Reviews from

in the past

A masterpiece of both immersive sim gameplay and... absurdist satire? Dystopian science fiction? Gnostic philosophy?

This is the most distressing shit I've played in my life.

i now have crippling depression

"The immersive sim is dead," you say? Cruelty Squad laugh-belches in your face, emitting a cloud of noxious, vomit-colored acid gas that leaves your flesh sliding off your bones like gravy.


Deus Ex meets Cautious V; a lot deeper than I was initially expecting from its first impressions. Fun and immersive, yet at times a bit of a headache in more ways than one.

I've been getting really into "hell". Both as a mindset and as something to strive for, in an organizational sense.
There's something intensely beautiful about it.

I initially thought Cruelty Squad was some dumb fucking meme game and it is and it turns out dumb fucking meme games can actually be full of really cutting satire and complex, rewarding mechanics that encourage creative application of the tools you're given to kill a bunch of arseholes. If you don't see this in a 2021 GOTY shortlist, don't bother paying attention to that list.

this is so good its unreal, made me feel like when i played videogames as a little kid and had to discover everything

- It's 4 o'clock in the morning, why on earth are you fishing in your Windows 95 screensaver?

- Because I lost all control of my life.


By design, this is a very ugly and abrasive game. It plays really weird and will probably make you feel a little nauseous. It's like an 'immersive sim' with a strong focus on playing the stock market and betting against the heads of rival corporations (who you then get to go out and murder) It's got a good kick, and a fun organ harvesting mechanic. I love it.
I am a flesh automaton animated by neurotransmitters.

where many triple AAA shooters get complaints of having cinematics over gameplay, cruelty squad does a game where the cinematics are thrown away and are fucking horrid to look at while instead having 100% perfect gameplay that has kept me playing for some reason

me dió epilepsia cuando jugue esto por 5 horas, pero valió la pena

this is just like Gorbinos Quest

This game conviced me that videogames can be art

Once in a Lifetime - Talking Heads

" And you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack
And you may find yourself in another part of the world
And you may find yourself
behind the wheel of a large automobile
And you may find yourself in a beautiful house,
with a beautiful wife
And you may ask yourself-Well...How did I get here?

Letting the days go by/let the water hold me down
Letting the days go by/water flowing underground
Into the blue again/after the money's gone
Once in a lifetime/water flowing underground.

And you may ask yourself
How do I work this?
And you may ask yourself
Where is that large automobile?
And you may tell yourself
This is not my beautiful house!
And you may tell yourself
This is not my beautiful wife!

Letting the days go by/let the water hold me down
Letting the days go by/water flowing underground
Into the blue again/after the money's gone
Once in a lifetime/water flowing underground.

Same as it ever was.Same as it ever was Same as it ever was
Same as it ever was.Same as it ever was.Same as it ever was
Same as it ever was...Same as it ever was...

Water dissolving...and water removing
There is water at the bottom of the ocean
Remove the water carry the water
Remove the water at the bottom of the ocean!

Letting the days go by/let the water hold me down
Letting the days go by/water flowing underground
Into the blue again/after the money's gone
Once in a life time water flowing underground.
Into the blue again/into the silent water.
under the rocks and stones/there is water underground

Letting the days go by/into the silent water
Once in a lifetime/water flowing underground

And you may ask yourself
What is that beautiful house?
And you may ask yourself
Where does that highway lead to?
And you may ask yourself
Am I right?...Am I wrong?
And you may say to yourself

Letting the days go by/let the water hold me down
Letting the days go by/water flowing underground
Into the blue again/after the money's gone
once in a lifetime/water flowing undeground
into the blue again/into the silent water
under the rocks and stones/ there is water underground

letting the days go by/into the silent water
once in a lifetime/water flowing underground

Same as it ever was.Same as it ever was.Same as it ever was
Same as it ever was.Same as it ever was.Same as it ever was
Same as it ever was...Same as it ever was...

Time isn't holding us, time isn't after us
time isn't holding us, time doesn't hold you back
time isn't holding us, time isn't after us
time isn't holding us,

Letting the days go by(x3)
once in a lifetime
letting the days go by(x3)
once in a lifetime "

Some real art house type stuff. Asks a lot of the player, but it willing to give a lot in return.

