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This entry in the Wolfenstein franchise was rather elusive as its Steam store page was no longer active when I was looking to play it, so I had to find other means of playing it. I think this game is only slightly better than the game it followed, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, in that it runs on a comparatively more modern engine. Many of the issues that plagued Return to Castle Wolfenstein are fixed, only to be replaced by new problems. One aspect of this game I did not like is the lack of a health bar which is something that is, from my understanding, very typical of the time that the game was released. Instead, if you consistently take focused fire for enough time, you will just end up dying with no easy way to measure how close you are to death. I think that a health bar adds a necessary sense of pressure and an ability to strategize, not enabling you to blindly go in and start killing enemies without a care in the world. Some other things I felt really detracted from this game's playability are the FOV, slow running speed, and slightly disorienting running animation. What is very disappointing is that the concept of this game is actually very interesting, and I can't help but feel that if this game were remade on a newer engine with the current standards of shooter games, it would be a really great experience. In this game, you play as William Joseph Blazkowicz, who finds a mystical item called the "Thule Medallion," which grants access to some "Veil Powers" that can aid in combat or help in exploring the environment. I liked how this game delved into the supernatural much like Wolfenstein: The Old Blood which came out a few years later, though here it was done to a much greater extent. In terms of completion the game was not too crazy, and looking for collectibles was not all that burdensome. I think that sometimes the levels could feel a little bit bland and non-distinct, however. Despite the many issues I have outlined, I still think this game is better than its predecessor as the problems in this game did not get on my nerves nearly as much. I think it is unfair to deprive fans of the franchise the ability to access this game on one of the biggest gaming platforms, and I think it should be brought back to Steam. There are many creative elements to enjoy here, and I feel this game would greatly benefit from a remake or perhaps an integration into the reboot series, somehow.

Feels like a game stuck between two eras of videogames. The retro, fast-paced run and gun shooters and the more modern flavor of fps with wide open hub worlds, upgrades and a stronger focus on exploration. Wolfenstein would have been a much better game if it had simply committed to the former.

The core gameplay is really fun. I like the arsenal of weaponry and the gore system in this game is super satisfying. You can burn, electrocute, vaporize and straight up blow Nazis up and all of that just FEELS good. It's the spaces in between all of the burning and blowing up that brings this game down. The open world city of Isenstadt is just plain dull and barely incentives or appropriately rewards players for exploration. I missed the stealth element from the previous game, an omission that feels weird given how much more the environment design lends itself to sneaking around than it's prequel.

Ultimately, it's a very monotonous experience. Games like Bioshock already had a very similar gameplay system while also providing an incredibly rich environment and profound writing, neither of which is available here. It's occasionally fun but, on the whole, very forgettable.

Didn't deserve the backlash it got. Was the best Wolfenstein game in terms of story at the time it was made. Built the framework for the MachineGames Wolfenstein games.

Oh, woe is me, I can't believe Raven Software were consigned into becoming a cog in the Call of Duty factory, it's clearly not at all what they would've wanted. You can tell because for instance the lead designer of Wolfenstein 2009 Jedi Outcast & Academy is still there, over a decade later, doing hard work on all of your favorite first-person shooter titles published by Activision Blizzard King since 2010, he is one of many being held hostage I'm telling you!...

Having a nazi skull as your cover is very 2000's

This review contains spoilers

Kind of misplaced standalone game, but still fun for what it is.

When I wanted to play all the games in the Wolfenstein series, I eventually came across this one, simply called “Wolfenstein”. It serves as a loose sequel to Return to Castle Wolfenstein but can be, as far as I am concerned, treated like a standalone game.

In Wolfenstein, you play as the hero we know and love, William B.J. Blazkowicz. It takes place in some town called Isenstadt in the setting of World War II. If you thought that the original Wolfenstein and Return to Castle Wolfenstein had some wacky and crazy stories, you haven’t seen this one. Here, the Germans are excavating some ancient site in order to harvest rare “Nachtsonne” crystals, which they need to access the so called “Black Sun” dimension in order to harvest great power, used for turning the tide in the war. As the game progresses, the town of Isenstadt changes for the worst and normal German patrols are replaced by supernatural, ghost-like monster things.

