Reviews from

in the past

Wasn't fucking with the game a ton despite really liking some aspects. Likely cuz I was ass at it. Probably gonna give it a revisit

This game is a side scrolling brawler with a bit of RPG.
Visually the game is fairly good, it's going for a cartoonish aesthetic and it's nailing it, it's beautiful without being jaw-dropping.
Sadly the game is not voiced and the overall sound design didn't blew me away, the fighting sounds were okish.
In terms of gameplay since it's a side scroller, the game is quite straight forward and offers very little in terms of depth, you're getting any new abilities throughtout the game, you're choosing weapons and armors that have abilities that will dictact your gameplay. It's still quite good eventhough at times it can be weird in terms of hit registry due to the perception of depth.
The enemy variety was also ok, it was challenging and pushing me towards trying to play differently depending on what I was fighting against.
The final point is the story, I didn't like it, it felt strange, starting with the main protagonist that I really didn't like, making the characters swear all the time do not make then interesting. The tone of the game was also out of whack, sometimes trying to be funny in tense situation and sometimes trying to be serious. The fact that the overall story was a bit weak didn't really help.
To conclude, I think this game is good since it's not overstaying it's welcome, it's length is perfect around 9-10 hours to complet, I would recommend it if you're into side scrolling beat them all games that are a bit challenging.

Very fun couch co-op, but the solo experience can be punishing. The ending of the game is a little bit of a slog as well.

I don't know how to really classify this. It's a dungeon crawling RPG? I thought it would be more fun than it was. Fell off after a few hours.

I decided to give this one a go before it was removed from Game Pass. While I liked the character designs and the art style, the game itself is sort of all over the place.

The game starts off pretty slow because there is a lot of story and dialog to get through first. And not all of it is interesting or felt worth the time. While the story is fine enough, the worst part of this truly is the dialog.

The twins are very annoying. There were several times in the game where I just rolled my eyes at what they were saying and when you have a ton of dialog in a game, that's not a good sign. I did not care about the twins in the least and, for me, they just became a vessel to experience the gameplay.

It takes a bit for this game to get you into the normal gameplay loop/flow of take on a dungeon, collect stuff, equip/sell/upgrade and do it again. But when it does, there is a pocket of this game that is really fun. Especially when they start introducing the abilities you can use. It's fun to see what they all do.

Also, the secret dungeon stuff is a highlight here. Finding goodies by chance just by heading into an area you haven't before was a joy.

While the overall beat-em-up gameplay is fun, it also wears out its welcome after a while. And when you get to the point where the combat is a bit boring and the dialog is annoying you, it's a bit of a slog to get through the last bit of it.

Tiene muy buenas ideas y un estilo visual maravilloso, con unas animaciones y diseño de personajes que atraen la mirada desde el principio.

Pero es en la ejecución donde se ven los problemas, sobre todo un sistema de combate que necesita algo de pulido y por momentos saca de quicio con lo impreciso e injusto que es.

Uma ótima opção para quem procura um "beat ‘em up" um pouco mais complexo (mesmo o game tendo vários problemas).

O game é um beat ‘em up bom, mas vários problemas atrapalham experiência. Um deles é a dificuldade desbalanceada: alguns chefes e monstros são capazes de matar os personagens com poucos ataques (mesmo você estando com bom equipamento).

Mais para o final da jornada há um trecho RIDICULO em que somos forçados a usar armas amaldiçoadas que deixam os protagonistas com um único ponto de vida (sério, quem teve essa ideia aqui NÃO JOGOU O PRÓPRIO JOGO)

Fora os combates, "Young Souls" acerta com sua ambientação que mistura 2D e 3D para criar um mundo bonito que lembra um traço de desenho animado.

O que mais iludiu no jogo foi sua trama/narrativa em si. O começo do game até tenta puxar uma boa história mas infelizmente, isso some rapidamente: entre as fases aparecem alguns poucos diálogos arrastados e cenas que mal desenvolvem os personagens ou a trama.

Pra piorar os gêmeos são irritantes, xingando o tempo todo sem motivo algum (entendo a intenção de usar isso como um recurso de personalidade dos heróis, que são adolescentes, mas o resultado é uma dupla nada carismática).

Apesar dos pesares o jogo me divertiu.
Com uma jogabilidade que lembra os clássicos do gênero, "Young Souls" se propõe a entregar MUITO mas no fim não acaba entregando nada inovador ou "muito bom".

- Jogabilidade rápida e viciante.
- Ótima ambientação e ótimos gráficos.

