aside however, I really don't like how this game controls. KBM did make steering your character better overall but no matter what you use, Sonic and co still have incredibly jank acceleration issues. Much like Sonic Forces, you go from 0-100 way too quickly and it's super jarring, the main difference is that the turning isn't as stiff as Forces. General platforming and even just moving around never ONCE feels precise or natural, compounded by the fact that you have almost zero air control if you aren't going at a high speed. The general level design is a mixed bag, a lot of it is very expansive with little to show for it, or it's just incredibly convoluted and messy with (quite frankly) terrible stage gimmicks. The boss battles aren't really good either, they start out alright but the further you go in, the worse they get. I don't who in their right mind thought the Metal Sonic boss was a good idea, trying to hit a target that has the hitbox of a mosquito who flies around you in nonsensical patterns WHILST you're in a boxed arena with electrified fencing and bottomless pits, but I want whatever they were smoking that day. The camera is a mess too; again it is a little bit better with KBM than with controller but it never really gives good viewing angles, constantly needs to be readjusted and absolutely freaks out if you get close to any form of geometry, oftentimes I come across a wall, try to turn around and Sonic's gigantic sprite blocks the entire screen and makes things practically impossible to follow, doubly irritating within boss arenas.

There is a commendable amount of customization options on display via community made mods to change just about any aspect of the game you want, but bottom line, I shouldn't have to rely on mods to make the base game enjoyable. That's kind of a major problem methinks.

Played Co-op. Think I need rails, and homing attacks, and bouncing, and light dash and all the cool shit.

Finished in 2021 (v2.2)

realmente es un buen juego de en mi opinión en especial porque si recompensa al jugador al explorar por ciertas areas esto se nota en los primeros niveles del juego

aun que estaría bien de que metieran aca una amy aca chichona y nalgona

i just love how game is nearly impossible to be finished if you're playing as sonic.

For a fan-game Sonic themed Doom mod, this game is actually really fun. The visual style is from some alternate late-1990s where Sega actually put out a 3D Sonic during the N64 days. The levels are neat and clever, the music is top tier, and best of all it's free! The one downside is that they have a lot more faith in Sonic's platforming handling than I think they should, some of those jumps are p sketch to pull off.

Very unique take on 3D Sonic. I enjoy the artstyle and the gameplay quite a bit.

Le meilleur fangame Sonic sans aucune compétition

This game makes me sad, because there's so much good stuff here but the level design and controls feel like they're constantly at odds with each other. The great presentation can't save the consistently annoying level design and obnoxious boss fights. All of this time and effort for a game that the developer can't even sell, and isn't even particularly fun. To give credit where it's due, the kart-racing spinoff is great.

An insanely ambitious attempt to adapt 2D style Sonic level design and game flow to a 3D engine and it... it works? Somehow? A small team of rotating volunteers over the course of 20 years sorta kinda cracked the code on how to make a 3D Sonic game that feels like the 2D ones?

Play it if you're a Sonic fan. Hell, play it if you aren't. It's a Sonic game that runs on a modified Doom engine. And you can beat it in an afternoon. Don't miss it.

If Doom and SA1 made sweet, passionate love to each other, this would be the result. The controls certainly take some getting used to so the first playthrough can be a bit frustrating. But eventually, they will start to click and once they do you'll discover an incredibly speedy 3D platformer with gallons of love and care seeping out at every seam.
When it's actually finished (please don't be a silk song situation) this will be on par with Mania. And the best part: IT'S FREE!

Almost everything I could ever ask for out of a hypothetical 3D Sonic game from the Sega Saturn... "almost" because maybe the physics are too floaty.


Um jogo bom do Sonic, otimo exemplo de como se fazer o Sonic em 3D, apesar que não gosto dos sprites 2D, mas tem uma opção de modelos 3D então fico de boas.

I bet with the right character mod, I'd really like this game, but I don't enjoy the base game enough to put in the work to find the right mod for me.


I have 100%ed this game, I have beaten it several times with many friends, I've played the mods, I've made some mods, it's an awesome game.

The levels are really big and really fun to explore, they all look great, the controls are awesome, playing it multiplayer is fun, it's just a really fun time.

That long lost Sega Saturn Sonic game everybody is always dreaming about. Still unfinished sadly, but honestly I doubt anybody would know that if you didn't tell them. The base game is already expansive enough as is, especially if you go emblem hunting, but the modding community that this game enjoys thanks to being a modified Doom Engine is what truly makes the game as enjoyable as it is. Endless content, y'know? This is the kind of game I can boot up just whenever I'm bored and don't want to think too hard about what I'm playing.

Sonic Robo Blast 2 is a love letter to classic sonic games with a new 3D spin.
This game is a fan game that is so fun to play through and experience a new twist on classic sonic in a 3D style.

The game features 6 roster characters to play as in terms of Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Fang the Sniper, and Metal Sonic.

Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles all appear in the base roster with Amy, Fang, and Metal being unlockable.

The game features a bunch of levels that each have 3 individual acts within them, with Acts 1 and 2 serving as your standard Sonic Act but in 3D in a HUGE area to explore and traverse, with collectibles to be found. Act 3 serves as the boss of each stage, with Eggman/Robotnik using different iconic and new machines to try and defeat you.

The game has issues in terms of sometimes not being clear as to where you have to go, and the camera tends to fight you sometimes, but not to the point to where the game becomes unplayable or anything.

The game also features an amazing community that is constantly updating the game, adding new levels and characters to play as.

Personal favorites include:

- Surge the Tenrec
- Mecha Sonic (Sonic 3 & Knuckles)
- Kiryu Kazuma (Yakuza/Like a Dragon/Ryu Ga Gotoku)
- Kirby
- Pacman

Any many more from Sonic characters, to other video game characters! There is even a mod that allows you to play with 3D models.

This is such a love letter to fans, and to Sonic, and while it might have issues, I think you'll all enjoy it.

It's a good Sonic game. They even added in shit level design just like every Sonic game ever.

I feel like such an outsider of Sonic as a series. A lot of the core game design that Sonic fans tend to love, I never quite seem to mesh with. A lot of it is trial and error, with a sense of speed that makes you lose a sense of precise platforming. It's purpose is to replay and to keep getting better at the game, even if your first experience wasn't a great one.

Roboblast 2 is an extreme love letter to Sonic, emblematic of the efforts that fans will go through for a series they love. Passion is poured into every fiber of this game's being. And yet... I just do not mesh well with its game design. And that's a shame, because I wish it did.