Reviews from

in the past

Já viu um jogo, que é cheio de problemas, irrita, mas gruda? Esse é Deadly Premonition.

A sua ação é tosca, totalmente horrível, nível alfa feito em Unity, o combate é repetitivo, mas ainda sim tem seu charme retrô e até conta com sons irônicos e convenções da geração do Playstation 1. Até brinca com a câmera, assim como Nier. As animações são porquíssimas, provavelmente porque a equipe teve pouco tempo para acabar um mundo aberto cheio de detalhes engraçados, mas ainda sim... o jogo conta com uma das experiências open-world mais imersivas que já tive?

Deadly Premonition se sente como umas férias no município de interior do seu tipo, com menos de 10,000 habitantes. Pescar, ir para o bar jogar dardos, falar com os habitantes... Isso tudo acaba criando um mundo cheio de minigames divertidos, mecânicas como fome e sono sendo aplicadas do modo correto e não chegando ao nível de irritar... Tudo acompanhado por uma história de investigação que começa bizarramente copiada de Twin Peaks, mas eventualmente evoluiu e vira algo próprio.

É um jogo que seus defeitos são muito estranhos e se transformam em qualidades. E que suas qualidades conseguem brilhar acima da repetição e das setpieces mal feitas. Obrigatório dos adventure games japoneses.

Silent Hill HD Collections levels of horrible porting.

Barely functions on an actual PS3 and the official PC port crashes every 20 minutes but when played on the RPCS3 emulator this is easily the definitive version of the game.

Gotta say I take issue with people calling Deadly Premonition "so bad it's good." There are certainly aspects of it that are unbelievably terrible but they only serve to augment the experience if you're into weird games, and at its core this is absolutely something special with a lot of heart.

I missed the infinite magnum (the only missable thing in the game!!!) so I guess my playthrough was more like 99% completion but whatever

I love this game, jank and all.

its just not worth it dudes, maybe try emulating the game cause the pc version is unplayable. Aside from huge amounts fiddling to even get past the opening cinematic and fix the resolution and fps, in order to avoid instant crashes on chapter 9 you have to go into compatibility mode which results in memory leak for some reason. I was giving the game way too many passes already, chapter 9 was the last drop in the bucket.

Here's my main advice: If you want more twin peaks, just rewatch the show.

this is a terrible, barely functional version that hangs occasionally on 30 min load times but... goddamn I love this game so much

men and women....they'll just never understand each other.....anyway heres a queer person you have to shoot to death. it does more damage if you aim for the head, jsyk

Tecnicamente, Deadly Premonition é horrível.

Porém, a história e os personagens tem mais charme e personalidade do que 90% de todos os jogos AAA do mercado.

It was steering the car far too wide and checking the time to fit someone's schedule and going for the map but then realising I would soon be out of gas, and that there are only a finite number of cars that I can run until they run out of gas, and that there's not enough time in the day to walk everywhere, and then crashing into a tree, that this game broke my brain and changed my life. There is nothing in games more willingly maddening and eccentric as this. We like to laugh at it, and we should, but there's something scary and just unknowable in its total derangement.

amazing, twin peaks inspired game. pc version SUCKSSSSS

If this went more of an L.A. Noire-ish route instead of shoehorning in combat sections I woulda been fucking with this heavy. The long, tedious sequences of constantly mowing down redundant enemies is exhausting. I'd maybe knock it for the obvs Twin Peaks rip off but majority of video game stories rip off something better anyway.

I have a big issue with one of the protagonist's inner monologues. He says that he loved everything Richard Donner directed so he saw the Lost Boys on release. WRONG! The Lost Boys was directed by JOEL SCHUMACHER BUCKO! NOT RICHARD DONNER! BOOM! BONG BONG!

Surprisingly good writing. Unironically. Don't you think so Zack?

"Mr. Francis York Morgan,

Should you know, this game is surreal.
This port, though, has a tarnished appeal.

"Such poor optimization!" one would declare.
Might I suggest that you should try it elsewhere?

So says, Mr. Stewart."

It's barely playable on PC, provided that you have a desktop setup with one graphics card. A lot of laptops that have an onboard graphics card as well as a dedicated card will not run this game.

If you are able to boot this game, it's inevitable that it will crash hard and frequently. The game has an immense charm that forgives its many, many issues, but unfortunately the PC version is unoptimized to a fault where it becomes frustrating to enjoy

Play this game on literally any other platform, it's an absolute treat.

5/5 game but 2.5/5 because the pc version is basically unplayable

As a lover of camp, a lover of the surreal that comes from jankiness, and a lover of Twin Peaks, I gotta say: I kinda get it. But not a lot.

Cannot shake the feeling that there's an alternate universe that I could peek into where I gave this exact game a 4.5 at least.

Meh, it's Twin Peaks without the reflexivity or innovative digital photography. I guess if you like Twin Peaks for COFFEE and wacky humour, this will be your thing.