- Sistema de RPG e de equipamentos são simples demais e parecem não impactar tanto no jogo.
- Poucas opções de estratégica nos combates, tudo é muito igual.

Perfect artstyle, the story has a promissing beginning but it becomes stale, the difficulty seems to be balanced for two-player even on solo mode, and not having online coop is a big loss.

A solid beat-em-up with a few interesting ideas. Its writing is generally solid kids show material but feels the incessant need to age itself up by swearing every 5 seconds, which definitely knocks it down a few pegs. Still, a surprising amount of depth of character and a fun combat system make this a solid "worth my time."

Juego muy simple :c muy pocos combos con los personajes y se va haciendo muy repetitivo.

Para pasar el rato está bien pero no lo recomiendo la verdad

My one tip: Mess with the accessibility settings.

At first, the gameplay seemed a little stiff, which may be intentional, but I had a much better time after adjusting damage values and the ability to cancel attacks into blocking or dodging.

Now that that's out of the way, Young Souls has impressed me.

At first, I was unsure of the art style, but seeing it in motion, along with the fun character designs, it became something special almost immediately.

Similarly, even in the beginning, it seemed like the plot was leading to something worth saying, and despite my concerns, I think it actually lands on a pretty solid, well-considered message by the end—even if the final chapter goes by a bit too quickly.

Young Souls is a good way to spend a day or two between larger undertakings, as it finds success in unexpected—but appreciated—places.

Very good if played with friend

Boring and repetetive gameplay. There are no different weapons and no different enemy types too much. And enemies ai designed so badly, either they stunlock u or they do the same thing with each other and easily die. Play other 2d brawler games first, like streets of rage 4 or battletoads they are way better than this.

Pretty fun beat em up overall, maybe a bit repetitive but short enough that it's not that big a deal, really liked the artstyle and the overall storytelling was alright. wish there was a bit more variety overall.

Esse jogo pra mim ta no caminho certo do que os beatemups devem ser. Ele trás muita coisa boa pro gênero, tem.uma história legal e é muito bonito, eles fazem milagre com muito pouco na animação desse jogo. Ele é "curto" ei explorei um pouco só mas cheguei a explorar e fiz 8 horas de jogo. Ele sabe bem a história que quer contar e sabe implementar novas coisas pra um gênero tão cansado e pouco inovador que é o dos beat em ups. Gostei do uso de coisas de "souls" nele, o parry adicionou uma camada bem mais dinâmica ao combate. Aliado isso ao carisma dos personagens e deu bastante gosto de jogar.

Un juego indie que, apartando de unos pocos bugs y de que el rendimiento (en ocasiones) no es el mejor en Switch, la verdad es que es una buena adición indie al catálogo de la consola.

Lo recomiendo, en especial si buscáis un desafío (aunque, si no queréis un desafío, tampoco pasa nada, hay diversos modos de accesibilidad que reducen éste, así como también tienes la posibilidad de cambiar la dificultad del juego en cualquier momento).

Deve ser minimamente legal com alguém, porém solo a progressão do jogo se torna "vazia", os mapas são confusos, os personagens não tem nenhum carisma, pelo menos no começo, não deu vontade de continuar.

Young Souls is definitely a lot of fun, especially if you enjoy playing games like Final Fight or Streets of Rage. Finishing up at around 12 hours seems like the perfect amount of time for a game of this nature. Long enough to experiment with different weapons and load ups but not overstaying its welcome. Young Souls is an impressive success and I look forward to what the future may hold for this up and coming indie development tandem.

Particularmente eu acho que a história do jogo tinha muito mais potencial do que foi apresentado, o jogo é feito meio que as pressas e pode te dar a sensação de estar estagnado, sem progressão, por muitas vezes me vi cansado em progredir, porém, os elementos de combate e principalmente os elementos de RPG implementados no jogo me fizeram seguir até o final.

Pegue tudo isso e junte a dois protagonistas extremamente carismáticos e você tem um jogo que vai te instigar a ir até o fim para ver o desenrolar da história, as mecânicas funcionam muito bem porém são cansativas depois de 3 horas de jogo, a quantidade de armas até que é bem grande, a variedade de roupas e armaduras também, é um bom hack n slash mas nada de muito especial para ser destacado (se não o carisma dos personagens no geral).