In the previous game, Blazkowicz acquired a strange artifact called the Thule Medallion. William meets up with a resistance group called the Kreisau Circle and enters the town of Isenstadt. Here he learns of the strange voodoo that the Germans are pulling of with the excavations and the purpose of the Medallion. He learns that he can use the power of the Thule artifact to enter “The Veil”, a barrier between Earth and the Black Sun dimension, introducing the unique mechanic of the game in which you can run faster, spot enemies in the dark and go through doors with the Black Sun symbol on it. Blazkowicz eventually faces General Zetta, who is actually some kind of abomination when viewed through the Veil dimension. William whoops his ass and returns to town, in a new location that the resistance has set up, to avoid retaliation from the Germans. His buddy Caroline Becker is captured by the Germans, now lead by Blazkowicz’s arch enemy, general Deathshead. Like usual, Deathshead is building some kind of superweapon with the crystals. William travels to the castle that Caroline and Deathshead are in, confronts many enemies and some bosses who all guard the superweapon and eventually reaches Deathshead himself. In true Wolfenstein fashion, Deathshead escapes and William blows up the castle and rescues his chick. He goes after the Zeppelin that Deathshead escaped in and manages to bring it down. In the end credits, a wounded Deathshead crawls out of the crashed Zeppelin and the game is ready for the next follow up.

Wolfenstein plays in the same style as its predecessor. It is a First Person Shooter in which you hold a variety of weapons and gather more guns as you progress. The game follows a linear path but allows for backtracking during areas. It has some new and unique features however, like the black market, in which you can upgrade your held weapons and the new Thule Medallion, which let you enter the Veil and can be upgraded to use more special abilities like slow time, shielding, and dodging projectiles. For this reason, you need to be on the lookout for crystals and cash, making this some sort of FPS RPG. There are some scripted events of course in which you are forced to use a certain power of the Medallion, not allowing for different approaches to the situation, but this is fine.

The graphics in Wolfenstein are really nice for the time period. They look polished and the lighting and blue smoke effects are stunning. This game felt really next gen for the time. Explosion effects and the detail is all great.

In terms of sound design and music, this game is all right. The voice acting is good and the sound effects, like gunfire, are fine. The music is a little generic but it works.

I have to say that the so called “Motion Comics” where a nice addition, but at the same time, a desperate attempt of tying this game to the main series. In these comics, different pieces of story and past events from multiple Wolfenstein games are shown from The Spear of Destiny, Return to Castle Wolfenstein and the final battle with the Fuhrer himself in the first game.

The biggest problem I had with this game is that it just did not feel like a true sequel, it was just there and did not offer that satisfying feeling of continuing the story like the previous and following games.

The Multiplayer was terrible and broken at release but has been fixed later on with a massive patch. The only problem is that no one played this game anymore in a matter of months, so this can be considered a failure.

Nowadays, Wolfenstein (2009) is some sort of obscure relic, with almost no platform that offers it. It is not on Steam, the PlayStation store or the XBOX Live Store. The only way to experience this game as far as I know, is by buying it physically second hand somewhere, or really search the deepest pits of the internet.

In the end, I think the game was not that bad, but it is certainly not memorable. One does not miss out on anything with this game and for this reason, I would not recommend playing it, unless you wanted to experience every game in the series, like I did back then.

A miracle this game didn't kill the franchise. Probably one of the last nails in the head of the wash of mediocre X360-era FPS games.

The weakest and oddly experimental in the franchise in my opinion.

This was A LOT of fun for someone who didn't know Wolfenstein that well back in the day. I knew it was about killing Nazis but didn't know about what else made it tick. Seeing a supernatural, fantastical Nazi-killing simulator was not what I expected but damn, was it fun. I enjoyed the new games' sci-fi alternative history approach and I certainly enjoyed this fantasy element approach back in the day. Just enjoy it as a shooter, cause it's a good one at that. I couldn't finish it back in the day before my X360 died on me but I would pick it back up in a heartbeat.

