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Crash Team Rumble tem a grande sorte de possuir uma ótima jogabilidade, partidas envolventes e os velhos personagens carismáticos. Se não fossem esses três elementos, nada salvaria a pífia quantidade de conteúdo e a falta de polimento em diversos aspectos.

O jogo traz algumas novidades e outros elementos já conhecidos da franquia e consegue criar um multiplayer competitivo surpreendentemente divertido, balanceado e frenético.

Porém… dá pra saber que esse é o tipo de jogo com vida útil limitada, se não forem adicionados novos modos de jogo, mais personagens e cosméticos para manter os jogadores engajados, o jogo vai morrer muito antes do esperado. Além disso, o jogo precisa muito de uma atualização que traga uma repaginada na UI que atualmente é confusa e abarrotada de elementos e também de uma correção dos problemas de travamento do jogo.

Definitivamente, o jogo não vale o preço em que está sendo vendido, mas os fãs da franquia Crash Bandicoot e de jogos multiplayer vão se agradar do jogo.

The idea of a live service team based League of Legends style Multiplayer only game featuring the cast of Crash Bandicoot sounds like an absolute recipe for disaster and quite possibly one of the most tone deaf ideas that any company could possibly come up with in the name of making fast money. That being said, Crash Team Rumble isn't that game and is one of the most fun multiplayer experiences I've had in a really long time. Toys for Bob was able to use their intensive knowledge on Crash 4, Spyro Reignited, and even Call of Duty Warzone to deliver a game with boat loads of charm and an incredibly stable server on their end. Video and game explanations simply don't do this game justice. It's incredibly easy to pick up and play with the tutorial being short and sweet. If you pick up this game, it's important you play this game with friends as that's the best team experience you'll have while playing the game. That being said, Toys for Bob has also implemented a pretty quick and easy communication method for when you play on teams without friends. The game also comes in pretty cheap at $30 for the base game and $40 for a Digital Deluxe Edition that comes with extra costumes and a future battle pass for Season 2 when it launches mid September. If you like Crash and are hesitant about trying the game out, give it a go with some friends, you'll have a great time.

EXTREMELY fun and addictive - i love this game so much

Convenhamos, o pensamento de que esse jogo veio pra enterrar o Crash mais uma vez é quase que unânime. A ideia de um brawler multiplayer nem sequer combina com a franquia, mas... não é que ficou bom?...

Crash Team Rumble entra naquele gênero de jogos PvP que são intencionalmente casuais, mas elaborados o suficiente para jogadores competitivos aproveitarem, algo como Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare ou quem sabe Splatoon. Com três classes diferentes, a forma de se jogar varia bastante entre os personagens, por mais que sempre seja necessário se adaptar às inconformidades de cada partida. A chave para a vitória está em saber quando se deve pontuar, coletar relíquias, dominar as gemas ou bloquear os inimigos.

Cada classe possui vantagens dentre esses objetivos, os Pontuadores são bons em coletar wumpas, os Bloqueadores são bons em impedir que os adversários pontuem e os Suportes são bons em dominar gemas e coletar relíquias. Essas relíquias servem como "dinheiro" durante a partida, é com elas que o jogador compra poderes e habilidades pelo mapa. Todo mapa possui um design e eventos únicos, isso aumenta bem a variedade no jogo e influencia no foco dos times, exigindo que gastem suas relíquias com sabedoria.

Até onde eu joguei, o combate parece bem calibrado, com base no que vi na beta, eu imaginava um jogo mais desbalanceado. O que não melhoraram foi o sistema de progressão, upar o passe é muito devagar e desmotivador. Destaco também que o passe originalmente é pago, decisão que não vejo sentido levando em conta que o jogo não é free-to-play. E esse é outro ponto que me preocupa, Crash não tem uma fan base grande o suficiente para manter um multiplayer vivo por muito tempo, não vai demorar para a falta de jogadores afetar o jogo, na verdade, dependendo do horário que eu estou jogando, eu sou colocado em servidores estrangeiros com ping mais alto, então isso já está sendo um problema.