Joguinho bom pra jogar multi-player
Meio frustante em algumas batalhas e não entendi pq só pode reviver 1 vez, as vezes não compensa dar mais dano do que velocidade, as propriedades da armadura não torna mais vantajoso e não é muito recompensador melhorar arma ou armadura
a visual é muito bom e bem feito, as animações também
a trilha sonora é esquecível, simplesmente fodase
os elementos de rpg fazem pouca diferença e o minigame da academia é roubado
infelizmente ele saiu do GP então, quem sabe outro dia zero

In the first 90 minutes of this beat-em-up, you only get to spend about 20 minutes actually beating guys up and you’re not even out of the game’s intro yet. The game has an entire inventory and equipment system that it doesn’t even introduce until the 2 hour mark. Young Souls is 8-10 hours long and the first 10% of it is filled with tutorial, dialogue, and fetch quests. Not a compelling beginning for a beat-em-up. Even beyond the bizarre pacing issues, the game itself is not really that fun? The action is fine and the writing is pretty bad. Multiple times, your player character says “she sounds like a bitch” when referring to a female character they don’t like. Not great. After 2 hours of boredom and eye rolls, my wife and I shut the game off and did not go back to it.

+ Great art style and fun character designs

- Terrible pacing issues. Intro is way too long
- Cringey writing
- Boring combat

Really nice stylized visuals and a story with well-developed characters are positive aspects of this potentially really great modern entry into the Beat 'Em Up genre that sadly does not reach its potential because of several types of balancing issues. Still enjoyable to play, particularly co-op, but not as good as it could be.
My wife and I finally quit the game at about 60% completion, not because it was bad but simply because the minor frustrations kept us from being drawn back in.

Gameplay ★★★
First: if you're going to play this game, go to accessibility and turn on the ability for your block to interrupt your attacks. I don't know why this isn't just the default but it makes a huge difference. In a game with blocks and parries, you need to be able to act reflexively at a moment's notice.
Combat is your standard beat em up style but with some minor RPG elements including level-ups, equipment, and stat upgrades. These features set the game apart but also make it fall short in some ways.
I enjoyed the variety brought about by the different types of weapons that play differently, from quick knives to slow war hammers. (Bonus point here for showing the DPS of each weapon on the equipment screen instead of showing me a separate number for damage and attack speed. I don't want to have to do math in my head to decide if a weapon's attack boost is worth its slower speed.) This was a refreshing change from other BeU games that typically just have you using your fists the whole time or using temporary weapons that break or are dropped from screen to screen. Unfortunately, the item drops/stats are not balanced very well. By the time we quit playing we had each been using the same weapon for at least half of our play time because we were never picking up better ones and the shops didn't have any good ones to buy.

A surprising issue that I found was the ever-so-subtle difference in the camera angle from that of most other BeUs I've played. It had a side-view camera slightly above the ground, looking down, but where most other games in this genre have a more extreme angle, probably about 40 degrees from the ground, Young Souls' camera was at more of a 30-degree angle. This doesn't sound like much but it meant that when there were more enemies on screen, the ones in the back get blocked out by the ones closer to the front and it was difficult to see what they are doing and therefore very tough to block, parry, and dodge their attacks effectively.

The major issue that we had was again with balance, but this time with the difficulty. I'll be there first tot admit that I'm not the greatest at BeUs but I've played my fair share and completed each one of them. We started on the Hard mode which made regular enemies manageable but kind of monotonous because of how much HP they had. When we got to the third boss, we absolutely COULD NOT beat him. He had too much health and there were zero health drops from enemies or environmental stuff. So we turned the difficulty down to normal. This made the regular enemies much less threatening but more manageable to our time, and we were able to beat the boss, so we kept it there. We also appreciated the occasional health drop even if they were exceedingly rare. A couple bosses later and we absolutely COULD NOT beat him. So we turned it down again to easy. At this point the main enemies were basically a joke, and HP was dropping from them constantly, but the boss was still hard to beat! The balance issue is clear here. In order for the bosses to pose a reasonable challenge, the enemies have to be trivial. And why am I getting like 2 HP drops per level on Normal but getting 5 HP drops per screen on Easy. Surely there is an in-between here? But the main thing I blame is the lack of weapon and armor drops. I should not be fighting the 7th boss with a weapon I got from beating the 2nd. Even though it was a Unique weapon I should still have found something better by then. Same goes for armor. We just were not ever finding armor, even in the shops that was better than what we already had.

Story ★★★
The story was interesting but of course somewhat flat, featuring a secret underground race of goblins who are preparing to invade the surface for an unknown reason (I didn't finish, remember?)