Wolfenstein 2009 is a boring, soulless, slog of a game. Technically speaking there's not a lot wrong with it, it looks alright, runs alright, plays alright, but there's just nothing engaging at all in this game.

I guarantee that it is impossible to skip this game completely, there are more side quests than the whole story of the game. I've crossed it several times, but mostly in the winter when I don't go out anywhere and that's when I have the most time because it requires a lot of free time. In order to press it, I would need an average of 3-4 weeks of playing for a couple of hours every day. Every recommendation, the graphics in place of the story as well as the entire Wolfenstein series are phenomenal

Esse jogo é uma maluquice tremenda, mas sem o carisma que os Wolfensteins The New Order e The New Colossus tem (esses últimos também tem maluquice, mas não necessariamente sobrenatural).

Esse é um ótimo exemplo que prova o potencial da Raven Software quando se trata de produzir experiências do estilo da velha-guarda do FPS. Assim como em Quake 4, Soldier of Fortune e Singularity, ela (pelo menos pra mim) conseguiu fazer um jogo divertido com uns diferenciais interessantes, mas que ainda assim é chato no geral e desinteressante.

Eu não acho esse jogo memorável, e acredito que a maioria das pessoas que gostam da franquia e já jogaram esse jogo também compartilham dessa opinião.

A franquia já tinha se envolvido com o sobrenatural antes, que foi em Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Porém, nesse jogo de 2009, chamado apenas de 'Wolfenstein', o sobrenatural foi usado tanto que chega no ponto de ser parte central do jogo. E isso pra mim é um problema.

A questão é que os poderes sobrenaturais, pelo menos pra mim, não são interessantes, e eu praticamente não usei eles durante o jogo, com excessão das vezes em que eu fui obrigado a usar eles pra prosseguir no jogo e no finalzinho dele, quando eu já estava de 'saco cheio' da história do jogo e eu só queria terminá-lo logo. Fora que a história em si, tentando enfiar goela abaixo toda essa parada sobrenatural foi tão genérica e chata pra mim que eu realmente não me lembro de nada da história, nem dos personagens secundários.

A questão é que eu me diverti bastante do início do jogo até o meio. A partir do momento em que o final do jogo começava a dar as caras, o jogo ficou MUITO chato e eu nem consegui mais acompanhar a história, que já não era das mais interessantes.

Uma coisa que me irritou durante o jogo são as animações. A animação do personagem que controlamos, B.J. Blazkowicz quando corre é bizarra e desconfortável. O mesmo vale para as animações dos inimigos, A maneira como eles correm, são atingidos pelas balas das armas, e caem no chão quando abatidos é muito estranha. Até as animações dos personagens e inimigos de F.E.A.R., de 2005, são muito melhores que as desse jogo, de 2009.

Um outro problemaço desse jogo é a câmera. A câmera balança MUITO. Eu nunca havia ficado desconfortável com a visão de um jogo FPS. Nem as animações de teleporte do poder 'blink' de Dishonored, que causam uma distorção na imagem, conseguiram me deixar desconfortável.

O jogo é bastante curto. Porém, ao mesmo tempo, pareceu que a última hora foi interminável. Eu acho incrível que esse jogo conseguiu descer de divertido para chato em poucas horas de jogo.

A história é maluca, sem pé nem cabeça, exageraram muito na dose de sobrenatural, mesmo que isso já tenha sido explorado no passado, e por algum motivo mais bizarro ainda, o Wolfenstein: The New Order, de 2014, segue 'um pouquinho' como continuação desse jogo.

Enfim, esse aqui tinha potencial. A Raven Software já produziu outros FPS que eu curti, mesmo também não tendo grandes histórias, como os que eu citei no começo desse texto, e eu acho que esse jogo poderia ter sido muito melhor.

Pena que hoje em dia ela está 'presa' na Activision e fadada (pelo menos por enquanto) a produzir os Call of Dutys que todo ano são lançados. Um baita potencial desperdiçado.

standard MCU shooter. Good visuals for its age. Bland writing could barely keep me awake. It's only thanks to the combat that I can give this atleast a generous 3/5.