O jogo é pobre quanto aos áudios e músicas, os personagens não possuem falas, apenas gritos e risadas, isso elimina bastante da personalidade e carisma de todos eles. As músicas são em sua maioria recicladas dos jogos anteriores, não chega a ser um problema, já que os mapas também repetem os temas dos outros jogos, acaba sendo nostálgico ouvir tanta música clássica em um só jogo. Na verdade, uma das minhas coisas favoritas é escolher a música que toca pro adversário que acabei de eliminar ou quando sou o MVP da partida.

No fim, Crash Team Rumble é um bom jogo, com regras bem redondas e um gameplay divertido e variado. A qualidade de vida é preocupante, não dá pra saber até quando vai durar, mas não tenho dúvidas de que os fãs mais apaixonados pela franquia vão guardar essa experiência por muito tempo e com muito carinho.


This really isn't a bad game. Not at all. In fact, I'd argue it's pretty fun. But there's a reason I don't often go for games like this and this was a stark reminder. Crash Team Rumble was fun for a few hours once I realized that it's all that the game is, I lost interest to keep playing. And that's probably just a 'me' problem. It's very rare that a multiplayer loop has keep me engaged for a long time (Halo being a notable exception). Even with the different playable characters and maps, it just kind of felt like I had seen most of what this game has to offer and I don't really think I'll go back to it.

But it's really not bad! If this is your thing I'm sure you'll have a great time. I just think other Crash games are much more re-playable and this one probably needs that the most.

Cool game! Check it out. My main is Crash.

This game is so much more fun than the gameplay looks. Even as a long time Crash fan, I was not very excited for this release. It is surprisingly quite fun and the gameplay can feel a bit addicting when you're on a winning streak. At launch, there are 8 characters which all have their own playstyle (my favorite being Tawna). Even though these characters are divided into three main "classes", they all have unique moves and animations. Also only one game mode, which I don't think is a huge deal as more are going to be added. The core gameplay is just fun -- plain and simple. My only concern is the player base -- this game did not have very much marketing push and word of mouth seems to be pretty mixed. This game has potential to really be something, but it might need to be made free-to-play in the future. If you are a hesitant Crash fan, I would give it a try. If you aren't a die hard Crash fan, I might wait for a decrease in price. All of this is to say that this game is pretty good, and I don't think its nearly as bad as some reviews make it out to be. It's just a lot of fun to play!

First Impressions comes from 12 Hours of gameplay:
Enjoyable for only brief duration before you notice the repetitious cycle from not only the game modes but also players tactics, with it's current unbalanced nature thanks to selection of the roster like neo cortex, catbat and recently ripper roo often dominating the matches by having more versatile and devastating moveset, which leaves other characters as less appealing options, a character specially like dingodile is easily eliminated by your foes at the expense of accessing a spin attack that can be charged slowly with an already slow moving character and ability to chip away other players wumpas slowly and it ends up leaving him at this bad position of being unfavorable despite being a fan favorite himself, I can see potential in this gameplay and the core elements are good but in practice it's admirably a fun mess but level variations don't really encourage more memorization but encourage already successful gameplay loop

this would have been bit more excusable if the game entry fee wasn't charged to begin with, at 30$ budget price (not including monthly/annual subscription to even access online modes for many games on consoles) makes current state of the game look dire, I'm not sure if activision decided to price this game accordingly to slowly capitalize on it's player base for couple of months or if it's genuinely intends to have far more long-term plan yet considering they didn't support a far more successful game like Crash nitro fueled for full year my instincts lean more on former, My verdict leans towards if you're massive crash fan then you might have some enjoyment here but speaking as veteran of the series too myself, there are far more polished multiplayer games exist in FTP form to enjoy, you're not missing much by skipping this.

Since I'm legally obligated to pick up any new Crash game that comes out, I ended up picking this up about a week ago and decided to play a few hours before getting to this review.

When it was announced I didn't really know what to expect from it, but after playing it, I will say that the core gameplay is surprisingly fun. It's not the deepest thing in the world, but the concept itself is pretty unique - being a sort of platform-based MOBA with some good feeling movement and snappy controls on that part (feeling similar to that of Crash 4) and the maps all feel unique with their own little gimmicks that fit their respective 'themes'. Plus the game is overall really nice visually and I also like how each character has a set of moves and whatnot that align well with their established personalities, in addition to the new 'Catbat' character which... hey, enby kittybat, pretty cool stuff.