When your character crashes crashes his car in the game's opening, he misses two squirrels who scurry off and make a... monkey sound?! I think this perfectly summarises Deadly Premonition, in all its stengths and weaknesses.
Considered by many to be the 'best worst game of all time' and Guiness record holder of 'Most Critically Polarizing Survival Horror,' Deadly Premonition might be the gaming equivalent of the 2003 cult movie The Room. They have plenty in common, mainly that every creative decision feels so incredibly wrongfooted that you question how it was even greenlit.
Any development team would hear those monkey squirrels and scratch their heads, as much as every gamer has subsequently. This game might have a fabulous team behind it, but, creatively, this is evidently the work of an individual.
Just as Deadly Premonition is gaming's answer to The Room, Hidetaka "SWERY" Suehiro might be its answer to Tommy Wiseau: an eccentric and intellectually contentious visionaire whose name is planted everywhere in the opening credits.
I think the game's cult status comes from that distinct personality, as much as the game's obvious inspirations (it's basically Twin Peaks with the gameplay of Shenmue without either's subtlety). Yes, the characters are dumb, the story is nonsensical, the sound is jarring, the music is annoying, the world design is derivative, the gameplay is clunky, the enemies are grating and the sexual politics are questionable - I could go on and on, almost as long as some of the cutscenes - but all of these things do one thing right, that is they form a wholistic sense of place, a unique atmosphere and a singular vision of its world, though a strange one. If all of these things were the culmination of a group effort, rather than an individual, it would show and immediately be less compelling. When you watch The Room, you never doubt that literally no one but Wiseau is at the wheel, it is the same here.
There are actually some aspects worthy of standard merit here. I am surprised to admit that some moments in this game are downright creepy and the plot becomes somehow even more unhinged in the final third - the game is at its best here because it eventually ditches the pretentions of being a Twin Peaks game and finds its two left feet placed firmly in the realm of Japanese weirdness.
Ultimately, it's not a 'good' game in the traditional sense, but instead a fascinating work of art... for all the wrong reasons.

Deadly Premonition has enough charm to it that you'll want to see it through despite the game's painful graphics and boring, rote gameplay

Almost finished but crashes and technical issues have dissuaded me from returning

A technical mess that is accidentally fun? A challenge on the nebulous boundaries of what is essential for a videogame? A meticulously crafted surrealist story supported by its flawed systems? A pretentious overambitious mess that is just chunks of what it was supposed to be?

Nobody knows what this game truly is, but everyone desperately needs to talk about it when playing it. This incidental or not talent makes it worth the ride.

The greatest mess in gaming. Deadly Premonition is a mystery action adventure game with a town and characters inspired by media like Twin Peaks and a tone that can shift from brutal and bloody to light and absurdly humorous.

Poor graphics, poor controls, poor driving, poor UI, annoying timed event system, bugs, dull and slow combat (though with some ok enemy designs), all dated in every way (even for when the game first released in 2010). But it is the story, characters, the town itself, the often catchy and good music, and the awkward dialogue and acting that all come together in a way that just works perfectly that makes the game worth playing even with all the other problems, at times even making some of those downsides almost charming.

In many ways a terrible game, but even with the over 3,000 games I've played, Deadly Premonition is one of my favorites with one of the best settings and most memorable protagonists I've experienced.

Better played on one of the consoles for stability if you are able to.

Amazing story. Terrible combat. Driving around is comfortable, like a weekend away in the woods.

Did ya see that, Zach?
Clear as a crisp, spring morning.

F..K, in the coffee.

For all of Deadly Premonitions reputation about it's jank and hilarious moments there is actually a really deep game here. Not gonna lie and say it's perfect cause it's not. Gameplay around combat is horrendous. The gameplay in general is not great. So why do I like it and rate it so high? Cause DP is an amazing experience. Taking it all in for what it is and what it actually accomplishes despite it's budget is a remarkable achievement. There is a lot to do and see in here and a lot of different mechanics at play. Exploring the town and getting to know the characters and all their quirks and history is really enjoyable. The game has a solid mystery that can keep you guessing. You never know where it's going to go next or what crazy thing York will say or do next. I legitimately think the story is great and has a great mystery to it. As strange and goofy this game can be it was also moving to me. Loved the character of York and Zach and equally amazed at how much I loved it despite thinking this was gonna be the room of video games. In ways yes it was but at it's core there is some legit craft here. Love playing it every couple of years.

Platinum # 14

If I was a blargon from the planet wimbo IV, and you had told me about humans for the first time, and showed me the esteemed human television show Twin Peaks, and I, industrious blargon that I am, decided to make a video game inspired by this new species I'd just discovered... it would probably look something like this.

É incrível a semelhança que eu tenho com o Agente York da franquia Deadly Premonition. Além de sermos literalmente iguais, temos o mesmo mindset, ambos somos extremamente frios e estrategistas em nossa forma de pensar e agir... bizarro '-' ele me representa muito, somos dois deuses nesse mundo.