The player's place in gameplay versus the player's place in the narrative contrast really well. High-fidelity glass-cannon gunplay helps cut through the really obtuse and abrasive aesthetic, which is both a really intelligent narrative choice and a lovely affordance for actually playing the game.

Also a really timely game, which is something you don't get to see very often. Being so blatant about modern-day anxieties about work and money and apathetic people and whatnot while still being balls-to-the-wall insane really makes the depression go down smooth.

Has some technical, under-the-hood issues (weapon switching sometimes takes your weapons, the first time you do any action the game will lag, etc.), but this is a Godot game so the fact that it runs at all is a miracle.

Do not succumb to Full Spectrum Mental Illness. Cleanse yourself with death.

It gave me nausea but I couldn't stop playing. Probably the best game of 2021.

It's easy to take a glance at Cruelty Squad's unpleasant artstyle and dismiss it for being obvious and unsubtle about its intent, when most of critical praise seemingly rests on its ability to create a playable shitpost deep fried meme that bluntly satirizes the sewer corporate modern age we live in and not much else inbetween. That however would be understating the talent and craft that is required to make such effective "heavy handed" art like Cruelty Squad.

Baffling to realize that this was Ville Kallio's first shot at videogames, because he displays such a strong understanding of the medium and utilizes so much of its strengths in ways that no other developers have really tapped into to create what I can only describe as a arthouse masterpiece of counter intuitive art and game design. Our infactuation with cyberpunk dystopia has created such pleasing worlds to look at in all of fiction that the only thing Cruelty Squad had to do was present the existential nightmare we already live in it its true colors. Making a house the most expensive item that gates you from the rest of the game's content might come across as portentous hassle for the player and an easy cheap jab at Capitalism™, but it doesn't make its statement any less truer and effective.

Getting accustomed to Cruelty Squad vomit inducing textures ends up becoming an inevitability, and the game beneath it surprisingly reveals enough enticing complexity and kinesthetic gratification that will distract you from the uglyness of it all. DNA taken straight out of Quake make traversal in Cruelty Squad's industrial purgatory oddly satisfying and addicting to exploit as you discover there is fun in retrying missions to find new secrets in the open ended maze like levels and speedunning CEO and landlord assassinations, raking in the dough to invest and buy more expensive game changing implants that further blur the line between man and biomachine monstrosity. Sooner than expected, you end up forgetting the garish mismatched colors and low poly disorienting textures that assault your senses, and Cruelty Squad ends up becoming just another game to master like all the others that came before it.

Were this any other game, I would be taking down a couple of points for it losing its luster after the initial hours, but Cruelty Squad losing its repulsiveness over time just ends up reinforcing its message that much more. In the same way that Cruelty Squad visualizes what violent videogames must look like to our parents, it displays for a brief moment the reality and future humanity has devised for itself, as if putting on the They Live glasses for the first time. But eventually we get used to it. And we forget, we comply, we find pleasure in it. Luckily we get the chance once in a while to experience something like Cruelty Squad to remind us that we are all just meat sacks ticking up and down on a graph, selling ourselves short to the highest bidder.

PS: The easiest method I found out to make quick money in Cruelty Squad was to kill Elon Musk's personification over and over again and betting on the stock market right after. Something very poignant and cathartic about that. Don't tank my crypto next time, asshole.

This review contains spoilers

This is more of a mixed review, as I feel that the game doesn't really reach its full potential with the experience it delivers. I'll try to focus on what the game is, rather than what it isn't, but it's hard for me not to feel frustrated with how unrewarding the game ended up feeling compared to what I feel it could have been. Let's break the experience down to its elements, starting from the elephant in the room:

The Aesthetics:
The game frankly looks and sounds pretty awful. It is obvious from the start that the game world represents a dark, dystopian cyberpunk society where everything is awful, human life has no value, and looking at things hurts your eyes. The soundtrack gives a similar feeling, where bar a few tracks which can invoke some emotion in you, most of the music sounds unpleasant to the ears, comprising of simple melodies constructed from painful-sounding chiptune synthesiser sounds. Overall, the aesthetics work well for the overall tone of the game, but end up feeling less surreal and dreamlike and more painful to experience, so the aesthetics aren't going to make me come back to the game. In short, they are bad on purpose, but that does not make them good, and I would say that hurting the experience to deliver the overall message (more on that later) wasn't really worth it, as it just makes the game unpleasant to play.