That being said... I definitely don't see this game taking off. As some have talked about, the character balancing is a bit wonky. While you can still do pretty well if you're good enough at any of the players, it definitely feels like certain characters have abilities that put them at an inherent advantage over others that makes some feel more viable than others. Neo Cortex in particular has a pretty distinct ranged ability whereas most if not all the others are left with a couple simple melee attacks and on that note it can be difficult to fight him with any of the other characters since he can attack you without being close to you, and Ripper Roo is also in a similar boat having a 'bomb' attack that's inherently more devastating while also having some pretty versatile mobility. On the other hand, characters like Dingodile just feel pretty sluggish to play as while still being stuck with the close melee attacks that the others have with no real advantage to him other than being able to hold more Wumpas and (I think) having a bigger health pool and being more defensive. Plus the game feels like it encourages puppy guarding a bit too much, especially in maps like Bogged Down where both team points are pretty much right next to each other, and as such I've been in a few matches where it feels like the other team can just stand by your point and constantly knock you and your team out without much consequences. The result is that this ends up feeling like one of those games where if your team falls behind a significant amount early on, you're basically left with very little if any chance of winning the round.

My biggest issue with this game is that it feels extremely lacking in content. For $30, you get a grand total of... one game mode. Like I said, the game mode itself is fun enough, but at the same time, without much else to fall back on, I could definitely see it getting really monotonous, really fast, especially when this gameplay style feels like it could be open to much more. On top of that, you have a grand total of 9 characters to choose from, with only 3 being unlocked and only about 4 being actually viable due to the game's balancing issues, in addition to not giving much customization to them outside of cosmetics and powers (the latter of which are shared among all characters so it doesn't even feel unique). To be completely fair, it does seem like Toys for Bob does plan for there to be more content down the road, but... Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled had much more content from launch even if you don't include the stuff that was already in the original game to begin with. Also the game has a battle pass because... of course it does, I guess.

Despite all my criticism, I'd be lying if I said I didn't have fun with the game... but truth be told, at the rate it's going I really don't see this game having much of a life ahead of it with it's lack of content at launch, balancing issues and especially the fact that marketing for this game seems practically non-existent outside of the announcement trailer from the Game Awards. I could be wrong about that, but considering Nitro-Fueled had way more content and didn't build up a big long-lasting multiplayer base, and this game's matchmaking already seems pretty lacking, the odds in favor of this game having a long-lasting playerbase feel kinda slim. And if you do want to play this, I would probably wait for a sale or maybe even the chance that this game goes free-to-play lol.

I became a Crash and Spyro fan thanks to how much i loved Crash 4 & Spyro Reignited Trilogy, and god has done nothing but to punish me for it.

Played enough matches to say that.. yeah this ain't it.

Fun but this is gonna have a short shelf life

Nunca fui muito de gostar de MOBA's ou games do genero ou estilo, com a unica exceção sendo Awesomenauts que eu adoro. Então porque joguei esse jogo?? Bom....porque ele é de uma das minhas franquias favoritas do classico PS, Crash Bandicoot! E não é que o jogo é legalzinho? È um bom MOBA-Like, pena que o cast de personagens e personalização são pequenos e que não tenha tanta gente jogando. Com certeza esse é um jogo com potencial pra fazer sucesso se fosse F2P, os personagens são carismaticos, a gameplay é simples mas boa, os graficos são bonitinhos pra um game cartunesco e não é dificil de aprender a jogar e pegar as manhas.

It's not that I necessarily think every game needs to "justify" it's existence. I mean there are tons of games I didn't know I wanted until I played them. Crash Team Rumble feels like a game with no gas in it's tank. It's devoid of a reason for existing outside of "let's find a way to make a MP game with Crash assets".

It's not even that this game is egregiously bad. It's just regular bad, but it's very functional in a way that good games are. All of it's systems work. It's just so flat in it's delivery of just about anything. There's no passion here. There's a manufactured feeling to the whole game that doesn't go away. It's also really poorly balanced and just not very fun for me.