Lo termine 2024 y puedo notar como wolfenstein youngblood tomo muchas referencias a este título, la idea de crear un mundo semi abierto donde te encuentras enemigos para ir hacia las misiones puede ser interesante en papel, pero en la ejecución se vuelve tedioso, ir y venir solo con el único objetivo de aumentar las horas hace querer que el juego tenga un modo viaje rápido.

Ahora bien, el juego sigue siendo un wolfenstein que tiene una pesima IA pero sigue siendo divertido y la historia es exactamente como su antecesor que fue return to castle con elementos más enfocado en cosas paranormales, no es la gran cosa pero funciona como primicia para seguir jugando.

Sí alguien quiere jugarlo en PC o con un emulador ya que creo que no existe el juego para comprar a día de hoy, yo si lo recomiendo, es bastante divertido, aunque no sale de ahí.

I remember liking this when i had first played, but giving it ago a few years later it's kind of meh. The gun-play was okay but once all the supernatural stuff kicked it in lost me.

Honestly, I really liked this. There are some things I'd have changed, such as how some physics objects work. But overall, it's a great game with some really neat ideas. I like how the veil changes the world, and the abilities felt excellent. I didn't use shield that much, but the others were perfect, especially overpower, when you learned you can use it for more than opening some doors.

Definitely didn't deserve the hate it got, and I'm sad that the only way to experience this is via physical formats. Really wish Id would re-release this. It may not be for all super hardcore Wolfenstein and DOOM fans, but it's got its own charm and appeal.

The supernatural stuff is really neat set dressing for a game set in this time period. I kinda wish it were used more. Hopefully, people will revisit this game and realize that it had some great ideas.

The first 2/3rds of this game are really cool. Wolfenstein levels that are accessed from a hub and you are pretty much free to tackle them in any order. A weapon upgrades system that the series hadn't seen yet up to that point I think and the supernatural powers are pretty fun to use.

Then after the first hub, the game was clearly rushed, the second hub has nowhere near as much thought put into it or content at all for that matter. The levels start to drag and suffer as a result.

The final boss of the game was super frustrating for me as well, could be a skill issue or some weird animation bugs at high frame rates but he took me a hot minute to beat on Hard mode.

Definitely an interesting game though and underrated, the first chunks of it anyway. Can we get Raven out of the COD mines now?

Wolfenstein 2009 is one of the most underrated games I've ever played. Critically panned on released, sold poorly and basically killed the series for a long time. But this game is quite unique and fun. Raven basically took the supernatural elements of Wolfenstein and hammed it up to the max. BJ is just some dude now, he isn't the roided out beefcake we are used to. The game at the beginning does play like a average call of duty game, with cover and regenerating health. But turns into its own thing when you get the Veil. A powerful object which buffs BJ with superpowers. Wolfenstein may not be the most praised or favorite among fans, but it's still a fun shooter with an insane premise.