The Gameplay:
The gameplay just feels confused, leading to the "mixed" impression I have of the game. It has all the elements of an Immersive Sim, but seemingly none of the fun; I normally go for pure stealth in games, but this game barely has a stealth system, where alternative paths lend you close to enemies ready to spot you, and a lack of a light system and patrol patterns means that the best way to deal with enemies is with instant headshots, which already takes away from the ImSim spirit, and it only leads to a slippery slope of forgoing sneaking entirely and simply headshotting enemies before they can spot you, which seems to be the meta. One augmentation which helps with this is the invisibility suit, which makes you invisible up to a certain distance. This means that you can conceivably sneak around headshotting people without getting hitscanned across the map, which is pretty much a requirement to beat the game with relative ease.
The other option is going guns-blazing, which can be fun if you're into that kind of stuff, and the movement mechanics do lend themselves well to evading enemies. However, you still run the risk of being hitscanned across the map, and the result ends up being the same as if you had attempted to sneak around and headshot people.
The augmentations expand on the gameplay, but none of them really change it much, except for one: the Grappendix. This thing is broken, and kind of ruins the game. I had fun traversing levels with super-kickjumps before I got it, but that was quickly rendered pointless as this thing basically turned me into a demigod, allowing me to ignore enemies. I feel that it doesn't led itself well to an ImSim-style game, since it encourages you to ignore the kitchen sink and just throw your dishes straight in the toilet.
Overall, the gameplay feels confused, as the obvious best strategy is to exterminate everyone on your path to the target, and then kill the target with a headshot. It's easy, assuming you use the invisibility suit and headshot everyone on sight, and the game doesn't feel like it rewards creaivity much. I really feel like introducing more varied stealth mechanics could massively increase the fun factor of the game (just look at Deus Ex and Thief for inspiration: Guard movement patterns, voice lines to let you know where they are, levels which encourage using your powers to solve problems, rather than ♥♥♥♥ around, like it's a sandbox). Overall, it's decent, but I feel that it could be much more.

The Deep
This is definitely the hardest, and probably most controversial part of the game for me to talk about, but it's also what I feel is the most important aspect going in. For some background, I'm generally pretty pretentious, and put gameplay pretty low on the weighing when it comes to what I consider to be an "excellent" game, and what I consider to be a "good" game. Games like Dark Souls, OFF, The Void, and STALKER are all excellent games in my books, because I feel that they achieve the goal of using their elements to create storytelling beyond the possibilities of any non-interactive medium, and all left me with strong feelings of longing, sadness, existentialism, and everything in-between.
With that said, this game clearly attempts to deliver a message to the player, but I feel that it ends up falling somewhat short of its potential. The world of Cruelty Squad is, well, cruel. It's an assault on the senses; The environments don't make sense, the stories behind the missions range from satirical to ridiculous and nonsensical, the enemies are either abstract or (attempt to be) terrifying, and the entire game feels unpleasant to the core. This sends a message to the player: This is a cyberpunk world you absolutely do not want to live in, which is a great starting point. Unfortunately, I feel that the game doesn't really develop much beyond that.
The intro cutscene establishes the protagonist as a depressed mess after being fired from his hired assassin gig, It's pretty obvious that his job is the only thing which gives him fulfillment, and he shows no real emotion when he is hired by Cruelty Squad to do what he does best. What follows is his journey across bizarre levels assassinating people for increasingly bad reasons until it all devolves into a fever dream and culminates into the first ending, which is an assault on the senses and doesn't really make any sense within the context of the game.