I also don't like MOBAs so I suppose CTR was never meant to win me over. Anyways yeah this game is not very good and you shouldn't play it.

The formula of the game is generic but fun, very similar to Pokemon Unite. The progression and achievement systems are rewarding, and kept me playing for longer periods of time. Hoping this paves the way for Crash Bash 2.

Fuck Activision.
Fuck Bobby Kotick.
Fuck this half-assed game.

Crash Team Rumble é um jogo que diverte demais porém que pode ter alguns defeitos no longo prazo. O game explora muito bem o universo Crash trazendo os personagens carismáticos da franquia e trazendo um modo online bem frenético e legal de se jogar, porém me parece que falta conteúdo para o jogo e que sua vida útil vai ser curta devido a falta de modos ou até mesmo de cosméticos que chamem a atenção do jogador.

Activision is milking Crash as much as it can while dancing on the corpse of Spyro, and this is what we get.

This is an EXTREMELY fun game that came out at the worst time. No one is going to be playing this, it has very little content and it's not made for a wide enough audience to grow later. It's dead and it just came out. But good lord if it's not incredibly addicting and fun. I main Catbat and Dingdodile and top frag in at least one category every game cause I'm cracked yk. Really hope this does well, but I know it won't.

It’s fun. Nothing remarkable, not necessarily bad aside from crashing a bit too much and the slowest BP progression I’ve ever seen

It definitely needs a boost of content and modes, stat, if it wants to stay relevant in the long term.

Currently been playing this with some friends and enjoying it a lot. Waiting for future updates but looking forward to the new content. Current issues that might get patched are: Random crashes during solo Q. Needs more gamemodes and should have been cheaper.

I had a lot of fun playing this, like the game is way more fun than I thought it would be. However there just isn't any staying power in this for me.

I love the franchise but I feel like I need to put this on hold until far more content is added.

- Olha, eu amo a franquia Crash mas tenho sentimentos mistos em relação à esse jogo.

• A gameplay é excelente: Movimentação responsiva, precisa e cada personagem é único. Os mapas são legais e muito bonitos. Não preciso nem falar, mas esse jogo tá cheio de fan service, o que é maravilhoso!

• No começo, eu fiquei muito empolgado, especialmente por ter jogado o beta. Fiquei muito ansioso mas com o tempo fui percebendo que o jogo é bem limitado e repetitivo.
↳ A costumização é muito simples. Você tem algumas skins que são o ponto principal e alguns acessórios, que por sinal fica muito legal em alguns e muito bugado em outros. 😆
↳ No online, até o momento dessa review, só há um modo de jogo online. Outra coisa que incomoda no online são os bots.

• Esse jogo possui passe de temporada. O conteúdo do passe é apenas cosmético e os personagens podem ser desbloqueados de graça.

Good in bursts of 3-4 matches. Had a tickle in the back of my brain that all my progress is for nothing and the game is going to get a server closure before 2024. Would love to see this game prosper. Doesn't rely on MTX, my bandicoot looks nice.

A underrated Fast-pace MOBA. Alot more people should give this game a shot before it shuts down in like a year.

Good game, but need more balance.

Jogo divertido se jogado com amigos, apesar dos inúmeros problemas de carregamento e servidor com conexões bem lagadas, é legalzinho.

Ao que parece, Crash Team Rumble foi inicialmente concebido como um modo online para o Crash Bandicoot 4, mas evoluiu em um projeto ambicioso e independente que foi lançado como um produto pago. No entanto, sua atratividade se vê um tanto limitada, pois oferece apenas um modo de jogo.
Review completa em:

Finally platinumed this so now it’s time for the review.

This game is really fun despite being an asset flip with the budget of a happy meal.
I’ve known since the beginning that this game won’t last long at all, likely less than a year, and with the current state of activision I expect the third season to be this games last, before it is taken offline (Male N trophy will likely be the last character).

It will suck losing this game as it’s the first time we are able to properly play as the extended crash cast but that’s why it’s worth enjoying for the time being until it’s gone.