Characters ★★★
The two main characters are twin brothers and sisters. They are pretty young, probably between 14-17 years old and they were adopted by the guy that gets kidnapped. They've got some attitude, which is fun, but their dialogue can be really cringy because they feel the need to throw in curse words periodically for no reason except I guess just to sound cooler or edgier. Overall I like them, they've just been watching too much TV so they think that cuss words = cool dudes.
The enemies are surprisingly fleshed out and every cutscene featuring them I found myself interested in their plight and pleasantly surprised at the amount of detail we learned about their relationships with and feelings toward one-another. The writing in this regard is definitely really good!

Art ★★★★
One of the highlights of the game for me was the art style and direction. area transitions are done in this quick-cut cinematic fashion the is best explained with an example. When leaving their bedroom, you see a close up of one of the kids putting on a shoe, then it cuts to both sets of feet going down the steps, then a wide shot of them zipping off toward town on their scooter. It's very stylish and lots of fun. The character designs are also all unique and well done.
I'm not sure it's technically under "art" but I'll put it here because I don't know where else to put it. This game has SO MANY SCREEN FLASHES. It is exhausting to anyone and very frustrating for a person who can get a headache from bright lights and flashes. It happens during exploration and during combat, but is really bad when you finish a level. Pick up an item FLASH.
Beat a boss FLASH, get the boss reward ANOTHER FLASH, get the experience reward for clearing the level A THIRD FLASH.
Unlock a checkpoint FLASH.
Excessive. I'm not sure why disabling screen flash was not in the accessibility menu. That one has been a pretty common accessibility feature for over a decade so I was surprised that they had an accessibility menu but not that option. (speaking of: points for having an accessibility menu!)

In closing, I enjoyed Young Souls and really wanted to keep playing it, but it kept feeling like an obligation to go back to. And once that happens the game is on life support for me and it has to turn it around soon or it'll be lost. Unfortunately, Young Souls only continued down the path that made me feel that way and I lost interest in the end.

Played on Gamepass

Tinha muito potencial mas no final foi meio meh

Young Souls has the foundation of a great game but it falls short a bit in looked at overall. The gameplay is the real highlight here. Pretty good to decent RPG brawler with a lot of varied weapons and armor sets. The combat mechanics at it's core is very solid. The combat mixed with the dungeon crawling is pretty satisfying and coupled with a distinct art style and some really great designed main characters does make the game enjoyable. I liked mix and matching armor sets and customizing my twins for distinct playstyles. Plus you gotta give it bonus points for being a great co op pick up and play RPG.

The gripes I had with it are while I really like the art style and main duo the villian designs are beyond bad and super genaric. The story is bare bones and pretty unsatisfying and extremely sloppy. The music is very forgettable as well. When you get the idea of how the game is supposed to be played you can get very powerfull rather easily. There was also one section that was very annoying with one hit deaths that was really out of place and short. The town hub was really pointless and clunky to navigate. Characters litter it but offer no significant dialog or contribution to anything. Lastly I kinda wish the game was a bit longer with maybe a couple more dungeons that really pushed the difficulty and combat to the next level. By the time I was really getting into it and exploring it was over.

Despite the negitives Young Souls scratched an itch I had and I thought it was worth it for the five to ten hours I had with it. Maybe pick it up on a heavy sale and have your expectations in check and you can have a decent time.

It's not challenger, and have some points to comment: Has buggy coop mode, superfical characters, bad premise, final boss without two stages, non sense ending.
The repetitive combat it's acceptable, it's a Beat n' Up after all.

Uma mistura bem corajosa de RPG com Beat'n up, mas que acabou se tornando bem cansativa, o decorrer das fases você até se empolga em ficar batendo nos inimigos, mas rapidamente fica monótono e repetitivo.

Earnestly clumsy in its story beats, lovingly realised w/ some frankly stunning artistic direction and craft, horny, kind of thin on anything substantive. The Frenchgaming Experience.
I must have played a demo for this at a convention in... 2015? 2016? It's been in the oven for a very long time, but I can't say the finished product particularly reflects that. Young Souls is a threadbare RPG beat-em-up that lacks much pizazz, aside from a few mechanical variances in its short runtime. Despite its armory of different weapon and tool types to choose from, you're typically pushed to choose whichever item in your inventory has the highest stat increment. Much appreciated the attempt at a homely town hub with a recurring set of characters, the Splatoon influence in its shop and upgrade design is unsubtle lol.

Completed in a sitting via couch co-op, which is nice!
Vanillaware are refusing to click "File > Export to... > PC" for Dragon's Crown, so this is the kind of ration that mercifully slides under my cell door once in a blue moon, I'm too hungry to complain.