The first ending essentially just shows that the player character has failed to achieve fulfillment through his journey. The reason I feel that this is not effective is that, as the player, I don't know this character. I was just going through the levels, enduring the assault on the senses, trying to have fun, and I feel no more or less fulfilled than I did at the start. The game shows me the world through the lens of a person I only really got to know in a trailer as well as the intro of the game, and I do not identify with it at all. It simply makes me go "So... was that the ending?"
This problem is only further highlighted by the fact that the "ending" does not end the game at all, and you still have much secret stuff to unpack and two more endings to experience before the game truly ends. What this essentially tells me as the player is that life in this world is pointless and I shouldn't really care about achieving anything, which I take to heart as I look to guides to unlocking the six levels remaining in the game. The other endings don't provide much closure, and overall, the message of the game seems quite clear: a globalised, profit-driven society controlled by money and technology will lead to the eradication of happiness, and life will have no purpose other than suffering and cruelty. This is fair, but it all culminates in your interactions with the world boiling down to the player feeling that there is no catharsis to be found, which makes the experience feel hollow which, in my eyes, is not a good goal to strive towards.

Cruelty Squad should be treated as a sandbox designed to allow you to mess around with the mechanics, laugh at the satirical dialogue, and maybe hunt for secrets. It is a game to be experienced, and not enjoyed. Of course, you could always find something more if you were to play it yourself, and by all means, do. Just don't expect that the 97% rating would mean that it's necessarily a game that you would enjoy, and be prepared for horrible hitscan and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ AOE attacks in corridors to bring you true PUNISHMENT.

(Review copied from Steam)

Cruelty Squad is what feels like one of the weirdest first person shooters if not the weirdest first person shooter. The artstyle and vibe comes off of feeling like a bad trip and succumbing to the realities of capitalism. This game is fucking disgusting but that's the point from the couple of hours it took me to get an ending.

The shooting and the overall gameplay is actually pretty good. Shooting feels pretty nice and there's a decent variety of systems to customize yourself with tools, weapons and augments. The way you get these upgrades is essentially being someone that is in the sigma money grindset, making money. You can get money in an obscenely different ways from selling organs of the people you kill to fishing and selling fish on the stock market. The level design is pretty open which gives you a lot of paths to accomplish your goal. The highlight of the experience is the art design and the music and it's actually pretty good even though my eyes were legit hurting during one of the levels and the music sounds like I was on half a CVS pharmarcy while listening to Ex-Military by Death Grips along with some dirty electronic noise but it honestly fits and don't really think I'd want anything different. The dialogue is pretty and also really fucking depressing as it does feel like an all too real and satirical look into how modern day society is now.

Despite feeling the gameplay feeling pretty good, I couldn't help but feel a bit tired of the overall package after a while but I did beat the game in one sitting so that is also a factor and trying to take it all in might be too much for some people. Despite my praise for the art design as it feels like how someone that realizes how absurd society and that we're living in a Grand Theft Auto game views, it can be really grating to the point my eyes got pretty strained and had to turn down the brightness after not having this problem most of the game. I think a game like this works well if it was a bit shorter but I can't imagine playing this game for more than 5 hours.

I really don't have much to say in the end here, the game is decent and the pinch of nihilism in me enjoys the concept and themes of this game a lot but I also never want to play this game again. If you love weird shit and want something really fucking different, I think this is one of the better games for that.


gorbinos quest better be the next game

This is a horror tactical fps fishing simulator puzzle biopunk game that will give you a CEO grindset. It made me laugh, it made me nervous, and it actually made me nauseous. I really have to applaud the cohesive ps1 fleshworld acid trip nightmare atmosphere that's created in this game. Very rarely is a game with so much style also packed with substance. 10/10 would have my divine light severed again.

what if we made a bad immersive sim and made it have the tone of a cboyardee video but nowhere near as funny

cool game! even with all the Weird Shit it can't hide having really neat, intricate levels and it definitely can't hide being made by an enormous gun nerd

you'd think the script would get annoying but honestly it never does, it's actually regularly quite funny

Always on that CEO grindset 100% never stop investing, never stop. grind GRIND GRIND YOU NON-CEO FUCK

probably going to slowly chip away at the 100% content for a while (got to the ending cutscene so i may as well rate it here) but this was very very fun. the game is written like some post-post-post-ironic garbage from the side of lefty twitter that spent a year on 4chan first and is probably visually 90% inspired by the idea of "what if glitch-life ( was just how the game looked". what am i saying the game has a grapple hook of course its fun