Wolfenstein serisinin RTCW sonrası yeni oyunu Wolfenstein, 2009'da bizle buluşuyor. Öncelikle hikayesi çok iyi değildi. Yan karakterler falan var ama o kadar boktan hikaye sunumu var ki bir yan karakterin başına bir şey geliyor ve ben adını bile zor hatırlıyorum o kadar silik anlatıyor. Aslında hikaye sunumu eski oyundaki gibi genelde basit bir sinematik oluyor ve sizi göreve sokuyor. O tarz hikaye sunumu 2001 için yeterli olsa da 2009 için oldukça zayıf kalıyor. Kısa da bir oyun, daha iyi bir şekilde hikayeyi oyuncuya aktarmak niye böyle zor gelmiş anlamadım. Oynanış olarak asla RTCW kadar çeşitli silah seçeneği yok. RTCW kadar olmasa da düşman çeşitliliği iyi. Mekanik olarak gayet iyi. Vuruş hissi, karakterlerin tepkisi hiç de fena değil. Oynanışa eklenen özel güçler iyi olsa da ben biraz daha efektif şeyler beklerdim. Ne bileyim mesela elektrik gücü olsa ve düşmanları onlarla vursak falan. Bir de oyunda E ve Q tuşları ile bakmak kaldırılmış ki bence bayağı olumsuz bir şey bu. Görev tarzı bana çok basitleştirilmiş geldi; şuradan şunu al, bunu bul görevleri gelmiş. Bir de görev alanları çok küçülmüş. RTCW geniş geniş alanlarda size görev yaptırıyorken bu oyun sizi çok sınırlı alanlara sokuyor. Komik yanı bu oyun açık dünya. Zaten oyunun asıl sorunu sözde açık dünyası ve yarattığı tempo sorunu. Oyunda açık bir dünya var ve siz görevlere giderken burayı kullanıyorsunuz. Her geçişinizde aynı yerlerde sürekli aynı tip düşmanları spawn ediyor. Aynı yerden çıktığım her seferde oraya düşman spawn ediyor. Girerken ayrı çıkarken ayrı düşman öldürüyorum. Bir de işin görev kısmı var. Göreve giderken çatış ardından görevde çatış sonra görevde duruma göre boss ile çatış sonra görevi bitirip yeni göreve giderken biraz daha çatış. Bu çok yoruyor. Zaten oyun bug dolu. Her boss savaşında istisnasız bug yaşadım. Boss savaşına gideceğinizi anladığımız an sakın oyunu kaydetmeyin. Oyun buga giriyor. Genel olarak fena oynanışa sahip olmasa da çıktığı yılın gerisinde kalan, serinin eski oyunları gibi sektöre yenilik getirmek yerine sıkıcı ve tekdüze bir oyun Wolfenstein.

This is easily the "safest" feeling Wolfenstein, but I've actually played it a few times because the gameplay is pretty satisfying. Each of the levels feel kind of like checking a box for what a Wolfenstein game should have, and the story isn't very memorable - but there are some surprisingly brutal animations and the gunplay is solid. Odd game, but not too bad.

Completed, hard difficulty. | It was alright. I don't like the hub-world design, and ultimately Quake 4 was better. Shootin' Nazis is fun, though!

Well... It wasn't the most bad thing in the world, but it also wasn't the best either, I enjoyed my entire run through this game, it is simple and gives you what you probably want... That it is to shoot nazis.
Comparing it to the reboot series, the new ones obviously look and play better, but what I loved about this game, was the WW2 aspect, this point may be biased because I love WW2 shooters and the gunplay in this doesn't disappoint, while there is paranormal and sci-fi elements, this wasn't the entire thing, not everyone in the nazi army were super futuristic advanced which, for me, is a positive point... The one power I most used was the slow time one because it helped during gun fights, the other ones, only in boss fights, the rest of the game I played like Wolf 3D, just running and gunning with a MP40 in my hands and spraying nazi blood all over the walls, and I loved this simple aspect.

May be a guilty pleasure, but this game, alongside Return to Castle Wolfenstein and New Order are my favorites of the franchise.

This game also has one of the best flamethrowers in the entire game industry, the sound design, the feeling of holding the mouse button and the screaming of the burned, all culminates on a masterful and very fun weapon. It is up there with the COD World at War and Far Cry 2's flamethrowers.


Certainly not the worst game I've ever played but there's nothing here you can't find in other, better games

The guns feel SO GOOD to shoot, and the nazis too, like, it just feels amazing to unload on the crackers and seeing them die. But this dosent carry the game trouhg the awful history, dialogue and the weird hub world which gets boring too quickly. Game is also stupidly easy, you get too powerfull too quickly and nothing ever manages to catch up to you.

Greate game, sadly underrated and hated by the wolfenstein community.

The chronology and canonicity of the Wolfenstein games gets hazy at best, and this one is not helping much. Considered a loose sequel of Return to Castle Wolfenstein, it also is supposed to be the starting point of the next saga handled by Machine Games which follows up with The New Order.
Unfortunately, this is an average FPS with nothing real interesting to it. A central hub lets you access the various levels of the game and you're once again investigating the Nazi's paranormal division. The next games brought much more to the franchise.

Raven's tendency to build a solid core and decorate it with half-finished bullshit is in full effect here.